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Women don’t actually support laws to ban trans people from women’s bathrooms

Started by stephaniec, October 03, 2016, 11:52:35 AM

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Women don't actually support laws to ban trans people from women's bathroom

Pink News/By Nick Duffy  3rd October 2016, 3:09 PM

"Women do not support attempts to ban transgender women from the female toilets, polling has found.
Across the US, states have seen a wave of Republican-backed 'bathroom bills' aimed at rolling back LGBT rights protections – which are marketed as a measure to secure "safety" for women by banning transgender people from public toilets.
There's just one slight hitch in those spurious "women's safety" arguments – it turns out that they don't actually work on women."


I would have expected the age group 30 - 49 to be more supportive and the shift being more gradual than it is with the sharp drop in the above 29 groups.

Would be interesting to see comparable numbers from other countries - but then: most of the other countries do not even have a need to run polls like this since it is a non-issue.



The difference in polling data based on age is revealing. Things are getting better and frankly, the sooner my generation is out of the legislative picture, the better.   :(

Hugs, Devlyn


Firstly, the article itself says that trans women aren't women.
It's already painting trans people as an 'other' group trying to invade the bathrooms. Hooray for 'impartiality'.

Secondly, that poll specifically mentions birth sex which is extremely vague as it covers both pre-op and post-op. It wouldn't be that surprising, if people had varying attitudes from one to the other, especially how vague the media is about what it all really means.

Also, the survey uses the term gender which implies that trans people were originally mentally another gender and now randomly decide that they're now another gender and can bounce around at will with no consequences for fun.


I'm genderfluid. I do bounce around, but it's not as much fun as you think.

Hugs, Devlyn


It's just a noisy minority making an issue of things to feed red meat to their base. Of all the real issues going on and you have what basically amounts to a bunch of middle aged men making an issue of bathrooms.

TGs aren't predators, if anything, it's just to fit in more and not be assaulted in the bathrooms we're not comfortable in.


You bet they don't. Most see it for the cultural stunt that it is. Ironically brought to you by the people that tell you they hate government intrusion into their lives.

I expect the Gov of NC will lose the election and efforts to create similar stupid legislation will fizzle out. The more dangerous efforts to defeat are the so called "religious liberty" laws that are nothing more than attempt to broadly license discrimination.



Quote from: RobynD on October 12, 2016, 02:42:13 PM
You bet they don't. Most see it for the cultural stunt that it is. Ironically brought to you by the people that tell you they hate government intrusion into their lives.

I expect the Gov of NC will lose the election and efforts to create similar stupid legislation will fizzle out. The more dangerous efforts to defeat are the so called "religious liberty" laws that are nothing more than attempt to broadly license discrimination.

I always find the behavior of the so-called "limited govt" types sad and ironic. They're only for limited government when it's something they agree with. Sad people.


What did people do...............?
Before public restrooms?
Before indoor bathrooms?
Before the outhouse?

What is so different and secretive about those basic bodily functions?

Separation exists only among some human societies.

Why is separation even necessary?

Separate will never be equal.