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When do you diet?

Started by Iddy, August 08, 2005, 10:43:45 AM

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Sara, you arn't fat at all :)  thou if you are taking estrogen - that will deposit fat on your hips & stomach rather than your upper body. 
If you want to lose weight in those areas - (if you go to a gym)  use a rowing machine - aim to row distance rather than speed or power.
I used to do a heap of rowing (and hope to do so again-{must get off my lazy bum} )  row at least 3 times a week - aim for 5klm - and you will soon lose any excess weight on the tummy :)
You see female rowers - they have beautiful bods, men & women :)


Thanks Rana, I get puffed out doing the vacuming but will try the rowing thing. At the moment I am doing a bit of skipping and bike work but it makes my top half smaller and not the bottom half (cant win). I dont know about anyone else but I can only manage about 5 kms or 10 to 15 minutes excercise cause I get pooped and then feel tired for the rest of the day. (probably cause I am not used of doing excercise). I got upset with my wife last night talking about all this gender stuff and out came that packet of tim tams (god I love chocolate) and I ate about five of them (thats nearly a whole packet) that is my problem, I have to overcome the sensitivity and try and block it out of my head when I get upset and grab an apple instead of the treats.

I sound like I'm looney tunes!



Hi Sara,

It's true that "Diet" is nothing more than what you eat, How you eat, how often you eat, and when you eat.

Diets Plans and Programs are out there but not a wise thing for people to do on and off again. That kind of thing messes with a persons metabolism. It tells you body to slow down and reserve and store food for later use. That's where body weight around the middle and hips and thighs comes into play.

The ideal thing and most healthy thing to do is change your eating habits to what is healthy, never over eating or under eating. Have an exercise program to help maintain the heart rate and burning of unneeded food so your body doesn't store it up. Never skip meals and alway drink your 8 glasses of water a day.

If you do the Diet yoyo your body will change how it burns weight off and how long it takes to get it off and how long it takes for it to come back on . It will come back on faster and will be more amount than lost usually, because your teaching your body not to trust you to feed it again so it become good at storing for another time.

