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Favorite Transgender Character

Started by autumn08, November 15, 2015, 05:56:20 PM

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Who is your favorite transgender character?

Personally, my favorite is Oshima (a transgender man), from Haruki Murakami's "Kafka on the Shore." Transgender issues are not central to this novel, but rather what Murakami does, as he also did in his novel "Norwegian Wood" (my favorite novel of all time), is to take a person with what many see as a strange sexual proclivity, and have them act as a guide, who helps lead the narrator on a path that heals the narrator's suffering, and in the process, paints the guide with a very rich and human palette.

Oshima is shown as someone of extraordinary depth and intelligence. He has gone through suffering and confusion, but he has mostly made peace with himself and now his past suffering acts as an impetus to empathize and to be compassionate to others. Here is an excerpt from a dialogue between Oshima and Kafka, the narrator;

(Kafka) "I don't care what you are. Whatever you are, I like you," I tell him. I've never said this to anybody in my whole life, and the words make me blush.

(Oshima) "I appreciate it," Oshima says, and lays a gentle hand on my shoulder. "I know I am a little different from everyone else, but I'm still a human being. That's what I'd like you to realize. I'm just a regular person, not some monster. I feel the same things everyone else does, act the same way. Sometimes, though, that small difference feels like an abyss......."

I haven't even begun to describe this novel's eclectic range, and it's subtle, surreal, but unbelievably heartrending nature. Since I don't want to make this post too long, I'll just end by saying it is one of the handful of novels that undetectably crept into my soul, and then gently pushed aside it's barriers, so that after I read the last word, I unexpectedly began to deeply sob. Afterwards, I couldn't think about anything else for weeks, but the journey I had just been on, and the friends I've made, which I would never meet. I still can't listen to Beethoven's "Archduke Trio," without feeling my heart ache (you'll know what I'm talking about if you read the book!!!).


Picking one is tough, and I don't tend to seek out transgender novels but two sorta spring to mind. The first is Alesha, who smiles at death. Its a card from the collectable card game Magic The Gathering. The company puts up short fiction with some regularity and alesha's is a story about a army led by a woman, battling dragons, its also a story about identity, about recognizing who you are and showing everyone who that is, its a story about a woman who was once seen as a boy in everyone's eyes but her own, a woman who fights with a smile on her face, showing the joy that her name, her identity brings her.

The other character is not really transgender. Alana of Trebon, from the song of the lioness quartet by tamora pierce. despite her books being aimed at younger girls they often touch on subjects and characters who are not in the accepted mainstream. In the first book the main character a female bodied individual spends that book and most of the second hiding and dealing in secret with her developing body, and living as a boy, training to be a knight. There are several chapters from her nightmare of a first period to constantly hiding her body from her friends that may be very remincent of what many trans men go through. The second book full comfortable with living as a man there are a few precious parts where she desperatly explores her feminine side, as a young transgender girl those parts felt so close to my own desires. When at the end of the second book her secret is revealed to all and some are angry, some are resentful, some assume she cheated but ultimately none of it mattered she was free to be herself woman, knight, warrior, lioness rampant.

I am sure there are others but those two, the first I read about and one of the latest stand out in my mind.

What is a Lie when it's at home? Anyone?
Is it the depressed little voice inside? Whispering in my ear? Telling me to give up?
Well I'm not giving up. Not for that part of me that hates myself. That part wants me to wither and die. not for you. Never for you.  --Loki: Agent of Asgard

Started HRT Febuary 21st 2015
First Time Out As Myself June 8th 2015
Full Time June 24th 2015


Only one I can think of is Saber/Authoria/King Author from this visual novel in Japan titled Fate Stay Night (forgot the creator's name, as crazy as I am about this stuff  :P).




You're welcome Autumn. I wish I could have thought of more though.  :(




Thank you Kittenpower!  :)

Don't worry about it, Phoenix. You contributed plenty.  :)


My amazon wish list is growing. Thanx everyone.  :-*
"You gotta take life cereal baby!" TDM


I recently found out that the third individual to carry the name shining knight in DC comics is ftm. He appears mostly in the demon knights series. Early on it's sorta a thing that everyone realizes that sir yestin has a female body and they sorta seem to be humoring him calling him masculine pronouns. But apparently over time it is shown to be a true gender identity thing. In one issue it is shown that his own personal hell is being forced to stand naked before others, the body that is the source of so much of his pain on display.

Between this and bat girls transgender roommate who just got married to another woman two months ago and dc may be well behind marvel in over all lgbt characters but might have them beat in transgender ones.

What is a Lie when it's at home? Anyone?
Is it the depressed little voice inside? Whispering in my ear? Telling me to give up?
Well I'm not giving up. Not for that part of me that hates myself. That part wants me to wither and die. not for you. Never for you.  --Loki: Agent of Asgard

Started HRT Febuary 21st 2015
First Time Out As Myself June 8th 2015
Full Time June 24th 2015


Erica Porcupine from my Get Along Gang fan fiction.


I've never read a book with a transgender character before. But thanks to this thread, I now have an idea of what books to read next. ^_^


Yuuji Fukunaga from Liar Game

Not only is she my favorite transgender book character, she's one of my favorite characters of all time. Not only because she's transgender, but she goes through a lot of character growth throughout the manga and goes from being a villain to being an ally and showing that she has a heart of gold by the end of the series. And over that time she goes from identifying as a male crossdresser to a full-time woman. Liar Game is one of my favorite manga series ever and the series just wouldn't be what it is without her :)

Lily Rose

"I love you!"
– Lily Anne

"You must unlearn what you have learned."
– Yoda

"The road to success is always under construction."
– Lily Tomlin

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."
– Victor Hugo :icon_headfones: