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why should u support gay, lesbian, bisexual & trans rights?

Started by Christo, November 21, 2007, 12:33:08 AM

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Quote from: pflagGLBT rights are not special rights. PFLAG works to achieve equal civil rights for all people, including our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) loved ones. Because our GLBT children, friends and family members deserve the same rights as our straight ones; because discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is still legal in many states; because a GLBT person can be fired from their job simply because of who they love or how they express their gender; because same sex couples cannot legally be married in the majority of states in the United States; because GLBT youth face constant harassment and abuse in schools across the country; because the road to full equality and acceptance is a long one - PFLAG needs you to stand up and join us in our work. Your loved one needs you to take a stand for fairness. By being open about yourself and your family you are already helping to dispel misinformation and fear. You can take the next step by joining PFLAG as we support, educate and advocate for a better world.

u can start locally & contact your GLBTSA community center & check out the human rights campaign. if theres a activist group in ur area,  join.

u can also write letters to ur local politicians askin them to defend LGBT rights (marriage.  job.).  tell them ur situation & tell them why ur doing what ur doing.

if theres a local LGBT newspaper or maybe newsletter in your area? ask around & see if u can contribute.  attend marches for trans rights when u can.  the more ppl that go. the better for us.

if u live in a large area like d.c., n.y. or s.f. go to ur local pride wk celebration.  if u are not to much of a parade person, u can join many of the activist groups going on during pride wk.

if u are in school, try to join the diversity alliance.  if they dont got one in ur school, u can talk to other students & make an alliance with the ok. of the school.

write or email ur local newspapers about what's going on in the media. activism isnt only about marching the streets & demanding , its about promoting the good things ppl are doing.

these sites can help u


I'm with you all the way with this Chris.  I will do all I can, you can count on that!  Every small gesture helps for now, and once I'm down Sydney nothing's gonna hold me back !!  :)