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Jennifer's Journey

Started by Jennifer M, November 15, 2018, 11:30:05 AM

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Jennifer M

My family has never been good about talking about feelings, and this hasn't made anything better.

My parents are of the age that it's time to prepare for when they're not here. That includes inheritances...and a gravestone.

I found out yesterday that they have their stone ordered. They are big into genealogy, so they want as much information included as possible - including the names of their children.

I just got off the phone with Dad. His arguments, from their perspective: That's the way things are right now (which is true), there's no guarantee of a change on my part, and "that's how we've known you for [decades] and that's how the town knows you."

There is "no way in h-e-double-toothpicks" my male name isn't going on their stone.

As I suspected, the way my impending transition is being dealt with, is that it's not being dealt with. Dad said Mom has gotten wound up when it IS brought up. Their second appointment with a counselor was postponed (weather).

Family has been the biggest reason I delayed and delayed. I am pressing forward, but it's not going to get any easier.


Northern Star Girl

@Jennifer M
Dear Jennifer:
For what it is worth and I do hope that it offers you some solace and comfort, YOU ARE NOT ALONE with non-accepting immediate family members.   

Even though I came-out over 4 years ago and have been full-time for over 2 years,  back in December 2016....  I am still not accepted by my parents...

...For the first time in 2 years I took the long trip to visit them back home at Christmas time to discover that nothing has changed...  but I am making my best effort to not burn any bridges with them or others back home that do not accept me.   Even if they express anger and say unsavory things I will not respond in anger....   they are my parents and always will be, I owe them my love and respect for that...  later on in life (and in death) I do not want any remorseful regrets.  Angry and hurtful words can never be taken back and are not easily forgotten. 
Taking the high road is a good choice I think.

Feel free to read some of my entrees on my thread that I posted just before and just after Christmas, you will discover that my experience with my parents is not much different than yours.

Hugs and best wishes,....   stay strong.... and take the high road.

Quote from: Jennifer M on March 06, 2019, 12:01:55 PM
My family has never been good about talking about feelings, and this hasn't made anything better.

My parents are of the age that it's time to prepare for when they're not here. That includes inheritances...and a gravestone.

I found out yesterday that they have their stone ordered. They are big into genealogy, so they want as much information included as possible - including the names of their children.

I just got off the phone with Dad. His arguments, from their perspective: That's the way things are right now (which is true), there's no guarantee of a change on my part, and "that's how we've known you for [decades] and that's how the town knows you."

There is "no way in h-e-double-toothpicks" my male name isn't going on their stone.

As I suspected, the way my impending transition is being dealt with, is that it's not being dealt with. Dad said Mom has gotten wound up when it IS brought up. Their second appointment with a counselor was postponed (weather).

Family has been the biggest reason I delayed and delayed. I am pressing forward, but it's not going to get any easier.

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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single

        Email:  --->  alaskandanielle@

Jennifer M

But that's going to be a key difference in our experiences. You say you went two years without seeing your parents. I live an hour away from mine. Since college I typically do something with them once a month, and at least once every two months. I greatly fear losing that.

I can't emphasize this enough: My parents are my only friends. I will need their support to show myself in my hometown after I transition (remember that Mom's initial reaction was she didn't want me coming back ever again). If they cut me off I will be more of a hermit than I already am.


Jennifer M


Latest refill of spiro went from round pills to oblong pills with a STRONG minty taste. I presume this is just a switch in generics?

My nipples hurt. I think that's supposed to be a good thing? The pain is more concentrated when I press them but sometimes it feels more spread out. If I have any growth, it's minimal or an optical illusion. I probably should stop squeezing/touching the areas to encourage change ;).

I could say my urge to put on women's clothes has decreased, but my urge to put on clothes, period, has decreased. I have no energy and just stay in pajamas until it's time to go to work.

I don't see any facial changes, I don't feel any different, and I don't get any sort of "buzz" when I take my pills, all things that I've seen people my age report or have told me. I worry about that.

My body is still hairy all over the place, most of my immediate family is still opposed, my insomnia is as bad as it's ever been, and my work situation grows ever more concerning (for reasons unrelated to transition). So, nothing has changed there either.



At two months, it is too early to stress.  Most of the changes I experienced occurred from six to 12 months in.  Boobs were a bit faster, and were full size (such as it is) at about 9 months.  The fact that they are hurting is good news.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Quote from: Jennifer M on April 09, 2019, 06:13:52 PM

Latest refill of spiro went from round pills to oblong pills with a STRONG minty taste. I presume this is just a switch in generics?

My nipples hurt. I think that's supposed to be a good thing? The pain is more concentrated when I press them but sometimes it feels more spread out. If I have any growth, it's minimal or an optical illusion. I probably should stop squeezing/touching the areas to encourage change ;).

I could say my urge to put on women's clothes has decreased, but my urge to put on clothes, period, has decreased. I have no energy and just stay in pajamas until it's time to go to work.

I don't see any facial changes, I don't feel any different, and I don't get any sort of "buzz" when I take my pills, all things that I've seen people my age report or have told me. I worry about that.

My body is still hairy all over the place, most of my immediate family is still opposed, my insomnia is as bad as it's ever been, and my work situation grows ever more concerning (for reasons unrelated to transition). So, nothing has changed there either.

I am at almost three months HRT, and everything you talk about in terms of effects is exactly the same with me.  Boob soreness is just like you describe...I have had some limited growth (1/2 inch), but nothing else that noticeable. Also, urge to dress is mostly gone. Hang in there and keep going!

Known that I am trans since...forever.
First therapy session / decided to transition / hair removal: October 2018
HRT: January 2019 (journal,244009.0.html)
Hope to go full-time: July / August 2019
FFS / SRS: 2020

Jennifer M

My worldview/life philosophy forbids versions of "things couldn't get worse," because they always can. So I won't say it.

But it has been an awful past six days. The good was far outweighed by the bad.

I attended a consultation session for laser hair removal on my body. When the form said "I consider my gender to be:" I decided to go all-in on disclosure as Jennifer as much as I could. I had to anyway, since a list of medications was needed. ("Reason: gender transition")

The doctor couldn't have been nicer. Seeing what I'd put on the form answered the question of "why" and she went right to "Do you want to have bottom surgery?"

She went through the company's official spiel. When I said I'd spent 30 appointments and thousands of dollars on my face, she explained (what I presume to be) a disappointing truth: The place I'd been going had a laser, but it wasn't real medical laser hair removal, and that one only required six months for certification (that is, my words here, I'd been going to maybe half a step above a fly-by-night operation).

But this company demands full payment for an unlimited number of sessions, rather than a fixed cost per, in a set number of months. It's literally all or nothing. My SSN and income were plugged into a black-box-website that said I did not qualify for the extended-pay plan nor a loan (at an interest rate that would kill me anyway).

The "good news" is there's a lifetime cost maximum - $10,000. This would be a more enticing figure if 1) I had not sunk nearly half that into my face already and 2) their payment plan demands all payments in an 18-month period. So I could do part of the body, but still have to pay that cost over 18 months.

I broke down in tears when I saw the full cost. But of course I'm desperate. I could start with the torso and work toward everything else. Looking at the rates, the monthly special brings it down to paying for a used car rather than a new one.

Days later, I made a call to another place, and again when I said I'd had 30 appointments on the face, the person on the other end of the line audibly gasped. But this place, while offering per-session payments, in the long run might not be as cost-effective as doing chunks of the body over a very long time toward a lifetime max. And in my state, none of this counts as "medically necessary".

Just saying the words "Hello" and "Speaking" got me sir'd on the phone.

Then I got more work schedules. Remember how I've said that I'm in a (concert) band and they are completely cool with my femme self? Well, with the new schedules, I can't go to band practice. An analysis of my past year and a half of schedules shows a distinct change in a co-worker's schedule last November that may mean I can't count on Mondays off which would mean I can't be in band anymore.

I called my parents wanting to cry about this, but it ended up an hour of yelling because Mom's opinion is that my choice boils down to either "work Mondays" or "be unemployed". They didn't understand I can't ask for days off more than a month in advance, and were not sympathetic that I am spending more days (but not hours) at work than some co-workers. So I called a fellow band member and cried to her about it instead.

I suppose all that counts as a sign the hormones are doing something?

And there was another work meeting that said changes were coming but gave me no assurance about how my division was going to fare. Still scared to death over this.

Oh, one other thing. I called my sister. She didn't answer. She didn't call, text, or e-mail back even though it would have been clear I called.

In short, everything is awful, my body is awful, and nothing is going right save for the fact I remain employed.
