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A few questions

Started by mikew017, December 12, 2007, 07:35:50 PM

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Hello, my name is Mike Wilson.  While I do not suffer from any of the gender conditions listed on the site, I am trying to make awareness for children born with Ambiguous Genitalia.  I am doing a report in my Anthropology of Gender course at Ramapo college on this topic.  My thesis for the report is, Parents should wait to have reconstructive surgery on their children until the children are old enough to decide whether or not they want it.  I was wondering if I could ask a few questions.  The answers would be used within my report.  All names would be changed to protect privacy.

Did you have reconstructive surgery when you were first born, or did your parents wait?

Did your parents tell you that you were born intersexed?

If so, how old were you when they told you?

If they did not, how did you find out you were born intersexed?

What emotional and physical challenges have you faced while growing up?

Thank you for your time if you choose to do answer these questions.  Also, if anyone would like, I could upload a copy of my report when I am finished.

Mike Wilson


Hi Mike,

Have you read Lessons from the Intersexed by Suzanne J. Kessler? It's a well-researched book that speaks against surgery for infants with ambiguous genetalia.

-- Sue