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When haters use anti-discrimination groups for their hate

Started by Susan, October 25, 2007, 03:03:18 PM

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QuoteFrom: jessi
Subject: Fwd: jewish IRC help
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 16:38:22 -0700

I really dunno were to send it, so imma send it here. tis a fail troll I assume, but thought it was lulz enough to show it to you. i was sort of hoping they would harass your ISP a little (but no cigar). your script does not really work so well, but whatever, that is what ops are for. i wuv u.

always a pleasure,
Jessi Brown

Begin forwarded message:

Thank you for contacting the Jewish Defense League. I've now seen it all. I guess people who are despised by neo-nazis and muslims because of their gender/sexuality have to hate someone, so they pick on the Jews -- of course.

Feel sorry for them, Jessi. They're no threat to anyone except themselves. Old Hag Queen Susan is so miserable that she just might fall on one of her spiked heels and stab herself in her lung -- because she has no heart.

Shelley Rubin
Chairman and CEO
Jewish Defense League

QuoteOn Oct 23, 2007, at 3:27 PM, jessi wrote:

Hi, I am really concerned about a few IRC (instant relay chat) networks I visited recently as a research project for college. My report was on transgender, and upon a quick googling I came across (irc network, respectively, is and as soon as I enter I saw nothing but anti-Semitic activity. This went on for several minutes until I was so disgusted I left. Is there something I or JDL can do to help put an end to this hate? Thank you for reading this, I really hope together we can rid the world of the hate of our people. I included a log file of what I saw as a .txt file for your.


With many thanks, many blessings to you and your great work.
Jessi Brown

Here is a message I sent in response to the JDL.

QuoteI am the owner of the web site and chat hosted on the domain and feel that you have been used as a tool of harassment.

The person claiming to be Jessi Brown has been coming on my site and attempting to harass users of my site. One of the methods of attack today, was pretending to be Jewish. The person has several telltells which the staff have learned to recognize pretty quickly. We do not tolerate anyone who comes on our web site to cause a disruption, and will promptly remove them.

I do not know if the forwarded message purporting to be from Shelley Rubin is real, but if it is, it raises serious issues you need to take a hard look at. I was disgusted when I read the personal statments directed at me and my web site in that email. What happens when the haters sucessfully misuse you in an attempt to spread their hate. What happens when people use your organization to defame others all to further their personal agendas.

If that forwarded message is in fact from Shelly Rubin, and if they are in fact the Chairman of your organization then you owe both myself and my web site an apology.

Neither myself, my site, nor my staff have any opinions on any individuals spirituality and as a policy we do not discriminate in any way form or fashion. We know what it's like to be discriminated against ourselves. Indeed we go out of our way to offer transgender people of faith a place to discuss how their faith relates to their gender issues.

Discuss how religion, religious practices, or other forms of spirituality relate to those in the TG community.
Child Boards: Spirituality Board Rules & Regulations, Christianity, Wicca, Judaism, Buddhism , Islam, Hinduism, Other

Here is the message in question sent to our Chat staff taunting us with their attempt to misuse the Jewish Defense League organization.

Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

Posted on: October 24, 2007, 12:03:49 AM
Here's the response from the JDL...

QuoteFrom: Jewish Defense League
To: Me
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:34 PM
Subject: Re:


Your problem is with the person who sent that email to us. I don't owe you an apology. You need to take care of business on your website. My comments were directed at the person named Susan. Those were vicious comments directed against Jews. If you would like those comments forwarded, then I will do so.

Shelley Rubin
Chairman and CEO
Jewish Defense League

Here's my response back.

QuoteI sent this to you under my legal name so that you would understand I am speaking the truth from the level of trust I am showing you.

The comments did not occur period. If there was anything remotely hateful in the logs sent to you then the person who sent you the complaint faked them. I am the person only person able to use the name Susan on my server so I have direct knowledge that nothing in the remotest sense that could be considered anti-semetic has ever been said by me or anyone else on that chat because I would boot them from it just as quick as I booted the person claiming to be Jessi Brown.  I keep logs of every word said on the server in question both public and private. This is a fact which is disclosed in the motd which is displayed when someone logs in. I keep the logs specifically for situations like this.

Here is the logs from my server for every thing I said on my server on October 23rd.

Oct 23 14:44:12 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan|AFK->Susan|AFK: Resolved:
Oct 23 15:06:21 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ^AACTION cackles like a lunatic! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!^A
Oct 23 15:07:18 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: using it to test the script
Oct 23 15:07:36 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: didn't get it
Oct 23 15:07:51 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ya but i want it to be able to contribute back coherently
Oct 23 15:08:18 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ^AACTION shakes her head^A
Oct 23 15:10:10 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ok catching the ip
Oct 23 15:10:33 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Well there are certain patterns in english when people transfer knowledge
Oct 23 15:10:37 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Catch them
Oct 23 15:10:40 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: store them in a hashtable
Oct 23 15:10:44 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: and let it run
Oct 23 15:10:47 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: My car is red
Oct 23 15:10:51 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Susan's car is red
Oct 23 15:11:09 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: A feature of mirc
Oct 23 15:11:13 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: it is where I store the info
Oct 23 15:11:23 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Hash Tables
Oct 23 15:11:23 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Hash tables allow you to efficiently store large amounts of information which can be quickly referenced and retrieved later on.
Oct 23 15:11:34 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: I have seen info bots
Oct 23 15:11:39 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: they suck :)
Oct 23 15:15:29 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: lol Kate
Oct 23 15:15:47 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Perl = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
Oct 23 15:15:50 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: seriously
Oct 23 15:15:57 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ^AACTION knows^A
Oct 23 15:16:27 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: hrm didn't get the D group
Oct 23 15:16:52 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: a b c right
Oct 23 15:16:54 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: d not
Oct 23 15:16:56 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: yes
Oct 23 15:17:50 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: hello
Oct 23 15:18:10 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ah had #D instead of %d
Oct 23 15:18:12 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: that will do it
Oct 23 15:18:25 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: We welcome everyone
Oct 23 15:18:40 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: as long as you are not anti-transgender
Oct 23 15:18:46 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: and keep people's privacy
Oct 23 15:18:59 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: kk
Oct 23 15:19:02 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: You are welcome
Oct 23 15:19:12 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: you can ask questions in the forums and get some excellent responses
Oct 23 15:19:27 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ok so got the ip in the form I need
Oct 23 15:19:33 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: now to see what I get back to the dnsbl
Oct 23 15:20:55 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: and a wiki
Oct 23 15:21:02 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: Just make sure they know that's what you are doing
Oct 23 15:21:25 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: Lol
Oct 23 15:21:29 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: About done with my script
Oct 23 15:21:32 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->nancy: then no more baudchan
Oct 23 15:27:54 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: You also are required to ask for permission to pm in public AdmirerGuy
Oct 23 15:53:54 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: lol
Oct 23 15:53:57 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Anyone got tor?
Oct 23 15:54:06 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: IF so try connecting here with it please
Oct 23 15:54:10 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: nah
Oct 23 15:54:12 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: don't bother
Oct 23 15:54:18 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: will unban some of baudchan's ip's :P
Oct 23 15:57:36 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: Different hosts
Oct 23 15:57:41 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: my script's not working 100% yet
Oct 23 16:38:54 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: sorry for the bot spam
Oct 23 16:49:55 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ^AACTION blinks at Jos^A
Oct 23 16:51:23 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: never looked
Oct 23 18:13:40 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan|AFK->#Chat: sorry for the spam earlier
Oct 23 18:13:52 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: my anti-tor script is working perfectly now
Oct 23 18:13:55 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: not 100%
Oct 23 18:13:58 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: but 95% or better
Oct 23 18:21:39 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: They don't even get a chance to join a channel
Oct 23 18:21:42 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: it boots them too quick
Oct 23 18:22:01 ns1 ircd[1445]: Susan->#Chat: ^AACTION us using the efnet irc abuse block list^A

I am not embarrassed about showing these to you, because I follow a very simple policy. Exepct that everything you said in public or private will be used in the worst possible way. I doubt they will match what you saw in the logs sent to you from the person perporting to be Jessie Brown. Any change on the chances of that apology?

Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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What I find most alarming is this equation:

Hate + hate = hate

Pretty volatile words - wishing death upon someone, and all that.

All I can say is that the haters seem to have evolved from barbarism to being able to utilize basic strategies such as "divide and conquer".  How disturbing!

~ BB


That is an incredibly unprofessional response from Shelley Rubin. Either that or she's naive enough to think that chat logs can't be faked. To assume that that sort of thing is true without checking the source or with the accused gives them less credibility in my eyes.

That said, I certainly hope that they would learn a lesson from this and respond more professionally with some inquiry into those sorts of complaints in the future. I, for one, would not be on this site if anti-semitism were permitted.
