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My Expierience of "Feminization Laryngoplasty" with Dr. Ornouma in Bangkok

Started by KatieByrne, May 15, 2017, 03:39:18 PM

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So on the 26th March 2017 I had voice surgery at Yanhee Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. The procedure was called a Feminization Laryngoplasty and was performed by Dr. Ornouma Sriwanishvipat. The procedure cost 100,000 Thai Bhat (3700 Australian Dollars or *roughly* 2000 British Pounds - I'm British but i live in Australia lol :P )

So what was my experience of the surgery, recovery and results like?

Well on the day of the surgery I wen't to Yanhee Hospital for the consultation with Dr. Ornouma. there she performed several tests to analyse the pitch of  my voice pre op - it was 125hz which is right in the middle of the male frequency range i was told.

she then ran through the expected results and risks involved with the procedure. There were several risks, some just general risks of surgery and many were a consequence of if you got an infection (fortunately i did not).

So the procedure itself involved a small incision in the neck  along a natural skin fold so hopefully the scar will be unnoticable ( the position of my scar is great but it has yet to fade so still very visible ). The Front of the voice box (larynx) is removed and reshaped/made smaller. The Vocal cords are then stretched and about half of their length is removed. Then everything is put back together and if all has gone well you will have a new voice :)

After the surgery for 2 days my head was fixed in a somewhat uncomfortable forward position and I was not allowed to speak for 1 week following the procedure. My throat was incredibly uncomfortable or those first 2 days. Swallowing anything, even liquids, was especially hard during that time.

I was warned beforehand during the consultation that when i was finally allowed to speak that at first the pitch of my voice would actually be too high at first but would come down to a normal female pitch as healing too place. So when the day came I was finally able to speak I was very excited....

Only to find that making sound was so hard at first i could barely even make one syllable and yes the pitch was extremely high. I was actually very worried on that first day lol. It really was massively effortful to make even the quietest and poorly controlled of sounds.

Fortunately this didn't last longer than about 24 hours and the following day I was able to make sound at will. It was still extremely high pitched and the voice quality sounded like i had a bad cold but it was lovely having a voice that was absolutely nowhere near the male range. It was a funny experience being questioned upon returning to Australia though. answering the customs officials question in what sounded like the voice of a cartoon character :P

Over the next few weeks, as explained before the operation, the pitch of my voice came down to a normal female range. Again it is explained during the consultation that this will happen. that there will even be fluctuations during the healing (which there were but only mild to be honest ). They even have a helpful chart to illustrate waht they mean when they are explaining this to you.

For a long time it still sounded a fair bit croaky like i had a cold but it was unmistakably female. it has only been very recently (maybe the last week, 7 weeks post op) that resonance has returned to my voice and it doesn't sound like a have a cold anymore. It is amazing not to have to put any kind of effort into my   voice anymore and i was never very good at modifying my vocal pitch manually anyway to be honest. I thought i was, until i heard a before and after recording and realized how far off i used to be. Like i pass just fine but my voice was always the thing that gave me away. Now it's not even a concern.

There are downsides though to this procedure. And i mean outside of the normal risks etc.

Like while my comfortable speaking pitch is now amazing my vocal range is incredibly narrow. fine for speech but i doubt i will ever be able to sing again (was something i was aware of beforehand and to me its a small price to pay). However i'm not sure if this is just something that will get better in time or not. the reason i say this is that when initially my voice was incredibly high pitched it was a case where i had like absolutely no pitch control whatsoever so everything was just monotone really. very quickly afterwards i regained enough pitch control to express speech more naturally and now i have totally unhindered speech but just lack the range to create musical notes of any real description.

The other thing i notice at present is that my  voice can become tired. at first this would happen after a very short time. like around 2-3 minutes of conversation would render my vocal muscles exhausted. Now, 7-8 weeks after the operation i can manage 30 minutes to 1 hour of conversation before i start to feel those effects.

Anyway I can't link videos yet as i'm very new here but I have before and after videos on my youtube channel. You could probably find some if you search youtube for "Katie Byrne fob" if you are really interested. I started recording videos again basically about 10 days post op and as a result the change in vocal quality during recovery is fairly well documented (albeit in the form of talking about game development and modding as my channel is really about that lol :P )

So would i recommend this procedure? Well, yes. But i guess only if you cannot afford a better one (like Yeson from what i hear) or are a keen singer. I am very glad i had this operation and even this recently after the op it has had a massive effect on the quality of my life.

Sorry this was a bit of a monster post but i hope someone will find this useful :)


Good post. I've never heard of this surgeon before, and there's very few doing this type of surgery.

How did you manage to find her?


I like your YouTube channel
Also I noticed the difference in your voice
But the surgery itself seems so aggressive
There is another type of surgery which is less aggressive involve stitching something together to make you speak with higher pitch
Idk what it name but all I know is less aggressive with acceptable results
Maybe it's the type that Korean doctor does lol idk
Sorry I know I didn't help that much but you're good [emoji1]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Hi Katie,

  Thank you for your post. I am convince that I will probably need something like this do to make my voice more acceptable. Hopefully I will be getting an appointment for voice therapy soon as I have been referred to them by my gender therapist.
  Having an idea what you went through is very helpful for us that may need to make a decision ourselves.

Hugs and welcome to Susan's Place,
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: rose on May 16, 2017, 06:46:42 AM
I like your YouTube channel
Also I noticed the difference in your voice
But the surgery itself seems so aggressive
There is another type of surgery which is less aggressive involve stitching something together to make you speak with higher pitch
Idk what it name but all I know is less aggressive with acceptable results
Maybe it's the type that Korean doctor does lol idk
Sorry I know I didn't help that much but you're good [emoji1]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The other surgery it sounds like you are refering to is Cricothyroid Approximation and from what i've heard that procedure alone is not recommended as the results do not sound natural. I'm only going off of second hand accounts/annecdotes here though as i have no experience of that alone. Thank you for watching my youtube channel too :) i thought it would be a good idea to direct people to where they could hear my voice as well that is the best way i think for someone to judge if they would consider such an invasive (and yes you are right it IS invasive :) ) surgery worth the end result

Quote from: AnonyMs on May 16, 2017, 12:02:21 AM
Good post. I've never heard of this surgeon before, and there's very few doing this type of surgery.

How did you manage to find her?

Well I just did a lot of research online as there are not that many voice change surgeons  in the world. I mean obviously Yeson was the most recommended but i simply couldn't afford it. So based on all factors Dr. Ornouma seemed the best fit for me.

Quote from: Laurie on May 16, 2017, 11:18:34 AM
Hi Katie,

  Thank you for your post. I am convince that I will probably need something like this do to make my voice more acceptable. Hopefully I will be getting an appointment for voice therapy soon as I have been referred to them by my gender therapist.
  Having an idea what you went through is very helpful for us that may need to make a decision ourselves.

Hugs and welcome to Susan's Place,

Hi Laurie thank you for the warm welcome :)

Yes I turned to surgery as even after 7 years of practice i was still really unhappy with my voice. I know for some, many even, that practice at a trained voice can deliver amazing results (i have a friend who is 2 years into her transition and has achieved a fantastic voice without any assistance at all) but for me it just wasnt working you know?


So after reading through the thread on VFS results i kind of feel compelled to put up a before and after example of my results because this surgery really has changed my life and while i know it can't be taken as an example of ALL VFS I think it can show the results of the particular surgeon (Dr. Ornouma, Yanhee Hospital, Bangkok) and just how much of a change it has made.

I apologise in advance if this is breaking rules but well it's hard to 'explain' something like this you kind of just have to hear it.

So this is before: (a long video but the first like 2 minutes will show you how i sounded pre surgery)

And this is 9 weeks post op:

hopefully that makes it clearer how dramatic the change can be and how much of an effect this surgery can have. Like its no effort at all now it's just MY voice.


So its been 3 months and it turns out i CAN sing again :P

not perfect by a long way but improving all the time :)


Thats amazing  especially  listing to both at once ....marvelous  change

And very talented  ......


Quote from: markie on June 18, 2017, 08:15:05 AM
Thats amazing  especially  listing to both at once ....marvelous  change

And very talented  ......

thank you markie :)

lol i was REALLY self conscious about making that video as my audience is mainly people interested in game development and modding but I thought it might be helpful to other trans-women considering voice surgery and i'm really happy with the results achieved by Dr. Ormouma. Haha that and i am just really happy to be able to sing again lol :P


Yes it is very successful  for you, and it is very helpful  thank you, going  to investigate it as it sounds to be the perfect  solution  for me😊


Quote from: markie on June 20, 2017, 12:53:52 AM
Yes it is very successful  for you, and it is very helpful  thank you, going  to investigate it as it sounds to be the perfect  solution  for me😊

cool, hey if you do please keep me posted. I'd love to stay in touch during your expereince :)




I watched a few of your videos on your channel. Big difference between your pre and post op voice and your singing video was very inspirational to me! I had my surgery with Dr. Haben a year ago, but I'm afraid that I just ended up with a speaking voice. I used to be able to sing but my notes just crack when I go too high these days. I definitely lost all my range.


Wow thank you GeekGirl and thanks for checking out my youtube channel too :)

I'm sorry to hear you lost the ability to sing :( I was fully expecting to lose that ability too. I mean for me it was a price i was willing to pay but i have to admit finding out that i can still sing has been a very welcome surprise :)


Hi Katie! I am picking up on this topic very late, but I am wondering how you are progressing with your VFS? I have viewed your youtube videos on transition and VFS, which are really great. I am seriously considering seeing Dr. O at Yanhee in BK and I may make a quick trip there for a consult (I live in Ca-flights are fairly inexpensive). Any suggestions? Some of your posted transition videos on youtube are private, but if they involve VFS I would love to see them! Thank you for letting me know about Dr. O.  ;D ;D ;D


I saw her recent videos like uploaded 2 months ago and I was amazed how it sounded now. Honestly, the videos of her VFS update she posted here before it didnt really impressed me and she sounded like minnie mouse and i didnt bother to check this thread anymore. However, after seeing her recent uploded video it is alot better and feminine now.


I'm impressed with the voice samples on Ornouma's site. Is she using a different technique?
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005


Quote from: KayXo on April 28, 2019, 09:46:31 AM
I'm impressed with the voice samples on Ornouma's site. Is she using a different technique?

afaik she is using the old technique (traditional CTO) as what some other users said here. I really wanna do VFS as well but the downtime and inconsistent positive result makes me think twice