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Help...the crossroads. Please give me your opinion

Started by Sarah77, May 12, 2017, 06:45:44 PM

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Hi, this is my first post. Well, kind of my second. As I already I typed this out once before, but somehow wiped it before I pressed send.
And just like the top of this website says..I am that crossroads. What I need is opinions. Opinions for the real world, with all the consequences..

Here's my story. It is stream of consciousness and I want to include as much relevant stuff as possible to inform your adivce, Anyone who perseveres..thank you.

I am almost 40 years-old. I'm a father of three kids. They are aged between two and eight. I have a wife who has stuck by me so far through shared trials and tribulations.
My job is highly-paid and very hard. I have always been restless, driven, anxious...probably why my career is outwardly successful.
However, I now wonder whether I should tear this life up because of an inner debate that has raged in my head for 28 years.
Am I a trans woman? What is a trans woman anyway? Am I just a fetish-driven dopamine-fiend? Am I a fraud? Or am I just a garden variety walking cliche damaged by a slightly difficult - but by no means terrible - childhood?

I was raised by a single mum. I was born in one country, but my mum and dad split up when I was a baby. They were just kids themselves anyway, 19-years-old.
My mum came home with me. It was just the two of us and I had no relationship with my father until I was 17..even then he became like an acquaintance who happens to be a grandfather to my children.
So I had a single mum and no male role model.
I was soft-natured, but not effeminate. I liked playing football. I loved animals.
Aged about 7/8 my mum got involved in a violent relationship. Although always scared by him, I only once got physically hurt. I came home from schoolone day  and went to get a biscuit from the cupboard. This man shouted and in a panic I ran for my bedroom, but slipped and banged my face into a door handle. The scar from the stitches in my lip are still visible today.
My mum managed to get him out of our life through a restraining order. Not before he broke into our home and took my pet kitten away.
But I was a child. And to be honest, fairly happy. I was well behaved and did well at school.
Aged 12/13 I suddenly got this strong desire to be a girl. I longed to wear the skirts and have long hair.
I prayed at night for God to help me become a girl. My mum had become a born-again Christian..and Church was a big part of my life. I tried really hard to have faith..but just like my gender identity..I'm still agnostic after all these years.
I would try on my mum's clothes when she went out. I began to masturbate while wearing them. I looked at images of women in the catalogue and I was in awe.
I become a very outgoing teenager and was popular with boys and girls. I did well at school.
I got dumped by my first real girlfriend because I was too uncomfortable with kissing her. I wanted to but I was in no way forward.
At university I clearly wanted to try on one girlfriend's boots and dress. She obviously picked up the hints I jokingly dropped all the time.
I had also gone to nightclubs wearing eye shadow etc, but I never, ever saw this as anything but normal behaviour.
One day that girlfriend asked me: "Would you like to wear my dress?"
We had sex while I wore the dress. It was a denim dress I had urged her to buy. She asked me why I was so gentle during that sex, but wasn't usually. I was kind of embarrassed and that never happened again.
I finished with her a year or so later. To be honest I was a bit cocky by this age, like many young men. I found it easy to attract women and I had a  string of girlfriends. I always bought them clothes and they always complimented my excellent taste. I had lots of female friends.
I'd wear sarongs and alice bands..things that were not unknown for men to wear. I once bought a girls top and wore it quite openly..but it was quite like the tight tops in fashion for men at the time.
But I kept coming back to crossdressing and I was pretty sure it was a sexual fetish as I always got aroused.
The clothes I chose were always quite ordinary. Skirts, boots, dresses.
But then I met my future wife and got married. We had a baby son..then suddenly after 3 years of no urge to crossdress all these feelings came flooding in.
Shaking like a leaf one day I put on a dress my wife had worn during maternity. I explained it just made me feel nice, that I might be about "10% woman but not gay".
What followed over a few weeks was my wife trying to understand, being tolerant. I'd want to have sex in a dress. I usually fantasized I was her.
I also went to a dressing service where a woman introduced me to breast forms and wigs. She did my make-up and I got quite tearful when I saw I wasn't a "total hag". Not that I was stealth either! These sessions were not sexual at all.
At that time I went to see a gender therapist during a lunch break in work. He left me utterly deflated when he said "you don't look like a woman" and just said I should cross dress if I want.
It reinforced my opinion I was a fetish transvestite. But when I went to a trans club I was uncomfortable to see men in shiny dresses getting spanked and for male admirers with unsuspecting girlfriends at home to chat me up.
As I pushed my boundaries, my wife's mental wellbeing snapped. She had had an alcoholic mother..and now her husband had 'lied' to her. Of course I hadn't consciously kept this from her before marriage. I had no understanding of myself.
She went on anti-depressants and gave a clear ultimatum - for our marriage, for our children, this had to stop.
And in the belief I am/was a perv, I did.
Years passed, we live a hectic life. We have 2 more kids and moved country.
But all the time I felt restless. I felt like someone watching my life from above. I was always in my my own thoughts.
About 6 months ago I started heavy online kept me occupied and gave me a dopamine lift. My wife and children had been struggling to cope after the move to the UK. Add that to my inner turmoil..and it was a recipe for disaster,
I ended up losing £40,000. And I told my wife what I had done. She was distraught and betrayed again.
I promised to go to counselling. I promised to tell my mum about my gambling and I tried hard to be as good a husband as I could be.
Within 4/5 sessions with my gambling therapist..she was able to tell me what a gender therapist couldn't all those years ago.
I have clear gender dysphoria.
I don't hate being a man..but never gained any attachment to male identity because of no role models in childhood other than one bad one.
I have a strong desire to be a woman, but I have built up hugely successful coping mechanisms that have allowed me to build a successful life and deal with constant anxiety.
However she believes I have depression that I usually combat by a big sense of drive..but that can't go on forever.

SO what now?
I'm a woman because I never learned to be a man - and then never wanted to be.
I keep having these life crises caused by my gender dysphoria. By the way..I don;t create a female alter-ego like many. I'm just me..even when I want to be a woman.
I will almost certainly lose a very good job and wife if I transition.
I will scar my children a vital age, repeating the chaos of my childhood.

In an ideal utopia I'd have had the wisdom as an 18-year-old man to go and live as a woman to see if it was for me. ut I didn't.
And I 'd probably be a crap woman..because I had no girlhood. I'd be a nothing..when I have a lot as a man.

What do I do? Take anti-depressants and suck it up? I'm a father..and you could argue lots of people just get on with what is reality, not fantasy.

All opinions welcome..and sorry for the life story.



They really just should have named this the life story site, because that's what everybody does here. No need to apologize.

I am new to counseling myself, but it is not just about self validation. Counseling is about totally soul searching and you would probably benefit for some no matter what you are told by your original counselor.

Not an expert on this yet, I am sure you will hear from some of the veterans as well. I have read about Informed Consent Hormone treatment. Basically this is when you tell the doctor I know what I am getting into with hormones, you sign some paperwork and they write the prescription. Other can correct me if I am wrong, but I think I am right.



Welcome to Susan's Place. You have a few options to work with but you will have to make the decision as to what's right for you. First the children. The younger they are the better they will handle the news. The age when it might become more difficult would be when they are in their teens however many teens are trans aware to today so a good outcome may still be possible. The one important thing is that they know you will still be the same person and will still love them.

As for yourself, I suspect doing nothing or anti-depressants aren't going to be good solutions. It gets a bit more difficult as you are in the UK because treatment isn't as flexible however possible options would be a full transition or HRT only. What you are feeling is caused by the testosterone in your body and HRT would suppress your levels giving you a good deal of relief from what you are feeling. We have members that have gone years on HRT alone with out transitioning.

It may take a long time to work your way through the system and I am not sure if this approach would be approved so you might want to look in to bridging where you receive HRT from a private doctor. Let me know if there are additional questions I can answer.

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Things that you should read

Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Thanks. Id be sent to a gender specialist again if i want hormones. Will keep the therapy going.
My main worry is wife and kids


There will always be more jobs and material things, but love ones can never be replaced. We find ourselves not at the crossroads of happiness or depression, but the crossroad of our families down one road and our happiness down a different road.

Amoré put it best in one of her last entries to her post entitled: Update* I am starting to accept reality.
The summary of how the post spoke to me. My wife divorces me because I transition to a woman or my wife divorces because I am a depressed man all the time, but roads lead to the same end. Amoré put it better, you should read the post.


Hi Sarah,

  First I would like to welcome you to Susan's Place. ((Hug)) Don't just stand in that doorway peeking in. Get yourself in here where you belong. Grab a beverage and grab a seat. Get yourself comfortable because you are home now. This site is full of good people like you and me that want you here and want to help you with their own experiences and advice.
  Most have stories like ours, growing up feeling different. Trying to fit in yet always out of place. Whether it was with girls or with guys, never quite accepted and never ever letting anyone know just who you were inside. Always desiring to be a part of yet forever alone.
  Your story sounds a lot like mine with exception of the public appearances. Early experiences, crossdressing, marriage, kids, even a good career that we were real good at. We denied and covered up who we were by working at being "normal" and excelling at our jobs and/or our recreation interests. We had to work at being men because it didn't come naturally. Why? Because we are not men, never have been. We didn't really know that growing up and then denied it as adults. It took me 64 years to admit it to myself and begin to accept it. 64 years of life and life's challenges. You know of some of mine as you've read them and commented on them. Life can be hard on those of us that are different, but without those hardships we would not be who we are today. Life has also had it's great times.
times life giving my daughter away at her wedding shortly after reconnecting with her. And standing outside the delivery room hearing my first grandchild utter her first cries in this world. Mind you they don't live next door but were about 160 miles away but I was there after getting the call it was time. It's being asked to care for 4 of my grandkids for 5 weeks while mom and dad tended to the newborn that came into this world with spina bifida, water on the brain, and 2 clubbed feet. She needed 2 operations within hours of being born and another a day or two later, But I was asked to step in and trusted taking care of the other kids. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything.
   Your challenges Sarah are no less hard than mine were. I don't have the solutions to them, but I'm here to listen and help if I can as are many others here. You'll have to make your own decisions and some of those will be real hard, some you will have no control over as someone will make choice that are going to affect you. It's your life and you will have to live it. I can only hope it goes well.
  Good luck Sarah and keep coming back. Sharing what you go through helps. Besides "Inquiring minds want to know"


April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



I would only like to suggest, that regardless of what you may choose to do, if that is to transition, I suggest you put away enough money to cover your transition prior to possibly grenading your existence. I've no idea what you look like or how much work you may possibly need to live what most of us call a "stealth life"..and others will refer to it as "passing privileges". Whatever you choose to call it, it's an imperative for most of us. I've seen many women highly frustrated because the person they see in the mirror doesn't match their internal idea of whom they are. Hormones are amazing things, but the older you are, the less amazing they become in regards to physical transformation. This is where the option of FFS or facial feminization surgery comes in to play. It's the lifeboat for the older person that has been testosterone poisoned to the degree that no amount of hormones will help. It does amazing things. It's also incredibly expensive. It sounds like from your syntax and verbiage, you may be from the UK or possibly Canada. If either of those are the case, my sympathy on the former and congratulations on the latter. For the former, you'll need to wait for help, the latter will help you as they understand this to be a medical issue and fund their citizenry. Anyways, on average, I'd say this is a 75,000 to 100,000 U.S. dollar proposition to get to the other side completely. To my point, if you can fund this yourself you'll find your journey to be much easier and more pleasurable. If not, the roadblocks and walls come up at every turn and with them goes your dysphoric feelings. So for ease of everything...mental health and low grief factor, it's best to be funded. If you lose your job or income due to this decision, you will find yourself in quite dire straits. So before you pull the pin on the >-bleeped-< grenade, be very sure you have a plan and funding prepared. Or  for gosh sake, get prepared while it's still easy and possible. Don't jump in with both feet without a plan. I've seen it work out very poorly for others that do so. Whatever you chose, best of luck.My heart is with you!


I have been on anti depression medicine for twenty five years. Prozac, Wellbutrin, citalopram. So far nothing has worked like E. I am now mentally stable for probably the first time in my life. It has been a profound change as I have opened up and killed some old demons. Having support is everything and it sounds like you have that. Just the weight of announcing what I have hidden most my life is giving me hope in my sunset years. As an added bonus I have a changing body as well as my mind. I tend to listen more. When I did speak up before, it was more as a know it all. I an trying to live in the now, not lamenting my past, I am learning it is in the past and I can't change it. But I can embrace my individuality, deal with the cards dealt to me and try to understand the mystery of what makes me, me. Best of all my wife and two grown children have supported me throughout the journey that has now extended to nine months. On Tuesday my therapist Emili wants me to show up for our appointment en femme. It will be the first time anyone has seen me dressed in the duds that make me feel complete and I have been enjoying privately all my life. I am at once scared which is understandable considering the mores of the time of my upbringing. But I am also excited about the prospect of breaking down one more barrier. Those of you living the life you identify with are my hero's. It is a change looking up to a 16 year old pioneer like Jazz Jennings. We had so few roll models and for most of us were considered as kinky props to a choice we made ourselves. As to the kids, remind them how much you love them and the pride you have in them everyday. Remind them that we were all created equal and are not asking for special privilege, we are asking for acceptance and a place to pee.  It takes a strong cis woman to accept and want to help you as it goes against everything they have learned. I hope you are as fortunate as I have been in convincing your wife that you are the same, only different.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



Just had a chat with my mum about being in therapy..she's no idea about my gender issues..just that I needed help in general.

One interesting point she raised was that my dad was very violent when she was pregant with me. She was constantly in fear and I ended up being born 9 weeks early, "died" and got last rites, but came through in the end.

She thinks I'd have got lots of unconscious trauma..but I also think I read before that this kind of stuff can disrupt normal hormone development in babies..and cause transgender brains.

Anyone have similar issues or know of cases similar?

* addition * as it sinks in I realise the coward that is my father caused all my issues.
1. Violence in utero..disrupted hormone and brain development
2. Born 9 weeks premature and my mum can't hold me for 5 weeks.
3. My mum continues cycle of violent relationships once more. I never learn a positive male role model.



I haven't had personal experience with this but I found a study that shows a women reproductive system can exhibit abnormal behavior under stress. It's the lack of testosterone before birth that results in a MTF so while being born premature might be blamed on stress, I am not really sure about being MTF. It might be more likely for a FTM to be produced as the result of stress but I don't know of a study showing it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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