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The Official "You Look Fabulous Darling" 8.0

Started by V M, June 16, 2017, 01:45:33 AM

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I rather not


Quote from: Rachel_Christina on October 25, 2017, 11:00:33 AM
I don't get the point of a pic without a face.

Ever heard of privacy? Maybe you young'uns don't understand the concept but this is something we used to have and cherish and even if privacy has only been an illusion for the last 30+ years or so, I still like to play the game and pretend. In this day of facial recognition software, image scraping bots and massive data collection, cross-linking and archiving, I prefer to maintain a reasonably minimal footprint. I'm also not public about my trans history and haven't been for close to 45 years and am not particularly thrilled with the notion that things I post here might catch up with me through a reverse image search, for example.

If it really bothers you or is against the rules, I'll happily remove my post. I am a total outlier around here anyway and was only making an attempt to try to assimilate. My bad. 

QuoteBut you hair looks nice.

Thanks. It had been blowing in the wind all day and was kind of a mess.

Quote from: Roll on October 25, 2017, 12:35:53 PM
Quote from: Rachel_Christina on October 25, 2017, 11:00:33 AM
I don't get the point of a pic without a face.
To terrify me in my nightmares is what I find is typically the point.

I did it just for you and well... Halloween is coming up in a few days!

Quote... Not yours though Lisa, you are still beautiful even without a face! From what I can see you don't look the least bit 62 and 5/6/ths. Good genetics, the magic of hormones (seriously, is HRT a fountain of youth or what?), or what's your secret?!

Hey thanks! My secret? Sex, drugs and rock and roll, of course!  8)


Quote from: Lisa_K on October 25, 2017, 10:52:22 AM
Started HRT at 17 and transitioned right out of high school in 1973. Still hangin' in there!

We are the same age... I graduated HS in 73 too... I can't image how you managed to start HRT at 17 in 1972! (I started HRT 22 years ago)

In any case I wish  had hair like yours (well below the neck would not hurt either! ;) )

- Karen


Harley Quinn

Looking good roseyfox! I do like the blowout. How many people have commented on your "not-curly" hair? I have money on at least 3 in the first 3 hours... You're looking very cute.

Angela Drakken, I am loving the misfits picture and the turtleneck. Who would have thought that a turtleneck could look that badass!?!?
At what point did my life go Looney Tunes? How did it happen? Who's to blame?... Batman, that's who. Batman! It's always been Batman! Ruining my life, spoiling my fun! >:-)


Quote from: Karen_A on October 25, 2017, 06:58:38 PM
... I can't image how you managed to start HRT at 17 in 1972!

Yeah, me either?  ??? It seems impossible when I think about it but I started the summer before my senior year. It helped that my folks had been taking me to shrinks from the time I was 10 years old even though they were clueles. Outside of school, where I was just the world's biggest freak, I was pretty much gendered as a girl anyway after I was 15/16. It took until I was 17 until they found a professional that had a clue what to do with me. I was kind of in the first wave of trans kids to be recognized as something other than gay and even then it was pretty rare. I know of no others my age with a similar experience, which is kind of weird sometimes.

Quote(I started HRT 22 years ago)

So, around 1995 then? By then I was a year or so away from divorcing the husband I'd been married to for a dozen years! ;) (I had SRS 40 years ago in 1977 when I was 22!)

QuoteIn any case I wish  had hair like yours (well below the neck would not hurt either! ;) )

Hair. Problems with it in grade school. Kicked out of Jr. high because of it until my folks threatened to sue. Almost down to my waist when I graduated HS. We all have our symbols, I guess? Thanks for your comments!


Hi friends  :police:

Cat fights will not be tolerated in the least

Please try to stay on topic and make supportive comment or find another more productive way to spend your time

Thank you

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Charlie Nicki

Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Quote from: amberwaves on October 25, 2017, 01:39:54 PM
I too have noticed the trend of people looking younger after being hrt.  While, I am not discounting the possibility of biological hormone influence, I have not noticed similar younger appearance from cis-women or men.  I think that effect is likely attributable to the reduced stress, anxiety, and depression that occurs as we become who we want to be.  Also, for transwomen, at least, there tends to be an increase in self-care, e.g. skin care routines.  This is also likely attributable to the reduction in dysphoria and the increased appreciation of our bodies.

    You've got it partially right. Yes, reductions in mental, physical, and emotional stress can slow the aging process and even slightly reverse it in some cases. But this is not the only agent at work here. Going on HRT basically forces our bodies to go through puberty once again. This causes the hypothalamus to release more HGH (Human Growth Hormone) into our endocrine systems. While primarily responsible for hormone production and increases in height, at a base cellular level it causes cell replication and replacement to accelerate. Gaining newer cells faster than old ones die off has a rejuvenating "fountain of youth" effect on the body, particularly with regards to skin cells and joint function. Estrogen and lower Testosterone also has a "Softening" effect on skin cells and flesh (muscle and fat) distribution, which also adds to the further reduction in apparent age. It's not so much having the hormones in our system as it is the changes in hormonal balance that is catalyst for increased youthfulness. Improvements in hygiene regimens, though not improved on by all transgenders, can further add to the elasticity, health, and apparent youthfulness of your skin. A lot of us start watching our diets much more closely, eating foods that assist with and avoids ones that inhibit HRT efficiency. These same dietary changes, particularly for male 2 females due to the nature of which foods reduce T and increase Estrogen levels and which do the opposite, often improve nutrition balance and reduces overall toxin levels. Anyone that starts new exercise regimens are also helping their body stay young, simply by improving cardiovascular health, blood-flow, and lung function. Remember if your cells are water, oxygen, or vitamin deprived they die, causing the aging process to accelerate, which is another reason we shouldn't smoke. (I'm still working on that one, lol.) These are all lifestyle and physical changes that men and cisgender women rarely go through, and it all adds up. Take me for instance. Due to this being my fourth trip through puberty (had to de-transition once) I'm almost 40 but am told frequently now that I look like I'm in my early 20's. Gotta love biophysics (when it's actually working for us, lol.)

"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got. I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block."


Quote from: Lisa_K on October 25, 2017, 06:00:33 PM
Ever heard of privacy? Maybe you young'uns don't understand the concept but this is something we used to have and cherish and even if privacy has only been an illusion for the last 30+ years or so, I still like to play the game and pretend. In this day of facial recognition software, image scraping bots and massive data collection, cross-linking and archiving, I prefer to maintain a reasonably minimal footprint. I'm also not public about my trans history and haven't been for close to 45 years and am not particularly thrilled with the notion that things I post here might catch up with me through a reverse image search, for example.

If it really bothers you or is against the rules, I'll happily remove my post. I am a total outlier around here anyway and was only making an attempt to try to assimilate. My bad. 

   You didn't do anything wrong. The transgender community, in particular transwomen, are often targets for harassment, assault, rape, and occasionally murder. It doesn't matter if its "Big Brother Paranoia," simply wanting to play it safe, or anything in between. We have the 4th Amendment for several reasons, not just against governmental abuse of power. The concept of privacy being sacred is what got sodomy laws declared unconstitutional after all. It doesn't matter if its details of a personal story or anything regarding your personal image, you don't have to share anything you don't feel comfortable about. From the other point of view, a simple "sorry if some of you find it creepy," due to similarities with modern horror movies, doesn't hurt. Stay Safe and Strong.

"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got. I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block."


Quote from: amberwaves on October 25, 2017, 01:39:54 PM
I too have noticed the trend of people looking younger after being hrt.  While, I am not discounting the possibility of biological hormone influence, I have not noticed similar younger appearance from cis-women or men.  I think that effect is likely attributable to the reduced stress, anxiety, and depression that occurs as we become who we want to be.  Also, for transwomen, at least, there tends to be an increase in self-care, e.g. skin care routines.  This is also likely attributable to the reduction in dysphoria and the increased appreciation of our bodies.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

I'm going to be 53 in December and I've always looked younger than my age. I'm fairly small... 5'7" and 150 pounds, and I think that has a lot to do with it.

My theory on why HRT makes us look younger is that we essentially are just getting into puberty again and have some new parts and our skin and fat are filling out anew. So we get this boost to our skin and fat redistribution that fills out loose skin a little bit.

<edit> been on HRT for 3 years. on another note, I was just reading some BS advice on the internet about how to spot a transsexual. One of the shining examples of advice was to look at the breasts. No transsexual has bigger than A breasts, they said. ha! I have natural C cups, so guess again.

"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon


Quote from: Lisa_K on October 25, 2017, 10:52:22 AM
Got bored and decided to play! Sorry, I have a no face on the internet policy. Never have and never will. ::)  (I don't usually show boobage either!)

I'll be 63 in two months. Before anyone asks, I have naturally light blonde hair but I do have it tweaked a bit and I normally wear glasses. I'm 5'6¾ and need to lose 20 pounds.  >:(

MiniBio: Started HRT at 17 and transitioned right out of high school in 1973. Still hangin' in there!

You look amazing, Lisa. I'm so jealous of your hair! Very pretty!
"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon



I Am Jess

Follow my life's adventures on Instagram - @jessieleeannmcgrath


Quote from: Lisa_K on October 25, 2017, 07:47:19 PM
I know of no others my age with a similar experience, which is kind of weird sometimes.

I don't think I have run into anyone else who started HRT as teens in HS in the early 70's in my 25ish years in the on-line "community". In college I think so... in HS no.

So, around 1995 then? By then I was a year or so away from divorcing the husband I'd been married to for a dozen years! ;) (I had SRS 40 years ago in 1977 when I was 22!)

I should have said almost 22 years... At this time 22 years ago I had my endo appointment scheduled, but did not start HRT until early january 1996.

My life has been nothing like yours and our experiences have been vastly different in many significant ways for sure!

- karen



Wow Ladies... I leave for a while and a parade of fabulousness takes place!!!

Sasha, Rachel, Angela and Iliana!!! ... You all make me smile with the happiness that shines through... The joy of claiming a life that is yours and only yours shows in every picture... Rachel... It does my heart good to see you moving fully into where you need to be in life... It's been too long in coming and you will make this world your own

Rosey!... Whole lotta progress in a short time sister!!!... You are looking gorgeous and happy and I Love the new hair look!!! :)

Lisa... Don't need to see every detail to know you are beautiful inside and out... Sadly privacy is increasingly an outdated concept... Our rights were sold off long ago but onward we will go... :)

Jess... Killing it as always while administering justice for the fine citizens of L.A. GO DODGERS!!!! :)

Here's one I took today before I went to the beach... I was feeling cute for an old lady

Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr

Onward we go brave sisters!!!

Ashley :)

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment" ... Ralph Waldo Emerson 🌸

"The individual has always had to struggle from being overwhelmed by the tribe... But, no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself" ... Rudyard Kipling 🌸

Let go of the things that no longer serve you... Let go of the pretense of the false persona, it is not you... Let go of the armor that you have worn for a lifetime, to serve the expectations of others and, to protect the woman inside... She needs protection no longer.... She is tired of hiding and more courageous than you know... Let her prove that to you....Let her step out of the dark and feel the light upon her face.... amg🌸

Ashley's Corner:,247549.0.html 🌻


Quote from: Karen_A on October 26, 2017, 06:43:21 PM
I don't think I have run into anyone else who started HRT as teens in HS in the early 70's in my 25ish years in the on-line "community". In college I think so... in HS no.

Although I've only become familiar with the "online community" in the last 5 or 6 months, me either. In most threads where I've mentioned this, I usually end up talking about how weird it is. All the people I've come across from the early to mid 70's that know what it was like to be trans back then are 6 to 8 years older than me and worlds apart. Up until recently, I'd never even encountered anyone that grew up like I did with a similar timeline and they're all still teenagers or in their early 20's. It's pretty isolating at times to realize you are different even among the different.

QuoteI should have said almost 22 years... At this time 22 years ago I had my endo appointment scheduled, but did not start HRT until early january 1996.

In 1996, I was 41 and had been on HRT for 24 years and it had been 19 years since having SRS.

QuoteMy life has been nothing like yours and our experiences have been vastly different in many significant ways for sure!

Oh fine! Rub it in why don't ya about what a weirdo I am!  :)  Just kidding! Thanks to you and to everyone for their kindness and comments.

Amy Chislett

Lisa K : nice hair.
RoseyF : haven't seen you in a while; longer hair is definitely coming in.
HrbHRT 21Jun2016
mtf hetero


Rosey the hair is very cute. Love those heavy curls.
Jess aswell working that office girl. :')
And Ashley the cutest we mammy of the bunch,  I feel like you could definitely be a mum, the way you seem to look after us and boost us up. So cute :')
You are like so much more femme than my mum that's for sure, mines is a rock when it comes to style and looking after herself lol



Quote from: tgirlamc on October 26, 2017, 08:18:26 PM
Wow Ladies... I leave for a while and a parade of fabulousness takes place!!!

Sasha, Rachel, Angela and Iliana!!! ... You all make me smile with the happiness that shines through... The joy of claiming a life that is yours and only yours shows in every picture... Rachel... It does my heart good to see you moving fully into where you need to be in life... It's been too long in coming and you will make this world your own

Rosey!... Whole lotta progress in a short time sister!!!... You are looking gorgeous and happy and I Love the new hair look!!! :)

Lisa... Don't need to see every detail to know you are beautiful inside and out... Sadly privacy is increasingly an outdated concept... Our rights were sold off long ago but onward we will go... :)

Jess... Killing it as always while administering justice for the fine citizens of L.A. GO DODGERS!!!! :)

Here's one I took today before I went to the beach... I was feeling cute for an old lady

Untitled by Ashley Campbell, on Flickr

Onward we go brave sisters!!!

Ashley :)

Super cute!

"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon


Quote from: amberwaves on October 22, 2017, 08:30:42 AM

It's amazing how we spend so much time looking in the mirror, scrutinizing ourselves for every little change, and then one day realize holy crap I don't look like a guy anymore.  We started hormones the at same time and I wholeheartedly agree with you.  I look like a different person.  A much happier one too.

As I drop weight I am really starting to show a feminine figure.  Interestingly my legs have definitely changed in muscle tone and are not  nearly so bulky anymore. Instead of looking in the mirror with vague distaste, I look and think, "room for improvement, but I look good".

I am so happy that you have had great results and like what your reflection shows.  You are a great looking gal and I know you have nitpicked your appearance a lot.  Keep rocking them sexy outfits girl!


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk

That's just started to hit for me. I can finally look in the mirror and see a female. I'd been purposely wearing dumpy clothes to hide my transition too, but now I finally am starting to have some confidence and am starting to feel good about myself.

I started HRT 3 years ago with a full dose of Estrogen and a very "safe" does of Spiro. I've been on a "normal" range Spiro dose for about two months now, and holy cow did that kick things into overdrive!

"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon