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Religion is Magick? Real?

Started by Wild Flower, April 13, 2017, 06:42:32 PM

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Wild Flower

I kind of think of religion, anything that requires prayer is a spell to me. People believe in it, and I think that gives "real power" to the religion, if you don't believe in it, it doesn't work.

I been getting more into Voodoo recently, and it kind of fits me. I feel more comfortable with life if I do it, I became a part-time caretaker the past couple weeks for an elderly couple for extra money. And it's in the outskirts of New Orleans, and I was going through the house, and I found a room full of religious items (but it looks like Voodoo). The husband told me that room is off-limits and wouldn't tell me more about it, all he would told me was that the room belong to the previous owners. The couple also don't keep mirrors in the house because they see spirits in the mirrors. I open a hand mirror, but I didn't see anything.

Anyways, I been doing candle magick on my spare time (salt circle, light a candle, ask an entity for a favor). And I been getting results, not major results, but it's hard to say its been coincidence too.
"Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets."


I still need to get the supplies to cast spells, but I am also very interested in circles of protection, because a lot of negative energies affect me regularly. I'm new to magick, but want to explore it. I've watched some YouTube videos for the basics, and I do chants and speak to the goddesses. I'm particularly drawn to the practice of Wicca.


Wild Flower

Me too. Me too.... I want to go to the French Quarter and buy some voodoo items, but I am not sure if it's the real deal or just expensive junk.

I couldn't get into Wicca to be honest, besides candle magic, but that could be because I have such a strong Catholic background, and Voodoo is like the magical form of Catholicism. I'm actually surprise it's not more well spread, but I think that's because people think it's some African tribal religion when it's really not.
"Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets."

Jennifer RachaelAnn

I understand the husband saying that a room is off limits. I have a room here in my house that is off limits. It is an altar space dedicated to Aphrodite. I serve Her directly, and over time I have seen Her presence and what She chooses to do concerning whatever Her interest is at that moment. I keep offerings to Her on there. Apples, grapes, roses, stones that She likes, imagery of animals, incense with scents She likes, all sorts of things. I'm actually going to pick up a few new things to give Her next month. I would do it now, but I'm flat broke.

I can't say I know anything about voodoo. The only knowledge that I would have, would be from Hollywood. Stuff in movies and whatnot, but we all know Hollywood is full of crap. So I probably would be wrong with any statement I tried to make, so I'm just not gonna do that.

With the mirror thing, sometimes spirits choose whether they reveal themselves to someone. It's kinda like an animal. For example my macaw will come to my wife and stay with her all day if he could. But with me, it's virtually impossible to get him to come to me. Then there's my pit bull. She is a rescue. When we went to meet her, she ran right up to me and it was love at first sight for both of us. She completely ignore my wife. Then I left for a few minutes to get our 3 chihuahuas to see if they would get along. She was so far beyond depressed while I was gone. Then when I got back she was beyond happy.

So it all just boils down to the individual. It's not that they don't like you, they just don't want to reveal themselves at this point to you.
"There are many who would take my time. I shun them.
There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them.
There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them."

-Anton Szandor LaVey
