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Does the Spirit Remember?

Started by V M, August 14, 2016, 05:26:45 AM

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I was just curious as to some of your thoughts

Clinically, when someone passes away the brain function is often the last thing to go unless abruptly compromised

So do you believe that the spirit remembers or even misses anything about this existence?
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M


I have heard of people learning new languages after accidents. I think this is proof that they tapped into a spirit who knew this language. Not my theory but it makes sense.


Quote from: Cin on August 14, 2016, 05:52:13 AM
I have heard of people learning new languages after accidents. I think this is proof that they tapped into a spirit who knew this language. Not my theory but it makes sense.

Possibly I guess, but I've never heard of dead people learning new languages

I will reiterate the question:

Do you believe that the spirit remembers or even misses anything about this existence?

Personally, although there has been a few happy moments, I think this existence has been a horrendous experience for the most part and there isn't really much that I would ever wish to remember about it

I was thought to be a stillborn and I think it would have been better if the Dr.s and such would have left it at that 

The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M

Kinda have mixed feelings about the question.

As a Christian(Catholic), doctrine is that the spirit comes into existence when the life begins, then leaves the body at death to rest, and then there's the Resurrection.   Kinda a one way trip start to finish. (memory and individual personhood is fully retained)

As one might guess from the account name, I also have some somewhat mixed Shinto / Buddhist feelings that conflict with my Western professed belief.  Course, the Eastern side wouldn't really care about the eclectic addon nature, but it is incompatible from the Western pov.    From this pov, I get a strong feeling, quite strong sense, that there is a 'do-over' mechanism in place and the spirit imprints with fundamental emotional memory, as opposed to Bob was at the Battle of Lepanto and drowned after being shot by an Ottoman's arrow.   You have to do-over, till you get it right, or perhaps the circle is eternal, I dunno...

I definitely fail on this time around though; I have so many false attachments, edited and made up memory, denial, deceit, anger, greed...   All to avoid, I think, admitting that I just wanted to cook and do the laundry; take care of a household, care for a family as they grow, live, marry, and see us off comfortably at the end.     Accident of assignment -> hope denied.   


I do not think the spirit exists before we are conceived.  I do think the spirit continues after we are dead as some kind of continuation of our consciousness.

The reason I believe this is because of the experiences of two people that told me about their after death experience.

One was a Soldier that got blown up in Panama.  His consciousness was completely outside his body watching the medics try to bring him back.

The other was my mother.  She was completely gone, through the tunnel of light, and talking to people and "spirits" in another place.  Both she, and the other people there knew perfectly about their past life here.  She said it was a bunch of deceased relatives waiting there to welcome her.

Since I know these people I am 100% sure they didn't make it up. 

I guess that the spirit could pre-exist this current incarnation, but since I have never seen anything to confirm that I have to remain agnostic.
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Having spent a fair bit of time in thailand some of the ideas of buddism  have  filtered down to me
I suggest that the spirit can remember  but that for the most part we dont maybe because the ordeal of passing on and being taken away from everything is  too much of a loss of evrrything and so gets blocked out , and especially  if the  circumstances  were traumatic
I've had two very vivid dreams in my life where i was experenceing sex as a petite  blonde  and i almost got to experience what would have been a female climax but i always woke up just before it peaked :(
and funnily  enough i have a special liking for petite blondes .....i don,t what this means but theres something there
Also have left my body while sleeping had no control just floating up ....but then i became scared that someone  might go into it and instantly i was back in ...never happened again
There is the  case of a little girl in eirland  who was so concerned about her family .....eventually she was taken to them and once seeimg that they were okay ....she completey forgot about her previous family and went back to being a little girl there is alzo this
So yes the spirit   can remember  but the pain of losing everything  and everyone must    cause  some sort of amnesia


Steph Eigen

I began having a recurring dream, starting in very early childhood with very vivid memories of it dating at about age 3.  It is a terrifying dream, details not relevant to this post other than two features: (1)  I die at the end of the dream waking in a state of sheer terror and (2) it involves a very complex setting at a nuclear weapons facility and field of missile silos, something I could not have understood at that age based on real life experiences.  I do not buy the explanation that in about 1960 or so when the cold war was raging I embedded scenes from TV or some other media source into my subconsious.   The content of this dream is so complex and involves images and content that would not be found in conventional media, moreover, I was obviously too young, unable to read, lacked the neural development and intellectual maturity to investigate the topics involved or conjure up the plot and content of the dream.  I still have the dream, unaltered in content over >50 years  but find it less terrorizing given my familiarity with it although the content is absolutely unchanged

Why to I tell this story?  I,too, have traveled extensively in asia and a s a result became very interested in Buddhism.  Central to this Buddhism the concept of reincarnation of the soul which I find an appealing concept.  About 2 years ago, I ran across a hypnotherapist who did regression hypnotherapy, mainly to examine tramatic earlier life events. In talking with her, she brought up the fact that she had done some past life regressions in several of her clients with very interesting results.  I was very skeptical this but had read of a number of remarkable examples of children recalled images and scenes of otherwise unknowable facts, later proven to be true, dating to what would have been an historical past life.  By the end of the conversation, I had agreed to have a regression hypnosis session to see what we would find. 

I was not sure I would be hypnotizable but she was very skillful and turned out I was.  To make a long story short, There was a memory which surrounded the same images involved in my dream which datad to probably the early to mid 1950's.  I could not make out exactly what role I had but it seemed I was an engineer or scientist involved in classified nuclear weapons programs.  I could not gain any additional insight into the dream other than that. 

In the course of the session, I discovered another set of images, which were much more limited, older, probably late 19th century or early 20th century.  I was a scientist, chemist most probably, perhaps about early 30's in age (early career), attending a formal gathering of colleagues.  I judge the era from the dress worn and their styles of grooming by the men in attendance.  It was very stuffy, lots of cigar smoking, and socially I did not feel well accepted to the point of be marginalized.  In this scene, I eventually was so physically and socially uncomfortable, I had to briefly   leave, retreating to the rest room for a respite from the event.  As this part of the image played out I realized that much of my discomfort was from my clothing which to my shock in reliving this scene through the hypnosis, was a very tight bodice elaborate formal gown.  I was a woman! I was quite attractive as well.

I further realized I was marginalized in large part as a consequence of  the misogyny of the era toward women in science.  I was very frustrated by the tendency of colleagues to be dismissive of my work on this basis.  I can remember the though "old fools!"

At the end of the session, I was shaken by these images.  I have given this result much thought and don't quite know now 2 years later what to make of it.  At soem level I'd like to say this helps explain my TG issues but on the other hand, I am inclined to downplay the significance to simply the rich content of my subconscious, nothing more that dream material.  It is a haunting possibility that I might have had a glimpse of a past life.



As a Buddhist, I do not believe in a soul.  In consequence of our actions in this life, a new being gets born and experiences those consequences. 

"Memory" is too strong a word in most cases for the new being's perception of those consequences.  Yet it is possible to get an idea of the flavour of what the previous person/persons might have been like. 

For a while, I was pretty sure I had been a woman n a recent life, but my interpretation of that flavour has changed in recent years: that was a perception from THIS life!  Still, odds are pretty good that I was a woman in about 50% of my previous human lives.

I am also fairly sure that I was a Buddhist monk or nun in a previous life.

None of that is anywhere near clear enough to be called a memory.  I find it suspicious that a large number of people who claim to remember previous lives remember being someone famous.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate

Steph Eigen

Points well taken.  I was groping for words, memory was the best that came to mind.  For me, regression hypnosis yielded glimpses of images, recapitulated feelings and emotional states, gave impressions of scenarios and situations.  I didn't experience it as reliving and event as if it were a movie.  For this reason the experience is confusing and leads me to further uncertainty and difficulty interpreting the origins of the images and impressions.

To be clear about this, I'm very open minded but strongly empirical and scientific in my worldview.  I'm not of the mind to want to believe, rather more of a skeptic that needs evidence sufficient to accept an observation as credible.  This was a very disturbing experience for me.

There is a lot of quite credible work that has been done in the realm of psychic phenomena including independent validation of Remote Viewing.  On these grounds, I am not so quick to dismiss the possibility that there may be something to this experience.

Jennifer RachaelAnn

Old topic, I know but I still feel like offering my 2 cents on this.

I believe the spirit remembers. I also believe that every person has 3 totems. Animals they share their spirit with. For example my first totem is the eagle. My second is the rodent. My third is the serpent, which includes snakes, lizards, and dragons.

What these totems do is protect the spirit and keep it alive, so that if it feels that something is amiss, they can go back and live another life to rectify the situation. Now about the remembrance part, I would offer that for the transgender community. I will explain this from a M2F point of view, since that's my situation.
Imagine that in your last several lives you were born anatomically female. But in this life you were born anatomically male. The spirit remembers being female, but this time it was chosen for the spirit to be reborn male. Your spirit remembers being female and needs to be female again. But there is a problem. The penis. You can wear a dress every day of your life, but you still don't have ovaries, a womb, cervix, uterus, or most importantly a vagina.

Don't you think the spirit feels wronged by the totems and other spirits that decided to assign it with a male anatomy? Then when you are through with this life you can choose to come back and be born anatomically female.

Food for thought.
"There are many who would take my time. I shun them.
There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them.
There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them."

-Anton Szandor LaVey



I have had past life regression through deep meditation so I believe this is sort of a yes! I once experienced scenes from a past life as a beetle of some kind (that was creepy) and the other past life was that of a woman. I lived alone in a farm house and was a seamstress. I believe I was not able to have children because I didn't even think of the prospect of finding a significant other. I think meaningful life experiences get sort of stuck to your life force, or spirit.


Quote from: V M on August 14, 2016, 05:26:45 AM

So do you believe that the spirit remembers or even misses anything about this existence?

No.  Lights out, game over.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.

Wild Flower

I'm split on this. 50/50

One side of me believes there is a spirit world, not sure what though, but I do a lot of divination lately with pendulums and tarot. Ouija with friends. I chalk it up as fun if at worse case scenario, and tarot cards make me happy at the moment. At worst, it's like self-help therapy.

On the other side, I think atheist. 

"Anyone who believes what a cat tells him deserves all he gets."