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Could it just be low testostrone?

Started by MissKairi, July 02, 2017, 01:08:39 PM

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Although I have a nagging feeling about being the wrong sex I was reading up on antiandrogens and saw the symptoms of low T and I have every one.
gut weight, tiredness, irritable, lack of focus, erectile issues and zero sex drive.

now its 29 weeks till my next gender specialist appointment but I keep thinking maybe I only feel female BECAUSE of low T.

Don't know if I should call my GP again and explain this or will they do T tests on me?

Let's see where this journey takes me.


I had really bad dysphoria and way above average testosterone my whole life.  Anecdotally, adding T will just make the dysphoria worse.

Conform and be dull. —James Frank Dobie, The Voice of the Coyote
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


I concur with Deb. I had normal, or i think it was slightly above normal level of T and still hated the male life. The socialization and the physical things like erections that never stop and continuous body hair.... it wasnt fun. Adding T, if you really are trans will just hurt you more in the long run.
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Thanks :) I do wonder about it as I suffer from male traits like hairiness (medium I guess) and anger but also the opposite - full set of hair, higher voice, small penis, hard to build muscle growth.

Interestingly having male genitals doesnt bother me too much but body hair and body shape drive me mad on a daily basis.

Sorry, digressing, back on subject I do wonder if I am just a girly guy amd not a girl due to low T.
maybe I should get a test done, put my mind at ease
Let's see where this journey takes me.


Quote from: MissKairi on July 02, 2017, 01:49:45 PM
Thanks :) I do wonder about it as I suffer from male traits like hairiness (medium I guess) and anger but also the opposite - full set of hair, higher voice, small penis, hard to build muscle growth.
Most of that applies to me also despite having high T.  I also never had much problem checking off all the "macho" boxes in a lifelong effort to prove myself to me.  (Real things, not what passes for it among the overgrown male children that are ever so common.)  The one constant was the dysphoria with the only relief coming from HRT.

Conform and be dull. —James Frank Dobie, The Voice of the Coyote
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


As I come to terms with who I am. I have thought about the possibility of it being low T. I am plan on trying T supplements first. I thought it would also help to determine the extent of any disphobia, easier to get the T level up then start for basically zero E and takes months to know if it is working. Unlike most of the posters I have read on this side and other sites, I have no problems with body hair, expect facing shaving daily, and genitals. I plan to keep my post updated with how the T experience goes. Unless I turn into the hulk and my fingers are two big to type.


Low T might be a reason what you are and how you feel, but low t during your puberty. Now, as your personality fully developed, I don't think raising it would help at all, probably the opposite. But, hey, it's a free country and your own body, you can do whatever you like

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Janes Groove

Testoterone level is not the whole picture.  There is also something called Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome and it ranges from complete to mild.

So it's possible someone could have normal T levels but the androgen receptors just don't work very well.


I just remembered from a pervious post, you live in the UK. I live in the USA, whole different system and I have luxuries in healthcare that you do not have. Although my route of using T first, because of possible low T, may work for me, it may set you back months or years. 

Just follow your heart, if you really listen it will never lead you wrong.


Many of us have the same feelings, except that my dysphoria was much stronger that just a nagging feeling. My dysphoria was overwhelming to the point where I was very concerned about gender issues on a daily basis. Keep in mind that gender issues and sexual issues are not always the same.

If you are reasonably happy as a male and just need to boost your Testosterone, then that is mainly a sexual issue. Gender issues are in the brain. How we feel about ourselves determines our preferred gender. I had gender issues since I became aware of the difference between boys and girls. I was in denial for over 50 years and not a day went by where I had overwhelming thoughts of needing to be female, but excluded from the group by my physical anatomy.

You have to make your own decision. Is your condition mainly physical or mental? We can change the body, but not the mind.


Quote from: Dani on July 03, 2017, 01:31:32 AM
Many of us have the same feelings, except that my dysphoria was much stronger that just a nagging feeling. My dysphoria was overwhelming to the point where I was very concerned about gender issues on a daily basis. Keep in mind that gender issues and sexual issues are not always the same.

If you are reasonably happy as a male and just need to boost your Testosterone, then that is mainly a sexual issue. Gender issues are in the brain. How we feel about ourselves determines our preferred gender. I had gender issues since I became aware of the difference between boys and girls. I was in denial for over 50 years and not a day went by where I had overwhelming thoughts of needing to be female, but excluded from the group by my physical anatomy.

You have to make your own decision. Is your condition mainly physical or mental? We can change the body, but not the mind.

haha by nagging I mean 24/7 nagging. A constant 'are you a girl?' 'you are a girl' 'dont be silly you are male'  followed by a tightening of the chest. A panic.
Round and round we go.

I'm fine in my body mostly but I dont link my body to male. My penis is just a thing not a male thing.

Its definitely a mental issue. honestly all I want is my brain to think normal thoughts.
But if I am questioning now and more T only makes that worse, I think i will lay off it :)
Let's see where this journey takes me.