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Do we get a gender in Heaven?

Started by redhot1, April 12, 2017, 09:17:16 PM

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Do you think that when we die, we get assigned gender in the next eternal life? Like, either the one we were assigned at birth if you were non-transgender or the one which you transitioned to? If we have a gender in Heaven, then why are Christians also saying we won't be engaging in physical sex acts up there?*

I'm pretty sure I'm not transsexual after all, I'm probably a C-D or non-binary, whatever labels they are. That being said, when I get to Heaven, I would love the opportunity to transition myself into a woman. I hope nobody finds that offensive.

*=That's another thing that disappointed me and has put me off wanting to go to Heaven. I used to have such solid faith, now all I can think about is struggle with Christ, because he himself said in the Bible that we won't be married == no having sex. How can I get my faith back? All the well-meaning Christians say that marriage or sex isn't even a thing up there. I pray to God for my fulfillment in Heaven.

What, isn't there any positive case to be made about sex/gender in Heaven?


Yes and no. I am not a Christian so I dont beleive in heaven or a hell. When we croak I beleive we go back into the universe. We are energy after all. And in that sense I would think our energy would be past any race, gender or orentation. We would just be around. Perhaps there could be a heavan and if there is I would hope I would be female. There could also be reincarnation in which case I would LOVE and beg to be born as a baby girl, or a (female) porcupine :)!!!! If there is somehow an after life being either a never ending chain of one life after another or a forever state of nirvana  I hope deeply i find myself on the pink team for eternity
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Quote from: redhot1 on April 12, 2017, 09:17:16 PM
Do you think that when we die, we get assigned gender in the next eternal life? Like, either the one we were assigned at birth if you were non-transgender or the one which you transitioned to? If we have a gender in Heaven, then why are Christians also saying we won't be engaging in physical sex acts up there?*

I'm pretty sure I'm not transsexual after all, I'm probably a C-D or non-binary, whatever labels they are. That being said, when I get to Heaven, I would love the opportunity to transition myself into a woman. I hope nobody finds that offensive.

*=That's another thing that disappointed me and has put me off wanting to go to Heaven. I used to have such solid faith, now all I can think about is struggle with Christ, because he himself said in the Bible that we won't be married == no having sex. How can I get my faith back? All the well-meaning Christians say that marriage or sex isn't even a thing up there. I pray to God for my fulfillment in Heaven.

What, isn't there any positive case to be made about sex/gender in Heaven?

questions like this are why the earthly resurrection is a thing. :D

in the scripture where Jesus was talking about no mirage/sex/gender it's not specified but he was most likely talking about the heavenly resurrection, while John 5:28,29 was almost certainly talking about the earthly resurrection.   
Warning! This poster is known to void warranties!

Dianne H

Jesus said those counted worthy of eternal life are as the angels, neither male nor female. Words from him should about sum it up for us as Christians.

john said he saw an angel and was about to worship him and the angel said not to do so as he was one of his brothers a prophet in this life down here.

Male and female ane sax down here in this life is because men are a similitude of Jesus and the church is a similitude of his bride.The joing of man and wife to bring forth a child is a similitude of Christ being joined unto his wife (in her heart by faith) to bring forth more Christians, Babes in Christ.

In heaven we shall be as the angels and sex as well as this world will not even be remembered.

I hope this helps.

As for how to get your faith back, prayer and reading the Bible are always good starting points.

Have a blessed day.


No gender in Heaven. Still, I ask God to make me female there. Just in case.
Out of the closet to family 4-2019


Quote from: redhot1 on April 12, 2017, 09:17:16 PM
Do you think that when we die, we get assigned gender in the next eternal life? Like, either the one we were assigned at birth if you were non-transgender or the one which you transitioned to? If we have a gender in Heaven, then why are Christians also saying we won't be engaging in physical sex acts up there?*

I'm pretty sure I'm not transsexual after all, I'm probably a C-D or non-binary, whatever labels they are. That being said, when I get to Heaven, I would love the opportunity to transition myself into a woman. I hope nobody finds that offensive.

*=That's another thing that disappointed me and has put me off wanting to go to Heaven. I used to have such solid faith, now all I can think about is struggle with Christ, because he himself said in the Bible that we won't be married == no having sex. How can I get my faith back? All the well-meaning Christians say that marriage or sex isn't even a thing up there. I pray to God for my fulfillment in Heaven.

What, isn't there any positive case to be made about sex/gender in Heaven?

With all the questions that non-traditional gendered people have this just adds to our struggles.  How to reconcile our life experience with our religious teachings.  It is tough. 
I will not get into the dogma of Christianity and keep my comment limited to my beliefs.  My belief about the afterlife is that we return to the source.  As SailorMars said, and I agree, we go to our true home.  The place of all energy.  The place we are TRULY ourselves.  Live out life in the intense energy of love from every direction. 
We do not take the bodies we used here on earth.  Or gender.  We are just our true selves loved by everyone.  All doubts, jealousies and insecurities are gone.  There is no need for sex because what we experience is better than sex.  Better than a few earthly relationships that we cherish here.  Better than a hot fresh pizza.  It is like those few flashes in this life of ecstasy but always.
Here in this plane of existence we do not see the bigger picture.  We do not know the lesson we are here to experience and learn from.  We just go along.  Plod on through.  Do the best we can with limited and many times just wrong information.  I doubt that the big guy really cares about our gender identity.  When it is said he sees no difference between the President of the USA and the 16 year old Ethiopian girl, the only thing a thinking person can conclude he is looking at things that most humans don't consider in their defining those 2 people.
So to your first question, I doubt that we are assigned anything in the afterlife.  You will just be.  No body, no rules, no restrictions or limits.  Just be.  In the love with the light of "everyone" else. 
I know this is not very Christian, but it is my way of thinking of the afterlife.  Makes more sense to me than the dominate religious views of this country.


Gonna find out someday.
I suspect we will all be the same. What I do know is, that it won't matter, nobody will care which we are.
I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam.
-- Popeye

A wise person can learn more from fools than a fool can learn from a wise person.


A NatGeo video worth watching about a Mormon girl who transitioned:

To that religion (arguably Christian or not, but I won't get into that) the gender of the soul is persistent from life into death and beyond. The girl in this video, and her family, used that as precisely the argument justifying her need to transition - that her body needed brought into alignment with her soul.

It's a fascinating spin on their doctrine. Organizations of people really tend to bend established codes rules for "who stays, who goes" on a case by case basis, for better or for worse, based on any number of factors, and religious groups are no different.

She's now a Pagan as far as I'm aware, by the way. If anyone is having an existential crisis of sorts, remember that it's works of art that define rules, and not vice versa. (And you, of course, are a work of art.)

Lady Sarah

I wouldn't worry about gender in heaven until I can inquire about it from St. Peter or whomever greets me. If there is no gender, then it likely won't be a big deal. If there is, I'd have to beg that I am female, to match my female spirit.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016


I am a Christian.

Since Jesus said that there is no male or female in heaven, then there must be something better. Maybe a spiritual life like the angels?

Think about it, something better than a sexual orgasm!

Lady Lisandra

I believe when we die we return to the Whole until we are ready to reincarnate. We do not take our physical body then, so anything related to gender isn't important. Our soul/spirit/howerer you want to call it trascends gender.

Some believe that when a soul has experienced enough both genders, it wants to reconnect to the gender it liked most of them, or even wants a balance between both genders. And that's when trangender people happen.
- Lis -


Galatians 3:28 says "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." 

To me, this piece of scripture says that in the afterlife, we will be one with God.  We will be beyond the needs for gender, nationality, ethnicity.  I always picture a different plane of existence.  It is a little less material than some other interpretations of heaven.  I don't really stress about it - I am pretty sure there is something, and whatever it is, I will not change it by wondering.  My time will eventually come and I'll find out with OJT. 

Others with different belief systems may have a different answer.  I cannot tell what vversion is more right or more wrong - I can only give you my interpretation.  It does not invalidate anyone else's thoughts on the matter. 

Janes Groove

Most theologians, pretty much all of them from what I can gather, have a consensus that the soul has no gender. I think this is just SO WRONG.  I personally believe that the soul DOES have a gender and it's most likely eternal.  The whole notion that the soul has no gender is I believe based on the notion that genitals determine gender.   In other words, if you have a penis then you can't be a woman.     And vice versa.  Or to put it another way, it's a theory that holds when your dead you don't have genitals anymore so naturally you don't have gender anymore either. We transgender folks, because of our unique manifestation, have come to realize that gender is not based on what is below the waist but wholly based on what is between the ears.  But the bulk of theologians steadfastly adhere to old medieval notions (like when they used to believe that the way to discover a witch was to throw her in the water and see if she floats. If she floats then she's a witch because witches burn and wood burns and wood also floats . . . so that means if she floats? ergo definitely a witch.) that held sway in a pre-modern world. A world without HRT or science or psychology or modern medicine.  In my opinion for a female soul to be born in the body of a male, it is most likely karmic retribution for sins of past lives.

This  theory BTW nicely explains why some people assigned female at birth want to be men.  It's the only way I can wrap my mind around the concept of why ANYONE  AFAB would ever CHOOSE to be a man.

Or conversely, why people assigned male at birth want to be women.  For many trans men I've talked to it explains of why anybody would ever want to be a woman.


Extensive studies of children four years old and under who remember details (which were verified) of past lives often remember being being born many times, in different genders.

Adults under hypnosis also remember numerous past lives, including details, names, places, and in all these cases, when both the young children and adults returned to the locations of their most recent past life..sometimes only months or weeks before, they recognized family, remembered conversations, etc. beyond all possible doubt of random chance.

Many of the children insisted they are the ones who chose which gender in which to reincarnate, and that they would wait for the correct gender to be conceived in someone before inhabiting the fetus. Others said that after being a particular gender several lifetimes in a row, if they were then born into a different gender, they had trouble adjusting. Some said that's when they would become transgender.

As for people using the Bible as authority, remember that the ancient Sumerian manuscripts carved on the stone walls in Babylon, tell the same stories as the Old Testament, using almost the same names, except that it was written 2000 years before the Bible.

In the Sumerian version, though, humans were genetically engineered by the Sumerians, who came to earth to mine gold and combined their DNA with human ape DNA to create obedient workers who wouldn't question authority. Pictures on the wall even show the Sumerian researchers in the genetic labs with beakers, and show rockets and flying machines similar to our current ones.

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts

If you take the Bible as your authority, perhaps you don't realize that the Old Testament punishment for breaking the Ten Commandments, even for picking up sticks on Saturday, was DEATH BY STONING.

In the New Testament, women are commanded to wear veils, never cut their hair, stay at home, have children, don't speak in church, and never have authority over men.


There is a difference between a soul being gendered and what happens when we go to heaven.  Regardless of whether one's opinions are informed by scripture or not (this topic is in the Christianity section of Spirituality so scripture would seem to be entirely relevant to me), when we get to the point where we pass on (whether it happens in one try or several) we get to the point where we are beyond the material world.  I doubt there are movies in heaven.  Or food.  I'd expect to be passing into an entirely different frame of existence and leaving behind all the material concepts we currently latch onto and take pleasure from.  My expectation is that it will be like being made of thought.  At whatever point we pass beyond possibilities of rebirth and we evolve to whatever that next level is, I don't expect sex or gender to be relevant concepts any more.  I don't expect being in that state of "thought" that we'd have much use for them. 