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Transitioning Is Making People Be Nicer To Me!!??

Started by MaiaOZ, August 04, 2017, 07:15:55 AM

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Has anyone experienced this? I'm currently taking baby steps into my transition as I don't go "all out woman" in regards to how I present myself. I would never pass regardless of how much effort I go to, largely because I am 6'1" with broad shoulders and at the age of 46, my facial features are just a bit too masculine. For that reason I don't even bother with makeup. Due to these factors, I present myself as androgynous but perhaps leaning slightly more towards feminine. My presentation, I believe, is why people hardly seem to notice me as being different when in a crowd. Sometimes I may catch someone staring but they always seem to have a "puzzled" look on their face.

As I add more and more feminine elements to my appearance, I've noticed that for the most part, people seem to be nicer and friendlier towards me. It's quite a surprise to me as I've always expected nothing but ignorance and hate. Could my location (Melbourne, Australia) be a better place than I had expected? Does society (or Melbourne) simply hate men so much that being anything else is better? I actually think this may be a big factor as women tend to be far more welcoming with me now than they were when I was a "man". As a man I felt like everyone saw me as a thug, or like someone who just wanted to "get into women's pants". I guess the latter was true, just not the way they thought. lol

Has anyone else had that kind of experience? As much as I am enjoying it, it's also weirding me out! Sometimes I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. I'm a very pessimistic person so I keep thinking I should brace myself for that inevitable day when someone eventually is nasty to me and sends me crashing back down into reality. What do you think?


It's hard to say without knowing more, but it may just be that you're more relaxed and happier, and that is being reflected back to you by other people.


Now you became a minority and people feel less threatened by minorities :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Both are good points. Indeed I am happier now than compared to back when I was all male. My confidence has improved too but I think that's the result of being treated well. I guess these points may be all it comes down to. I wish I could read people's minds.