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My Very Own HRT thread!

Started by Maddie86, July 17, 2017, 09:20:44 PM

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Quote from: Laurie on October 20, 2017, 08:54:56 AM

  Don't let it discourage you. The parts still work just not as well. I'm older and it has been many years since I awoke in that condition long before starting HRT. After starting I found a distinct lack od desire for umm activity which had  gone into overdrive prior to starting. Even now though very infrequent my body get an urge for relief though it is fruitless about once a month. You are younger (lucky girl) and the body will do what it pleases. I know this can be distressing but try to like of it and just another necessary bodily function the you have to put up with that will eventually be cured.
  Damn this sounds dumb, but I'm going to post it anyway.  I hope it does help if not just let me know and I'll remove it. I can't trust my  thinking these days. sorry


thanks for your reply :) I actually haven't really had any sexual urges since I started transitioning, which is why I was really surprised to wake up like that! if it was just once then ok yeah whatever, but 3 times?! yikes!


ok so I think my little morning problem has gone away lol, I didn't have any rude awakenings for the last 2 days :)

I wanna tell everyone about last night though! I went to a Halloween party and it was my first time being introduced as Maddie to people, and it was also my first time drinking in over 3 months. I had a couple of glasses of wine before everyone got there, and I still wasn't really feeling it yet, so I had a 3rd, and then it hit me when I was on my 4th, yikes. I maintained my composure though, I was wearing heels all night and didn't trip or anything and my makeup held up alright, although my lipstick was a little sloppy lol. People were calling me maddie but one girl did misgender me when she was raving about the ribs that I made for the party, and a couple times my friends slipped and referred to me by my male name. I had a little more to drink but I stopped before I got too crazy, I just got really tired and I was fighting to stay awake during pictionary and charades. I was nervous when it was my turn to go but I did get my team 2 points! yay! I was a little anti social the rest of the night. I was just waiting for people to leave so I could change and get to sleep on my friend's couch, I felt like I was coming down with a cold and just did not feel good. I'm going to another party next weekend and I don't think I am going to drink. I just don't like the way it makes me feel anymore, I don't need it and it's not worth the calories!

so while I was drunk at the party I did end up posting some pictures on facebook. I'm not out yet, i'm still presenting as male, but I've posted pics of me dressed as a woman for halloween before so I figured what the heck. this first picture got 41 reacts, 22 of which were "likes", 14 were "love", and unfortunately 5 were "haha". I got a few flattering comments too!

this one got 23 reactions, 12 were "likes" and 11 were "love"

this next pic only got one like, but I think it's because I forgot to post it with the initial set of pics, I just posted it in the comments, but this is my favorite one! These girls are 2 of my absolute best friends and have been so supportive of me, I really love them, but for some reason we always have a really hard time getting a good pic of the 3 of us, but I think this one turned out great!! Probably the best pic of the 3 of us lol

and then here's the ribs that I made that people were raving about, they came out really good! They were supposed to look like a heart and ribcage but I feel like the display could have looked a little better, oh well!

I'm gunna do a different costume next week I think, so I'll have another thread like this next sunday :)


Since you're loading your kidney with the work of processing hormones from the pill, you should be careful with the drinks. Your alcohol tolerance might be in the female range now - I won't say don't drink at all, but plan to have no more than 3 drinks for the whole night and pace yourself accordingly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: elkie-t on October 22, 2017, 03:36:13 PM
Since you're loading your kidney with the work of processing hormones from the pill, you should be careful with the drinks. Your alcohol tolerance might be in the female range now - I won't say don't drink at all, but plan to have no more than 3 drinks for the whole night and pace yourself accordingly.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

yeah, next time I drink I'm definitely going to take it easy. I used to be a beer drinker so I'm not really used to wine just yet, it snuck up on me! I think it's gunna be a little while before I drink again, maybe x-mas or new year's, not sure yet. this was actually my first time drinking since I started HRT! I just don't think it's for me anymore, which I'm happy about, this means there's a very low probability of me becoming an alcoholic again!


Quote from: Maddie86 on October 22, 2017, 04:28:40 PM
yeah, next time I drink I'm definitely going to take it easy. I used to be a beer drinker so I'm not really used to wine just yet, it snuck up on me! I think it's gunna be a little while before I drink again, maybe x-mas or new year's, not sure yet. this was actually my first time drinking since I started HRT! I just don't think it's for me anymore, which I'm happy about, this means there's a very low probability of me becoming an alcoholic again!
Again, and as usual - I'd recommend to watch for, and copy cis-women... If they drink at all, what do they drink, how often and when they stop and let it wear off. Regardless of your previous experiences and tolerances for alcohol - you don't have that capacity anymore.
And I'm not saying you should drink, rather - what to watch for when you decide to have another one with friends.


Quote from: elkie-t on October 23, 2017, 07:30:24 AM
Again, and as usual - I'd recommend to watch for, and copy cis-women... If they drink at all, what do they drink, how often and when they stop and let it wear off. Regardless of your previous experiences and tolerances for alcohol - you don't have that capacity anymore.
And I'm not saying you should drink, rather - what to watch for when you decide to have another one with friends.

that's good advice! I've noticed before that my female friends seemed to drink less, but I never watched them closely, I'll keep a better eye out next time!

and for another topic, I think my breasts are actually starting to develop now! I know this has happened a few times where it turned out to be nothing, but this time feels different. I think it's hard to tell since I've had moobs since I was like 8 lol. my nipples seem a little puffy and it doesn't hurt but there's definitely some sort of sensation going on in that area, and when I go to feel around a bit it seems more pleasurable than it used to be. sorry, I don't mean to sound weird haha, I'm just excited and this is making me happy :) my little morning problem that I mentioned last week went away for 2 days over the weekend but the last 2 mornings it came back, and I wonder if it has something to do with breast development somehow


not much to update on since my last post. I still feel my breasts developing, but I feel like my left one is coming along a little slower  :P

as for the weight loss, last week I weighed in and I gained a pound, i was at 195, then Friday I weighed and I was down to 192.5!! that made me pretty happy!

Also, I just wanted to share some pics from last night



Quote from: Maddie86 on October 16, 2017, 12:21:54 PM

I've been kinda sad over the last few days because I'm sensing a disconnect between me and some of my friends. I know they're busy but I have this feeling that they're keeping their distance from me for some reason, or at least one of them is. they'll still text me and chat but anytime I ask about hanging out they make excuses. When I first came out to them they were really supportive and we'd talk about doing all this stuff and having girls nights but that never really happened. We've hung out a few times but every time I was still presenting as male. I'm still early in my transition and I want to have nights where I go out dressed as a woman but it's hard to get them to commit to anything. this transition is going to be a lot lonelier than I expected! it's weird because my male friends who know about me are still down to hang out when they can. and there's a couple guys who I heard suspect that I'm transitioning and I've noticed that they've actually been friendlier towards me! I dunno, maybe i'm overthinking things, but I'm always the one to initiate conversation, it'd just nice if someone would randomly text me and ask how I'm doing.

ok, so the above quote is something I posted 3 weeks ago. I got over it and shrugged it off as me just building stuff up in my head. Unfortunately, I should have listened to myself in the first place. This post is gunna be a little long, sorry.

I'll start with talking about my friday night. my band had a show a couple hours away in Rochester and I was really looking forward to seeing my one friend from there. She's one of my absolute best friends and she knows about my transition, so being able to hang out with her all night would have been a huge relief. I'm in a band with 2 guys and we played a show with 2 other bands that were all male. those bands are also good friends of mine that I've known for a long time but I still felt out of place hanging with them. I don't know if it's the gender thing though, it could also be because they're all big partiers and I don't drink anymore. Well my girlfriend up there had a really rough day at work and she ended up not going, and I felt really bummed about that. I ignored the text she sent to me where she bailed and I felt really bad about doing that, but anything I would have said back to her probably just would have been depressing, so what's the point of making her feel bad if the reason she didn't come to see me in the first place is cuz she was already feeling bad? I was hurt but sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut. I talked with her for a while last night and things are fine now, but it got worse for me on saturday night.

so last week I found out that I was going to have the house to myself this coming friday night, so I messaged the girls from the above quote about having people over. well, my message was seen the night that I sent it but it was ignored until the next day. One of them responded saying she was going to pass. She works out a lot and has a competition coming up and she's usually pretty strict with her diet, so she didn't want to be tempted to drink and eat poorly (I said I was gunna cook for the party). Once she bailed another girl said she couldn't go because she had an event the next day that she had to do some stuff for, and then the other girl said she was free, but she didn't commit to coming over. It seems like every time I ask them to do something I'm either ignored or just kind of shrugged off, there's always an excuse to not see me, but usually empty promises of "we'll do something soon". well saturday night I was scrolling through my instagram to see a pic by one of the girls. the pic was of the fitness girl at the other girl's house drinking wine and being silly. I've practically been begging them for a girls night for months and now they go ahead and do one without me. I was f'ing crushed, it destroyed the rest of the weekend for me and I was even still feeling really depressed about it last night. I ended up deactivating my facebook page too. I was planning on doing that for a while actually but this made me pull the trigger. Why did the fitness girl have to lie to me? she said she didn't wanna come to my place because of her diet and yet there she is a day or two later drinking with her friends. I kinda get it, these girls are best friends and have been for a long time, but over the last 6 or 7 months I was getting a lot closer with them, or at least I thought so, and they know I've been dying to hang out with them. I've always just wanted to be one of the girls but now it's pretty obvious that this group of girls is never going to see me that way, so I'm stepping back. I didn't say anything to them because I know it's a bad idea. If they reach out to me then I'll talk but I'm done trying to make things happen with them. I thought they were more supportive of me but I think I've worn out my welcome, I just wish I knew what I did to make them shut me out :( It's weird, they will still talk to me, but when it comes to seeing them in person, whether it's in public or private, it just seems to be off the table.

On a more positive note, I ended up coming out to someone last night, which is the first time since August that I've come out to someone. I actually kinda wanted to tell him for a while now but I didn't know how to bring it up. He lives in Ohio now and i'm in central NY and we don't talk much, but we were talking about music last night through texts and then he just kinda brought it up. he said there was something he's been wanting to ask me but he didn't want me to be offended. He saw my halloween pictures and said that I look happy in them and he asked if I was happier that way, and then I decided to tell him. It went well, he was really happy for me. I didn't tell him this but he was a small part of me deciding to transition. He got sober a few years back, and last winter I was about a month sober and I asked him about thinking differently after being sober for a while, because I was noticing more clarity in my life. He told me there was definitely less brain fog, and then after that I knew I had to confront myself and transition. If these thoughts are still with me after all these years at a time when I'm thinking clearer than ever after trying to repress them then they're here to stay, they're not going anywhere and I need to do something about it! haha sorry, I went on writing longer than I thought I was going to lol, didn't mean to ramble!

one last thing. aside from my breasts finally being sensitive for the last 2 or 3 weeks, I haven't noticed any new changes... until yesterday. Sorry, this is gross, but I um, tried to relieve some stress lol, and I had my first ever dry orgasm. it was really weird. it didn't depress me or anything, I honestly don't know how to feel about it. I never think much about sex anymore, and this was the first time I did it in at least a week or two! Am I officially impotent now?


Quote from: Maddie86 on November 07, 2017, 05:12:04 PM

Am I officially impotent now?

Such an ugly word, and also ambiguous.  If you mean sterile, probably.  If you mean unable to perform sexually, obviously not.


Quote from: rmaddy on November 07, 2017, 06:32:40 PM
Such an ugly word, and also ambiguous.  If you mean sterile, probably.  If you mean unable to perform sexually, obviously not.

Unless she just wanted to know if she was important in a Cajun accent, then the answer is a definitive yes. But that probably wasn't what she was asking, so I'll go now.
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



ok so my last post was kind of a bummer, but this one will be a lot more positive :)

So Friday I weighed in and I'm down to 190lbs! my next goal is 186, so it'd be nice if I lose another 2 this week. earlier this year there were some months where I would lose 10lbs! that's slowed down a lot since starting HRT, since starting it's taken me 4 months to lose 24lbs, but that's ok, I'm lookin good and should hopefully be at end goal of 175 within the next couple months.

I think my body hair is finally starting to thin out a little. The last time I did any hair removal was 2.5 weeks ago, and while there is some growth it's definitely not as fast as it used to be. it does seem to be thinning a little and not as dark, but some spots are still pretty dark. Hopefully it will have thinned out a lot more by the spring, I think that's when I'm gunna try to come out to everyone

my breasts are still sensitive! I met a friend of mine today and it hurt my chest when he hugged me lol. I actually wore a sports bra to the park last night for the first time and my jog definitely wasn't as painful, so I'm going to try and wear one every time I jog now. It's cold so no one will notice it under a coat, flannel, and t-shirt

so after feeling bad last week I did some things to cheer me up. Friday night I went to my friends' house and their daughters had me cracking up, they're 2 and 7 and they're both just so cute and funny, my face actually hurt from smiling so much! their oldest daughter absolutely loves me but the younger one is still pretty shy, but she's been coming around a bit, the other night she wouldn't leave me alone after warming up to me

The next day I took a little trip up to Ithaca because I wanted to get out of town. I went and grabbed breakfast and then had some time to kill before the shops opened. I ended up going for a hike at buttermilk falls. It's a beautiful trail but it was a little dangerous because it was icy and I was wearing chuck taylors lol. The last time I was there was 2011 and I was over 300lbs at the time, I barely made it up the trail before having to turn around and go back down, but this time I did great!! I went up the main trail and back down in about an hour. I don't think the distance is too long but there's a LOT of stairs, so I got a good workout! Then I rewarded myself with lunch at my favorite mexican restaurant! after that I drove 20 minutes into the middle of nowhere to check out a cemetery in the woods that I heard was haunted. I didn't have any experiences but it was still neat to see. Then I came home and had a fun night bowling with some friends. I got a little dysphoric though when some of the girls there started dancing and it was so beautiful and graceful and fun, I wish I could just let go and be less uptight! I need to learn to dance!

This morning I went shopping with a girlfriend and I had a lot of fun! It was with one of the girls that I thought was avoiding me but now I feel silly about that whole thing. She met me at the mall an hour and a half before all the stores opened so we just walked around for a while and talked, it was good to catch up, I haven't seen her since August! We both have Penneys credit cards and we both needed stuff from Sephora so we went at 10 when they opened. I have a friend that works at Sephora, so that's a huge relief for me. I needed a new eyeshadow palette, I was thinking about the new Urban Decay Heavy Metal one and while I liked it, it just wasn't me. I ended up getting a Too Faced Holiday Palette that I totally fell in love with. the colors are great and it also came with a mascara and a lipstick and a daily planner for 2018 that had a bunch of cute stickers in it. annnnd each month there's makeup tips for good looks for each month of the year, I'm super happy with my purchase! I bought some new clothes too, a top and a pair of leggings. The leggings are maroon with a black floral pattern and they're cute and soooo comfy and my legs seriously look great in them! I got an olive green top that I really like the look of and it's also comfy but I think it's actually too big on me!! I think I might take it back and get a smaller size.

I shaved my face last night and I can't really shave again until this weekend because I have electrolysis thursday night. i'm gunna play around with my new makeup after I can shave again, I got a new foundation that looks great on me! I had a great hair day today too and I'm starting to feel a lot better about myself, so hopefully I can have another night out soon and dress up, I feel like I'm getting pretty cute  :D


It's amazing what a little makeup and a nice outfit can do for one's self esteem.



Glad to hear things picked up Maddie!
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



Quote from: RobynTx on November 14, 2017, 04:33:26 PM
It's amazing what a little makeup and a nice outfit can do for one's self esteem.

sometimes the little things can make a big difference!

Quote from: Roll on November 14, 2017, 07:12:13 PM
Glad to hear things picked up Maddie!

Thanks! And I've been watching "the Roll show", I'm happy for you and excited for you to start hrt!


Hi Maddie,

   I am glad to see you are finding ways to handle things when you are feeling a little down. I am glad you were able to get to a better place and have fun with your friends.
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



soooo yesterday was my 4 month anniversary of starting hormones! my breasts have been sore lately, I try not to touch them anymore lol. I think my skin has been the same softness for a while now, but I think my body hair growth has finally slowed down, it seems a little thinner now too. my genitals are definitely a little smaller than they used to be lol, but I try to not pay much attention to them lol. no new mental changes that I've noticed

I had my first therapy session today since May. it was good to see my therapist but overall I'd say it was uneventful. I made my next appointment for February.

on the health front I started going a little more intense with my last couple jogs. I used to do jogs that were just under 3 miles, but today and thursday I jogged 5.4 miles! it's more exhausting but I'm proud of myself! Hopefully next week I'll start seeing some results on the scale! speaking of the scale, I had to get a new one. my old one wasn't digital and it kept giving me different readings every time I stepped on it. I don't think my new scale likes me very much, it says I'm 6lbs heavier than my last one did!

Other than that, not too much goin on. Yesterday I shopped for women's clothing alone for the first time. the last couple times I did it with some girlfriends. yesterday I had to make a return and no one could go with me, so I took a top back and got a new one. it went well, nothing awkward :) Also, I just played around with my new eyeshadow palette. it came with a lipstick and mascara and I really like both of them! Too Faced makes some great stuff!

oh yeah! I'm thinking about setting a coming out date, the first day of Spring. I'm not sure yet if I can pull it off, I might need another month to get ready, I have so much I need to do! it's getting harder to not live as myself yet!



  I am glad to see things are still progressing well for you and it is especially nice to read you talking about a debut in spring. Put some flowers in your hair and go for it girl. Or was that going to San Francisco? Oh well whateva, Keep up the happy progress.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on November 18, 2017, 04:08:01 PM

  I am glad to see things are still progressing well for you and it is especially nice to read you talking about a debut in spring. Put some flowers in your hair and go for it girl. Or was that going to San Francisco? Oh well whateva, Keep up the happy progress.


aw thank you :)


Happy thanksgiving everyone!! I just wanted to say how thankful I am that I found this website, it has helped me a lot and there are so many wonderful people on here, so thank you thank you!!

No updates on my transition really, but I do wanna mention that I ran my first ever run today! It was a 5 miler and I ran it with a friend and it was awesome! I didn't stop to walk once, which I am really proud of! My time was 52:26!


Congratulations.  That's great news to hear.
