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Questions About Laser Hair Removal

Started by Becca Kay, August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PM

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Becca Kay

I've been browsing various threads in here and not exactly finding all the info I'm looking for so I figured I'd ask a few questions.  I've scheduled a consult at a clinic for laser hair removal for my neck, face, torso.  I have dark hair, a thick beard but very little body hair on my chest, abs. 

From everything I've read I garner that Laser is a long process.  That it doesn't permanently remove everything after only one or two visits.  My questions for those who've done Laser on their face are:

how much 'progress' did you see after the first treatment? 

how many treatments did it take before you were beard free?

did you eventually need to or decide to also do electrolysis and why?

side effects? 



I started both laser and electrolysis in January 2017. Why both? I was hoping laser would get rid of all the dark hairs, but it does nothing for grey. The only solution for grey hair is electrolysis.

I did not notice much difference in facial hair until after the third treatment. Although almost all of the hairs shed 10 - 14 days after each visit they will eventually be back. There was a big difference after session number four, but there are still some dark ones hanging around. I am having laser treatment number five early in September. I expect I will need at least two or three more laser sessions to get all the dark ones.

The only side effects of laser I have noticed is some redness, temporary minor swelling, and occasional dark patches on my skin. The first three sessions were not too bad, but my electrologist noticed treatment number four the moment I walked through her door. I don't know if the HRT has made my skin more light sensitive or if they just had the power turned up a bit more than usual. It felt like I had a minor sunburn for a few days.

Electrolysis can also be very uncomfortable. Although my first few sessions resulted in tears, I have gotten so used to it that I often fall asleep during my sessions. Facial laser treatments can be exceptionally painful, and the upper lip is the worst of all. I have a reasonably high pain tolerance, but I usually have to take at least one break while they are working on my upper lip.
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GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
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23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
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Quote from: Becca Kay on August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PM
I've been browsing various threads in here and not exactly finding all the info I'm looking for so I figured I'd ask a few questions.  I've scheduled a consult at a clinic for laser hair removal for my neck, face, torso.  I have dark hair, a thick beard but very little body hair on my chest, abs. 

From everything I've read I garner that Laser is a long process.  That it doesn't permanently remove everything after only one or two visits.  My questions for those who've done Laser on their face are:

Quotehow much 'progress' did you see after the first treatment? 

It took about 10 days before I noticed the first shedding...not much is the answer. It took till about the 3rd or 4th to see the difference

Quotehow many treatments did it take before you were beard free?

I am never did get beard free as I had a bout 40% of my beard was white, Laser will not kill all the hairs but will kill a percentage of them. I had 17 by the time I stopped and I still have black hairs but not enough to really worry about any more treatments

Quotedid you eventually need to or decide to also do electrolysis and why?

I had electrolysis with my laser and the Electrolysis was only on the light coloured hair. Electrolysis destroys the hair follicle so no hair can grow back...laser disables the hair follicle so it can't grow back. You need to understand the hair growth cycle and how it works to understand the results you will get.

Quoteside effects? 

Sunburn like feeling on skin

Sun sensitivity

They key with laser is to ensure you are getting Laser and not IPL. IPL is fine for body hair and seem to work pretty well but not on the face. You can see the difference between the two easily if you know what to look for. The technique used for IPL seems to be different than with Laser.

Hope that helps some
Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019

Becca Kay

thanks so much for the replies.  I was hoping to hear that it was an easy couple of visits and I'd be done.  LOL.  Nothing is ever that easy!

Becca Kay

thankfully i have very little hair on my chest


Hair removal is a time consuming hole in the pocket. I took nearly 200 hours of electrolysis just to clean my face and I didn't have a beard that showed up. I never needed concealer because a shave with an electric razor was enough to keep it presentable all day. If laser works for you, it's about 1/5 the cost and time on the table. If not, get ready for the long haul. In any case, if you do laser, expect some electrolysis to clean up what the laser missed. 
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Unless you are in a hurry you may want to wait on laser treatments for body hair. Although HRT will not affect facial hair other than possibly slowing down the growth rate, many people report that HRT can significantly reduce body hair. I started estradiol patches in late March and spiro about three weeks ago. Even before the spiro I noticed the hair on my hands and lower legs was thinning out quite a bit, with some turning from dark brown to a light blonde. The hair on my chest and stomach is also much less dense than it used to be, I would estimate it is about 70% less than when I started. If you are starting out with sparse body hair, I would suggest giving HRT 4 - 6 months to see if it helps reduce your body hair before getting laser treatments on those areas.
Journal thread - Jessica's Rose Garden
National Coming Out Day video - Coming Out
GCS - GCS and BA w/Dr. Ley
GCS II - GCS II and FFS w/Dr. Ley
FFS II - Jaw and chin surgery w/Dr. Ley
Hair - Hair Restoration
23Mar2017 - HRT / 16Feb2018 - Full Time! / 21Feb2019 - GCS / 26July2019 - GCS II / 13Oct2020 - FFS II
"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot
  • skype:Jessica_Rose?call


Quote from: Becca Kay on August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PM
how much 'progress' did you see after the first treatment?
I saw a noticeable difference after one treatment.  Visibly about a 20% reduction, but that didn't last.

Quote from: Becca Kay on August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PM
how many treatments did it take before you were beard free?
I did over 15 treatments and still was not beard free, not even close, especially goatee area which is that most important area for me.  A few times I thought my cheeks were done and skipped that area and regretted it because the hairs eventually grew back.

Quote from: Becca Kay on August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PM
did you eventually need to or decide to also do electrolysis and why?
I started electrolysis about 10 treatments in to get a head start on the grey, blonde and white hairs. Then I eventually stopped laser and am strictly electrolysis now.

Quote from: Becca Kay on August 16, 2017, 06:10:32 PMside effects?
Just redness, but I did have side effects on my last full body treatment.  They increased the settings too high and now my skin has a ripple effect.  My skin was burned, my entire body.  No one would know but I know because it's my body.  I blame this on the technician because I requested I need better coverage, she must have took it as higher settings.  That's not what I wanted or needed.  If this happened on my face I would be very upset.  My skin was basically melted.  It was very hot at the time and I figured no pain no gain, but I'll live.