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Ftm Binding/working/periods

Started by Zaire13, July 15, 2017, 01:53:08 PM

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Disclaimer:Im so hungry. been at the mall all day cause I'm broke and I have no car, and my friend works at forever21 and doesn't get off until 4:30.

I just got hired to also work at forever 21.

I started testosterone this week and I was wondering, for many of you when did you stop having periods>

Also what are some good binding methods for playing sports that don't involve breaking a rib trying to hide your breasts, or wearing a >-bleeped-< ton of shirts in the heat?

Im very athletic and so because Im male, to me Im male, I want to be read as a guy while playing sports. How can I achieve that? is there anyway besides a training bra?


First of all, congrats on the new job!

Binders.  Binders are your friend!  I bought mine from Underworks, and because I currently have a D (nearly a DD) chest, the tritop works best for me.  Make sure you read up on how to wear them SAFELY and remember to listen to your body!

I've also heard great things about  gc2c binders.

I've never worn a sports bra, so I don't know much about them.

I can't tell you about periods since I'm postmenopausal.  Anyone else?


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Only one shark week after starting T and it was very, very light/lame. This isn't always necessarily the case, however, as there are others that still struggle with period related issues many months in.
I'd say you can most likely expect to be done within a 3-4 month window. It may be sooner, it may be later. The way your body responds to the hormones will play a huge role as far as that's concerned.

As for the binder thing, I sucked at that whole deal so I'll leave that to everyone else.
"I demolish my bridges behind me - then there is no choice but forward." - Fridtjof Nansen


Seconding Ryuichi on binders.  Underworks work better for some guys (they're made with a very firm binding material), but in my experience you breathe/move easier in gc2b. I've tried like five different brands, and for me it gives the best compression/shaping without strangling me.  Results differ depending on chest/rib difference--I have a medium-sized chest, and need a firm front panel but plenty of back stretch for comfort.  If you are really exerting yourself, consider wearing a size up or a slightly stretched out binder--and make sure that in general you go with the size that fits you.  Too-small binders don't really give you much in terms of visual gains, they just cut into your skin/compress your rib cage/make it hard to breathe/potentially do tissue damage that may affect top surgery results if you choose to have top surgery later.  Find the happiest medium you can between appearance and comfort.

Whatever you choose, please don't use ace bandages--you can break ribs.


I'll confirm the three month window, mine stopped at two-three months in, which meant I may have only had one or two after starting, I can't remember because I never kept track and simply noticed it had been awhile since I'be had it, and as months dragged on and still nothing I noticed I was "cured".



Most info I've seen from endocrinologists says periods can take up to a year to stop. Mine took about 5 months, though there were only actually about three periods in there, with more than a month between each. And I still get spotting/mood swings even now nine month in despite my T levels being okay. Some guys get lucky and have them stop right away. It's one of those things you can't really know for sure going in, sadly.

gc2b is indeed the most comfortable brand in most people's opinion, but they're notorious for having low armholes that let large-chested people spill out when running or lifting. (I found this out the hard way while at work.) So if you have a larger chest and plan on being active, you may want to try Underworks first. They're not as breathable, but they have better coverage.


I have a very large chest and love my Underworks binders. If you have a smaller chest, I would try  GC2B to start due to better breathability. The important thing is to listen to your body. While binding may not be the most comfortable thing in the world (it is way more comfortable than any bra I've ever tried), it shouldn't hurt.

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Wow this was all really helpful. I guess I've been freaking out a lot about passing because I just started but weirdly Ive been experiencing some intense changes in my voice within less then two weeks, Im two shots in. My voice has been dropping drastically. I have a feminine face and I have locs so they're pretty lengthy but my body is very long and narrow, mildly toned, already broad shoulders small chest.
Ive been mistaken for a guy when I identified as female but now that I identify as male I feel like... okay so I was really tall for a girl, (5'9) but I'm short for a guy kinda. And for a girl I didn't wear much make up or anything but for a guy I have pretty soft features. Im really in the in between. cracking voice and all that.
My doctor said he thinks my period might be over within a month so the idea of that is making me happy but the possibility that I might get another of those monsters has me on edge for when school starts.
Maybe Im thinking too much and I'm too excited.


Quote from: arice on July 16, 2017, 02:22:46 AM
I have a very large chest and love my Underworks binders. If you have a smaller chest, I would try  GC2B to start due to better breathability. The important thing is to listen to your body. While binding may not be the most comfortable thing in the world (it is way more comfortable than any bra I've ever tried), it shouldn't hurt.

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YeahI have Gc2b and I thought it might be too small but I don't think it actually is. I think I was just being paranoid because of horror stories but when I get the cash I'm going to buy a size up as a just in case and as a good way to not compress myself too much and till be physically active while having a flat chest... I'm hoping that worksss I figure if my binder is a little more roomy then I could get away with a flat chest and extra breathing room...


Quote from: Ryuichi13 on July 15, 2017, 09:28:21 PM
First of all, congrats on the new job!

Binders.  Binders are your friend!  I bought mine from Underworks, and because I currently have a D (nearly a DD) chest, the tritop works best for me.  Make sure you read up on how to wear them SAFELY and remember to listen to your body!

I've also heard great things about  gc2c binders.

I've never worn a sports bra, so I don't know much about them.

I can't tell you about periods since I'm postmenopausal.  Anyone else?


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Thanks for the congrats xD its actually a horrible job that kills my feet and wont put my preferred name on the schedule instead of my legal name but eh I really need cashhhhh



Quote from: Zaire13 on July 20, 2017, 07:04:47 PM

Thanks for the congrats xD its actually a horrible job that kills my feet and wont put my preferred name on the schedule instead of my legal name but eh I really need cashhhhh

Forever21 is kind of religious, so yeah, they're going to be like that. But no job is forever, right?

I have sort of doubled up on my anti-shark week protection. I have a Mirena IUD (4.5 years) in addition to taking testosterone (3.5 months), so I have occasional spotting, but nothing even like a period. Even before I started to transition, I felt like they were hard to deal with and nasty, so I did my best to avoid them.


Quote from: widdershins on July 16, 2017, 01:49:40 AM
Most info I've seen from endocrinologists says periods can take up to a year to stop. Mine took about 5 months, though there were only actually about three periods in there, with more than a month between each. And I still get spotting/mood swings even now nine month in despite my T levels being okay. Some guys get lucky and have them stop right away. It's one of those things you can't really know for sure going in, sadly.

gc2b is indeed the most comfortable brand in most people's opinion, but they're notorious for having low armholes that let large-chested people spill out when running or lifting. (I found this out the hard way while at work.) So if you have a larger chest and plan on being active, you may want to try Underworks first. They're not as breathable, but they have better coverage.

Wait so I can run and lift in a gc2b binder as long as its got enough space? Cause I was thinking if I saved and bought one a size up I could maintain my athletics. I really love playing sports and working out and I've been feeling kinda like I can't do that because of binding. I want to see if I can get my top surgery sooner than a year even though I just started T 5 shots ago.

Speaking of, my period was like non existent nearly. Just spotting. But its still early so I'll not rejoice quite yet. (Happily rejoices anyway)


Quote from: Zaire13 on August 08, 2017, 03:08:01 AM

Wait so I can run and lift in a gc2b binder as long as its got enough space? Cause I was thinking if I saved and bought one a size up I could maintain my athletics. I really love playing sports and working out and I've been feeling kinda like I can't do that because of binding. I want to see if I can get my top surgery sooner than a year even though I just started T 5 shots ago.

Speaking of, my period was like non existent nearly. Just spotting. But its still early so I'll not rejoice quite yet. (Happily rejoices anyway)

Definitely start cautiously and work your way up to find your own limits. And if you feel pain, have trouble breathing, etc., then stop and change into a sports bra or something. But yes, it's possible, especially with stuff like running where you aren't really flexing your torso at all.

I work out in my old, mostly worn out binders that are still elastic enough to provide support but aren't really tight enough to keep using in public anymore. Buying a size up while new may or may not work depending on the brand, since some of the size jumps are pretty drastic. In Underworks, for example, one size up for me is as loose as a standard baggy cotton tank top. But both gc2b and Underworks have exchange policies, so you'd only be out the shipping costs if you tried a size up and it didn't fit.