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I decided to leave Evangelicalism

Started by RoryM, October 10, 2017, 11:48:29 AM

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My whole life I have been raised by the evangelical way of thinking when it came to Christianity. However, I have decided to leave it. Most would think it's because I'm transsexual and evangelical churches are notorious for being anti-trans but that is only a small part of the reason why I left.

The main reasons why is due so many doctorines and attitudes within the culture. The constant science-denying, politicalization, black and white worldview, us vs .them(even to other Christians) attitudes, fearmongering of the end of the world. The constant picking and choosing of Biblical verses and claiming Biblical inerrancy as well as taking everything in it literally.

The turning point was honestly when I went to the Passion conference in Atlanta a couple of years ago. My mom and aunt forced me to go because they thought it would change my life. And boy did it, but not in the way that they wanted. It honestly has put me off from evangelicalism from then on. The place was so hyper emotional. I'll admit I am someone who is not a very emotional person in general but I do admire people who are more emotional. The problem was that the conference was so irraitionally emotional and seemed to think you were a better Christ follower the more openly emotional you are. I remember one speaker there was literally this woman just screaming her sermon the whole time which was a mixture of annoying and really uncomfortable. A lot of it feels like emotional manipulation. There just seems to be no place for people of a more cerebral leaning in evangelicalism which I think goes hand in hand with a lot of the science denying and debate shutdowns in the denomination.

The last reason is the consumer culture, the attempt to appeal to current pop culture, and the way pastors display there sermons in a more showman or actor sort of way rather than as a teacher. Because of these three things a lot of it feels fake. There's a lack of spirituality, sacredness, and worship. It feels more like these 'pastors' just want to get rich and famous then actually share the gospel and display the humility of Christ. And when they get criticisms like this, they turn around and claim God blessed them with wealth and fame for being such noble Christians. It comes off as fake and shallow. They love to advertise Christian books, Christian music, and other Christian products as if consuming all of this stuff is what Jesus really wants. It comes of as a thinly veiled 'it's all about me and my wants' mindset which is the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

I think I complained enough about my reasons for leaving. It's just that now I don't know where to go from here. Evangelicalism was my only worldview for all of my life so I don't know what other denominations believe or practice really.


I totally get what you've experienced.
I made a major change 10 years ago. After doing my homework, I found the Presbyterian church to be more inline with my thinking.
Our congregation is small- maybe 120 or so. Very diverse with 13 countries represented including Senegal, Malawi, Caribbean nations, Scotland, England to name a few.
My pastor, and the congregation was super welcoming.
2007/8 - name change, tracheal shave, electrolysis, therapy
2008 - full time
2014 - GCS Dr. Brassard; remarried
2018 (January)  - hubby and I moved off-grid
2019 - plan originally was to hike PCT in 2020, but now attempting Appalachian Trail - start date April 3.


Totally agree. It's all about worshipping the pastor than reading and learning from the Bible. It's like a self motivation seminar. Jesus didn't want organised religion and for us to be divided by denominations. He just wanted everyone to believe in him and to follow his teachings. That's it.

Good on you for having the courage to leave.
They/them pronouns preferred.



QuoteAfter doing my homework, I found the Presbyterian church to be more inline with my thinking.

Why do you need a church at all?  Or religion for that matter?
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


Totally understand your experience. Congrats on making that realization and change.

There are plenty of accepting denominations. Visit Presbyterians, Universalist, Church of Christ, Episcopal or Anglican Congregations to name some.



Quote from: AnneK on October 10, 2017, 02:17:01 PM
Why do you need a church at all?  Or religion for that matter?

Excuse me, but this was posted in Christianity.
If you don't have any thing nice to say, don't say it. I needn't  defend my beliefs and faith to you.

Rude text removed by Forum Admin
2007/8 - name change, tracheal shave, electrolysis, therapy
2008 - full time
2014 - GCS Dr. Brassard; remarried
2018 (January)  - hubby and I moved off-grid
2019 - plan originally was to hike PCT in 2020, but now attempting Appalachian Trail - start date April 3.


I've been round and round with the same thing for a long time.  No matter what denomination you go to you will find the same kind of thing to one degree or another.  So maybe you might just step back for a while and forget about all the various denominational doctrines and dogmas. 

Jesus said, "for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (AV, Luke 17:21)

Seek him there first.

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." (AV, Luke 11:9-10)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired

Anne Blake

Hi Rory,

I can relate to all that you have stated. When my wife and I came out to our conservative evangelical pastor we were invited to leave our home church of 33 years (a very painful experience). The blessing that came out of that is that we found a progressive evangelical church home. The huge difference is that our new church home both preaches and lives a totally inclusionary belief that draws directly from the scriptures, in direct contrast to the us vs them mentality of the conventional church. It has provided us with a very growth filled new appreciation of the gospel and had given us a home that we are considered assets in rather than pariahs. It has been significant enough to us that I could ramble on for quite a while but it would still come down to, look into progressive evangelical churches and inclusionary doctrine, you might just like it.



My Grandfather a masters in theology graduate of Biola university left the Pentecostal church explaining I'm a teacher not a preacher. I can't ever remember him trying to demand his views as gospel. It was obvious he loved the Lord. But but he was not overt about it like Grandma was who was also ordained. I decided not to attend again at about the age of 16 when I attended an Easter service and the sermon given by Reverend Smith. was about makeup and dress. Not the death of Jesus.  I've been to several Revivals and they really are entertainment. Meant  to portray the joy of the church and their doctrines. I could never figure how the people speaking in tongues knew it was time to go into their act but whenever there was a lull in the sermon, there they would be. Everything is geared to collecting money with very little returned to help humanity.
   I have no problem with religion and ones belief in them, but there are 4000 variations of the  same tale and interpreted by each sect differently otherwise we would all be Baptists or Lutherans. So I am to decide which of the righteous doctrines are the most correct. I prefer to make my own pact with the Lord. No interpretations, No rock bands, no hymns. I never feel I am conversing with God, however I do feel he is listening. Liberty in my interpretation is not limiting the potential of a caring, loving populus in favor of a hate filled, demanding, piousness based on misinformed beliefs that your religious views supercede my human rights to equality.  The two greatest commandments are...Loving the Lord with all thy heart. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Since when did it say a woman with 4 divorces has the right to deny people who love each other from legally expressing their love? A corporation can exclude a class of humans that don't fit their ideals because some obscure passage in an ancient book full of holes, guides their belief system. It just seems an excuse for hate and prejudice. Please reread the above passage. The commandment is to "Love thy neighbor" not exclude them because of your bigotry. I am sorry if anyone is offended. But we cannot just sweep this under the rug because somebody takes offense. Especially when 21 innocent members of an alternative lifestyle group trying to seek equality. Not special treatment are sought. I do not live that lifestyle of my own accord but rather events outside my control. In other words, I was born this way. And so called Christians. feel I should be put to death because of this.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



The parts of evangelicalism that involve living by example I fully agree with. 
Actions are often more effective than words.     


Several posts have been removed to clean the thread up. Please be respectful of others and their beliefs. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it all please. Please remember all of the TOS. Thanks
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator

Dianne H

The problem is that men have twisted and divided the gospel to suit their purpose. They buy and sell doves to fill pews and wallets.

There truly is one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father of all even though few know it or believe it. That one gospel or one truth has no confusion or contradictions. It is the original faith given and ordained of Christ unto the original church.

When you find the one true gospel you will find peace; peace with God and man. You have to have the Holy Ghost lead you to it however.

The Holy Ghost will give the same gospel today as he did to the original church ordained of Christ. He will not change his message regardless of date, location or customs.

I wish you well on your quest.

May God bless.


Quote from: RoryM on October 10, 2017, 11:48:29 AM
My whole life I have been raised by the evangelical way of thinking when it came to Christianity. However, I have decided to leave it. Most would think it's because I'm transsexual and evangelical churches are notorious for being anti-trans but that is only a small part of the reason why I left.

The main reasons why is due so many doctorines and attitudes within the culture. The constant science-denying, politicalization, black and white worldview, us vs .them(even to other Christians) attitudes, fearmongering of the end of the world. The constant picking and choosing of Biblical verses and claiming Biblical inerrancy as well as taking everything in it literally.

The turning point was honestly when I went to the Passion conference in Atlanta a couple of years ago. My mom and aunt forced me to go because they thought it would change my life. And boy did it, but not in the way that they wanted. It honestly has put me off from evangelicalism from then on. The place was so hyper emotional. I'll admit I am someone who is not a very emotional person in general but I do admire people who are more emotional. The problem was that the conference was so irraitionally emotional and seemed to think you were a better Christ follower the more openly emotional you are. I remember one speaker there was literally this woman just screaming her sermon the whole time which was a mixture of annoying and really uncomfortable. A lot of it feels like emotional manipulation. There just seems to be no place for people of a more cerebral leaning in evangelicalism which I think goes hand in hand with a lot of the science denying and debate shutdowns in the denomination.

The last reason is the consumer culture, the attempt to appeal to current pop culture, and the way pastors display there sermons in a more showman or actor sort of way rather than as a teacher. Because of these three things a lot of it feels fake. There's a lack of spirituality, sacredness, and worship. It feels more like these 'pastors' just want to get rich and famous then actually share the gospel and display the humility of Christ. And when they get criticisms like this, they turn around and claim God blessed them with wealth and fame for being such noble Christians. It comes off as fake and shallow. They love to advertise Christian books, Christian music, and other Christian products as if consuming all of this stuff is what Jesus really wants. It comes of as a thinly veiled 'it's all about me and my wants' mindset which is the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

I think I complained enough about my reasons for leaving. It's just that now I don't know where to go from here. Evangelicalism was my only worldview for all of my life so I don't know what other denominations believe or practice really.

So leave Evangelicalism hun. I left and my mom was Pentecostal so I am gong to hell. Supposedly ::)

OK so I am going to get a little tough here, do you not think the Creator of the Universe wants to be questioned as to why they created the Universe? The big question is Why? I do believe that the Creator wants us to ask that question instead of just accept Fate..

Jesus and no pun intended but forget about religions and there is on question that remains regardless of religion and that is why? Who knows and who cares just that we all are.