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Anyone like to learn languages?

Started by SlateRDays, July 02, 2016, 09:19:13 PM

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I should probably mention the language I'd had to make the most use of was Italian... didn't find Italian all that easy, but going to Italy more times than anywhere else necessitated it. It's a strange thing, I wouldn't consider myself fluent at all but there are so many words with a Latin root in English that often correspond that's it's not so difficult to pick up on site. Having to make use of a language "or else" accelerates the learning process so much more. I can hear people talking Italian and quite often figure out what they're basically on about with only a rudimentary grasp of it. Especially when they're arguing out of car windows on the autostrada.

Something about the way the words are spoken makes them easier to figure out when you're listening than French, I think. A lot of French is not pronounced the way it's written, and while I think French is probably the most beautiful-sounding language, there's a lot to remember in differences between sound and writing.

I've had to speak German too... but I am terrible with German and cannot get the hang of the more extensive words. "Where do I get a beer" being the most important phrase of course... at least I learned that one well.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Jennifer RachaelAnn

I'm teaching myself a few, but I feel pretty confident about my linguistic skills. Take Spanish for example. I am no where near fluent, but I like to think that if I was in Mexico and got turned around in whatever city I was in that I know enough Spanish that I could get by until I found someone fluent in English. I don't want to hit the pause button on learning the language by any means. I want to be fluent worldly. The more languages I can learn the better.
"There are many who would take my time. I shun them.
There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them.
There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them."

-Anton Szandor LaVey



Quote from: SlateRDays on July 02, 2016, 09:19:13 PM
Hey everyone. Just back on the scene for awhile and trying to interact again. Do you any of you like learning languages and if so what are you currently or have studied?

I've dipped my toe into French. I dipped my toe into Vietnamese and seriously studied it for 2yrs and then had to stop do to time constraints. I study it passively by counting. Studied Japanese at one point, but it was very time consuming, not difficult, just time consuming. I eventually moved onto Russian and German, with German having more work in it. I found some FSI language course and that's what really gave me the most progress so far, but again, time constraints. I find I will soon be able to get back to studying German, as I'm getting ready to settle my other projects down.

other languages I want to learn: Russian, Italian, Czech and Vietanamese. I'm plan to do these with the FSI courses resources I have. Vietnamese will be more a bringing myself back up to speed and then continuing from a more focused point.
I'm self-taught in Spanish (intermediate-fluent), and I've learned quite a bit of Romanian as well. I have also dabbled in Turkish, Dutch, and Ukrainian ha.

I decided a couple months ago that I should probably become entirely fluent in Spanish before messing around with others, however. By the way, all the languages you've mentioned dabbling in are very, very difficult for me lol, even French (Italian has been difficult because I know too much Spanish lol). Nonetheless, I think everyone needs to learn a second language, which has come natural to me given that I'm a programmer who knows programming languages as well!



I wanna learn :)

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Try Duolingo. Gives you some free lessons in other languages. Or Google translate can serve as a step in the right direction. ;)
Be your own master, not the slave to illusion;
The lord of your own life, not the servant to falsities;
Only then will you realize your true potential and shake off the burdens of your fears and doubts.



Hey everyone. Thank you all for sharing about your passions. I've been trying to get to places to use the net here and there, so this is why I'm not active as much.

I have continuing to passively learn German since I'm so busy with other things. When I did the FSI course, I had really solidified some things. And honestly, when they say programmed introduction, they don't play around. Given enough time (5 or so minutes) I can recall a specific phrase I learned and I use that as a way to 'switch' on the language and all that I have learned so far. Passively I read very simple motivational phrases on my facebook from a german photography and motivator. I try to get in practice as often as possible.

When it comes to some languages, even though I either didn't catch or just wasn't interested, I still find it fun figuring out what a language is. Spanish and Portuguese are one of the many I learned to distinguish. When I was in a virtual world, I saw many people typing. And what's fun is seeing those few 'key' words that help you determine if this is one language or not. Because if you know a few, you can usually tell if it's the language you think it is, Spanish, or something else, Portuguese.

Kylo you mentioned going to Italy, what was your experience there? How did you find your connection with people or learning about areas changed? I mean how long had taken you to start adapting to things once you went back time and time again?

How about the rest of you? Have any of you either went to the places you studied or found those heavily populated areas, where you live?

I think one of the place that I would like to visit out of interest would be Vietnam, and possibly New Zealand. I've heard and seen clips of New Zealand being lush, but I also hear many find themselves settling there.

Another question is, If you could find you self accidentally trapped in a country you were visiting, which would it be?

Happy Learning everyone and take great care!
What do the eyes say when you look into them? What do you see?


I'm looking to learn to speak Thai. I plan on retiring to Thailand within the next year or 2.


Quote from: Kelly1ca on May 05, 2017, 02:52:44 PM
I'm looking to learn to speak Thai. I plan on retiring to Thailand within the next year or 2.

What area of Thailand are you interested in settling? I remember some years back on tv, they showed a place called Phuket which is supposed to be the most peaceful. Have you ever visited?

Quote from: Kylo on April 24, 2017, 10:55:41 AM
I should probably mention the language I'd had to make the most use of was Italian... didn't find Italian all that easy, but going to Italy more times than anywhere else necessitated it. It's a strange thing, I wouldn't consider myself fluent at all but there are so many words with a Latin root in English that often correspond that's it's not so difficult to pick up on site. Having to make use of a language "or else" accelerates the learning process so much more. I can hear people talking Italian and quite often figure out what they're basically on about with only a rudimentary grasp of it. Especially when they're arguing out of car windows on the autostrada.

Something about the way the words are spoken makes them easier to figure out when you're listening than French, I think. A lot of French is not pronounced the way it's written, and while I think French is probably the most beautiful-sounding language, there's a lot to remember in differences between sound and writing.

I've had to speak German too... but I am terrible with German and cannot get the hang of the more extensive words. "Where do I get a beer" being the most important phrase of course... at least I learned that one well.

BTW Kylo you should probably check out the FSI German course just to help with pronunciation. It's all super old, but the foundation of pronunciation is the best, yet then you can go back to working with new material. I'm not sure, but I'd imagine pronuciation does not change too much.
What do the eyes say when you look into them? What do you see?


I plan on starting in Pattaya and maybe moving to Chang Mai.


Quote from: SlateRDays on May 05, 2017, 02:49:59 PM
Kylo you mentioned going to Italy, what was your experience there? How did you find your connection with people or learning about areas changed? I mean how long had taken you to start adapting to things once you went back time and time again?

I like Italy, it's one of those places that you can get by in if you don't know a ton of Italian, but knowing it makes for a much richer experience because you can actually get talking to people. I suppose that goes for any country... the experience of communicating makes a visit very different than one where you can't really communicate. Going back after the first visit was much easier, once you have experienced the culture shock already, seeing how things work there, what to expect, etc. it was very easy to adapt to. People are not over-friendly or treat you like an object of fascination as in some countries where foreigners are rarer, but not unfriendly either. You can generally go about your business in Italy without being heckled or getting second looks, which is great. Other people are getting on with their business and won't bother you. 

Thanks for the tip about the German. It's possible I'll find myself in Austria again, and it would be useful to try to learn some more.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


I know Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Polish and English. I think I had enough.
I am a transgender woman, I have been this way all my life. I was filled with guilt at a very young age, a victim of a society that did not understand what it means to be free and yourself. I tried to adapt and flee from my real self by being a workaholic, eating, drinking and doing all in extremes.
Do we have to do the same now to transgender kids? Do they have to suffer all their lives? What about giving them a chance to live like normal people and be happy?
Help to protect transgender kids from bullies, transphobia and hate. Give them a chance.
Ella Marques


I wanna learn Spanish

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



Hahó  I also have a strange interest in learning new languages :)  currently I'm working on German which is cool since i'll be taking German in the fall semester and oddly Hungarian, which is proving to be harder than I thought!
But thankfully duo lingo has both of these!  :D
I'd recommend that app to anyone learning new languages as it's very addicting :)


japanese maybe,i like most of those languages which are hard to learn,and another would be german,i haven't problems with english at all thanks to all my years of gaming with people from other countries,but the final challenge must be to create a new language,sounds crazy but that's one of my challenges to achieve

Lady Lisandra

Hi! I do, I do! I speak castillian (commonly known as spanish), english and german fluently. I know a bit of italian, but I I haven't practiced a word of it in years, so that one is asleep. I'm looking for japanese or mandarin lessons currently. Me and my girlfriend love asian cultures.

Also I'm into calligraphy. If I could find a place to learn how to speak AND write japanese/mandaring I would be sooo happy.
- Lis -


Quote from: Ella2Marques on May 05, 2017, 04:17:00 PM
I know Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Polish and English. I think I had enough.
That's amazing, I envy you D:
Quote from: Lady Lisandra on August 03, 2017, 04:28:55 AM
If I could find a place to learn how to speak AND write japanese/mandaring I would be sooo happy.
I'm learning japanese myself, I've learned english so long ago that I don't even remember, so it weird going back to basics again
(look up "Instituto Tozai")


I've spent time with German, Spanish, French, Czech, Celtic, russian, and ukranian. I love spanish and I'm awful at learning it but I've been trying since the nineties. I mostly know mexican spanish. I rarely watch movies, but when i do I usually set the audio or subtitles to spanish.

I can read printed spanish, portuguese (sp), italian, and latin, and sometimes french. I failed hard at getting all other languages but I still love them. My blood family speak german and ukranian.

I spent time in college studying kanji but I gave up on that.
everybody's house is haunted