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If I haven't finished growing, can T help me grow (and other ftm questions)?

Started by nanospirt, October 22, 2017, 08:47:58 PM

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I am 15 years old, and definitely not finished growing as of now. I know this because of how child-like my body is. I'm well into puberty, but it's pretty obvious I still have a good year or two left of potential height. Right now, I am 5'6" and I believe height is my second to worst dysphoria right after hips. I have grown 1 inch in the past two years, and it's really getting me down now that all my friends are skyrocketing above me. My feet are very slim and a size nine in women's shoes, 8 in men's. It makes me so self-conscious and it's difficult to find shoes with variation in my size. My mom is around 5'9" and my dad is 6'0". My brother was 6'7", and little sister at age seven is around 4'6". Basically, height kinda varies in my family but tends to land in the higher zone. I'm just annoyed because I'm not as tall as my big brother was at my age, and I'll never match his great height. I'd accept the inevitable "You'll have to learn to accept it," but I still might have time, depending on the answers. If I, a trans teenage boy, can begin hormone replacement therapy/blockers before my growth plates fuse, is there a chance to gain an inch or two to my final height/grow in my feet?

Now for a few other questions regarding ftm issues: My hips are the thing I most despise about myself. I often have intrusive 'daydreams' involving a chainsaw to my hips. Whenever someone has asked a trans YouTuber or something about hips, they always mention liposuction and fat redistribution from testosterone. Unfortunately, estrogen has already taken a massive >-bleeped-< on me. Believe me, I've done plenty of self-destructive things to get rid of these stupid things. God, for the longest time, I would eat 500-700 calories a day and swim 16 hours a week and run a mile every day. When I realized that was super stupid, I did the same thing but with about 2,000 calories and I was just as skinny but with muscles and it was easier, surprise surprise. Anyways, I'm a lank, okay? But not like Chandler Wilson lanky. I look like a SUPER malnourished Sofia Vergara. I'm not malnourished anymore, but I have thique bone structure and a fast metabolism. TL;DR, I don't have any >-bleeped-<ing fat on my hips. What am I supposed to do about that??? I'm pretty proud of how skinny I am, and my stupid hips mixed with T is just gonna make me look like a genuine two-dimensional square. As hourglassed and wide-hipped I am, my mom has FAR wider hips, even before she had kids. Basically, these things are just gonna get wider as I skip through the end of puberty. Is there ANYTHING I can do at all to fix this? Really, I'm willing to do anything. Perhaps I could keep them from growing the same way my breasts have barely grown after 3 years of binding. Tie a belt around the wide parts every night as I sleep? Shatter them with a sledge hammer so they have to be reconstructed? Anything, for the love of god?

Oh, and one last question! When I get on T, is there any way to retain my vocal singing range even as it gets lower? Like, can I do anything to be able to still reach like a B4 while my voice is dropping to that noble A2 (maybe being a bit hyperbolic lmao)? Of course, I despise my upper "falsetto" notes, they embarrass me, but I am very proud in my ability to belt out some high notes. There are some guys who can do that, but they're not very common. It'd be cool if I can keep some of my higher range just to help my singing career (I say career, I haven't even gotten a role in drama before oop). Not saying I wouldn't LOVE a way lower voice. Just wondering for singing's sake. It's not that big of a deal honestly.

That's finally all! Thank all of you so much who read all of this and especially those who have answers and take the time out of your day to help me out. I appreciate it so so much!


The first question is hight. If you are on puberty blockers, that would prevent the bones from fusing and growth could take place up to your early 20's depending on your genetics. I didn't stop growing until after I was out of high school but I also grew slow so I ended up at 6'2". Testosterone would block the estrogen resulting in the same thing however I am not sure you could start testosterone until you are 18 when it might be to late.

Next question. Some of the fat should leave your hips and muscles in your upper body would help balance it out. Again it would somewhat depend on puberty blockers and when you start testosterone. This is something you should talk with your doctor about because knowing your current body shape would result in a more accurate answer.

Last question. No guarantee on your voice. I started out with a voice much like yours before puberty and I ended up with a voice something like Johny Cash except he could sing much better than I could. It took voice surgery to put me into the mid feminine range and I know that my range while much better than before still isn't that of a female singer. It's one of the trade offs you need to consider carefully. Is it worth losing my voice in order to start T. You might get lucky but if you don't, you will have to live with the results.
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