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Started by ManuelaTS, January 11, 2018, 12:09:53 PM

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im passing very good even at the begining of hrt, but the only thing people say who are mean you are like body builder your shoulder is soo man like soo masculinne, will the hrt make it better? is there any surgery you can do? will i ever be happy with my body, cuz it puts me very much down everytime i hear that :(


HRT might reduce the muscles in your shoulders if that's the problem. Otherwise, do what CIS women do when they have this problem and stay away from sleeveless and tight fitting garments. There is a surgery for this however I don't recommend it. The after photos I saw, the arms didn't hang vertically and instead were forced away from the body. I suspect it may reduce the range the shoulder can move through however what I saw wasn't in english so I couldn't read the details. 
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Anne Blake

Three years ago, pre hrt, I had well developed man shoulders. Now, after a year and a half on hormone therapy I can easily wear a sundress without concern. The change in muscle mass was amazing. My photo is from last September after fourteen months of hrt. The differences were three years ago I lifted a lot for body shape, now my lifting is just for toning and I love my estrogen pills.


Don't workout the shoulders and I'd think that they'll shrink. Mine have with weight loss and no weights and I am not on hrt yet. Still somewhat broad, but no more Man arms and shoulders. I guess having low t helped too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


i hope hrt will help cuz it makes me really depressive and odnt want to go out anymore or on dates, i hate my body :(


it's all a matter of posture, try placing your shoulder a little back and inside, I had this problem too, I looked like an upside down triangle, this helped me a lot to look a lot more feminine, at first it looks like you're in a weird position, It's all a manner of practice, you'll be able soon enough to place your shoulders properly, giving your body the proper shape for a lady


Many women have widish shoulders. Look at Elle MacPherson, for instance. Almost every woman has appearance and body issues they deal with. You just have to dress to deccentuate the shoulders and accentuate other features. Google broad shoulders and you'll find lots of ideas.
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