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A demon was tormenting me, it's real

Started by Evolving Beauty, October 29, 2017, 03:51:37 PM

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Dianne H

I am sorry if I offended you but some come to the Christianity page and mock it.
These issues are serious; both being trans and demons.
One reason some may not get deliverance is because they don't take it serious enough.
When you have a spirit tell you that you would be better off to end it all, the last thing one needs, is to see those who take it lightly or mock it, and mock the knowledge of that which could deliver from such.
I felt my comment made it clear demons attack and / or posses those who are straight and cis as well.
Some may not believe in them and that is their right. If a person cannot believe in that which is openly showed in scripture it may be one reason prayers were never answered. The Lord isn't going to answer those who mock him saying his word is a lie or joke.
The Christianity page is to give hope and comfort for Christians and not a page for those who don't believe to mock it or any part of it. After all, we aren't supposed to post about Christianity on other pages here.
That is why I was offended about my reply.
Sorry if I offended you.

Dianne H

I would like to add one thing.
Part of helping others is through giving an understanding of many issues. Sometimes those issues are very sensitive.
Denying the existence of something isn't helping. Too many preachers do that now and lead people to hell and create Christians who judge others and think they have the right to condemn them.
I've been told I was lost, evil, deceived and going to hell by others. It wasn't nice and the so called Christians who did so will have to answer for that.
The very ones who said such have no idea what a transgender person goes through and would be better off saying nothing.
But, that doesn't mean that I should ignore what scripture says; especially when it worked for me.
If we should not post about Christian issues or answers in other areas of this site, nobody should come here mocking that which can help us.
If I worded something a little harsh I am sorry. If it wasn't clear enough I am sorry for the confusion.
But, people here need help; not mocking or ridicule, either of them or what they believe.
Some say the Lord never answered their prayers. Sometimes he doesn't as our faith is tried, to see if we will trust him more than any other person.
Sometimes it's because the person may not even believe every word of God which Jesus said we must live by. He isn't going to answer the prayers of those who knowingly and openly mock him. He's no fool.
Once again, if I offended anyone I am sorry, but I take being trans and the scriptures which helped me very seriously, for both myself and others.


I know you said that demons attack and possess those who are straight or cis as well, but I don't think that translates into a definitive statement on what drives that attack. I believe there is a big difference between between the sentiments: "demons attack cis or trans pedophiles because they are pedophiles regardless of being cis or trans" and "demons attack trans people because they are trans". Or in more simple terms, clarifying whether or not the opinion was being expressed that straight and cis people certainly commit sins, but being gay or trans is itself a sin. All I sought was a quick clarification (more so from the OP than you to be honest, as her post was quite a bit more vague on the topic).

For my part, I don't come to this sub forum to mock at all. I consider myself a non denominational Deist for the sake of labeling, but I also believe in the core teaching of Christ regardless, often resulting in me simply resorting to saying "I'm a Christian Deist, don't think too much about it". (Essentially, I don't like the trappings of dogma and prefer my relationship with God to be unhampered by the preconceived notions of those who came before me, because, quite honestly, I think a lot of them were really, really far off base. I like the solitary monk mediating on the nature of God approach.)

I say I don't believe demonic possession is likely not as a bash against your belief or Christianity in the slightest, but simply as a preface explaining my own beliefs (and one that is certainly in line with most major denominations, so really shouldn't be a controversial statement). I should also say I come at this not from the viewpoint of disbelief in evil, but simply that I believe much of our conception of evil is a misled anthropomorphic view of something that I do not believe we can truly understand given our limited human perspective. I certainly believe in evil, only that it is not something we can or should simplify in such a manner lest we be lulled into false complacency against it and against our earthly woes alike (ie: the schizophrenic who did not have a demon in him by any reasonable standard who stops taking his medication after an exorcism).

(If anything, my view of the probable nature of evil could be said to be at times even a bit more extreme than demonic possession and evil spirits. I have a few somewhat out there theories, that I don't particularly dwell on or anything but have at least crossed my mind more than once. I have too much free time. ;D)
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

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Quote from: Dianne H on November 01, 2017, 12:36:00 PM
If we should not post about Christian issues or answers in other areas of this site, nobody should come here mocking that which can help us.
Once again, if I offended anyone I am sorry, but I take being trans and the scriptures which helped me very seriously, for both myself and others.

I certainly am not mocking anyone, although the timing of the original post forced me to question whether there was a connection to Halloween.  The original post and Evolving Beauty's subsequent post both imply that demons are attracted to people BECAUSE they are transsexual or homosexual:

Quote from: Evolving Beauty on October 29, 2017, 03:51:37 PM
The priest made me understand demons are attracted to transsexuals, homosexuals, aborted women etc...

I am transgender and regard myself as Christian but I think that transsexuals, Christian or not, are entitled to be offended, even if it is posted on the Transgender Christian forum.

I do not challenge Evolving Beauty's right to post what she did.  Although I do not agree with her assessment of the facts, I accept that trans and gay people, especially Christians, have to deal with Biblical texts, especially St Paul's, when they seem to refer to us.

My heart goes out to her, though, believing what she does about the cause of her troubles, and being encouraged in that belief by a priest.  I do not know to what denomination the priest belongs.  I understand that Roman Catholic and Episcopal priests do not take exorcisms lightly, and the approval of a bishop is required, and that is usually forthcoming only if a qualified psychiatrist has failed to help.  Evolving Beauty does not mention those procedures taking place.


Dianne H

As I said, I am sorry if I came off appearing too offended. I do get offended but I also try to control that in case someone like you or Mary T means no offense.

Once again, I am sorry for any anger or confusion.

Mary T,

I can't answer for Evolving Beauty as she has her own thoughts.

So many churches teach so many contradicting things many no longer know what to believe. One church says one thing and another church says another.

Areas such as the baptism of the Holy Ghost, one Lord, one faith, one baptism and one God and Father of all have been removed, miss taught and in some cases not allowed to be mentioned behind pulpits. The result is a people who hear a one sided belief which is not the truth.

That has caused the mere mention of demons to frighten or offend many. I can see that and that is why I try to post in a manner in which I make it clear (hopefully) that an open door can come through many forms and not all people can be lumped together.

While I have no statistics, I would venture 99% of the ministers cannot tell me by the scriptures exactly what is a sin unto death and a sin not unto death.

That may appear trivial but it allows for unrighteous judgment and lumping all people together of a given type, problem, denomination, religion, faith or whatever.

To show you and others what I mean I'll use a common teaching in the Christian church and show what is wrong which shows why I get offended when people and ministers misuse the word of God. This is also why I tend to maybe get aggravated myself and speak too harshly, of which I apologize.

Here's the example:

I will try to keep this clean.

How long have lesbians been miss labeled as homosexual?

In truth lesbianism is nothing more than glorified masturbation.

There is no seed of copulation to have sex such as for procreation.

They merely use a toy or person for such activities.

Therefore, lesbianism can be using the part of the female anatomy wrongly as in Romans, but so do straight women who control their husband with threats of no sex unless he does as she wishes.

How long have lesbians such as one of my friends been run out of churches and run out of town because they said she was a homosexual when she wasn't?

The loss of the Holy Ghost and the spiritual ignorance of the preachers and churches has caused more harm than good.

That is why I do mention evil spirits and try to use the understanding of them to help others. Too many have been too hurt for too long by Christians and the church through pride, hate, false doctrine and passed down err.

I hope this explains why I get a little hurt some times and may appear to come off too strong.

Again; I am sorry unto all who may have been offended. I just take helping fellow transgender and transsexual people seriously.



I have removed a number of posts.

I am not going to have the OP's experience or belief trivialised or mocked. Her belief is as equally valid as yours.

If you wish to start your own thread to discuss your concept of spirituality do so.

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