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weight loss help (HTR, MTF)

Started by Jessies_Girl, October 30, 2017, 03:40:05 PM

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Hey, all I'm trying to lose more weight. At my last weigh in at my doctor's I was 202.8lbs and I'm six foot three inches tall (I know I know I'm tall) I kind of want to lose more weight, and I want to lose my gut. I've suffered a lot with body image issues for a lot of my life and my parents didn't exactly help. they'd usually say something like "gee whiz you're fat" or "oh my god you're huge look how fat you are" and my dad would on occasion for no reason at all come over and slap my gut and when asked why he did it he'd say "I dunno, bored" or he'd say "you ever thought that *insert issue I have here* would be better if you weren't so fat?" I have tried to lose weight. and I have succeeded in doing so. But I really do want to drop down to less than 200lbs and I don't want to join a gym due to body image issues and the feeling that everyone there would be judging me or watching me and making fun of me. any tips? I live right by a large wooded area and I do like going on walks it's just been hard with depression.


I can only speak for myself, but this is what I have done to loose weight. I do also want to loose some more as well. The biggest thing you do is watch how much you eat, what you eat and incorporate exercise with it. I have lost 40 lbs myself doing this. The thing that has helped me the most is I cut out the soda. My intake of soda was anywhere from 2-4 any work day I was working. So up to 20 a week if I did 4 a day. So I was taking in a lot of caffeine, sugar, and other not great things. I do not like exercising until transitioning because well I wanted to look good. I had the body image issue too. I am walking myself. I started with 1/2 a mile and have slowly increased that up 4.5 miles for 5 days a week. You have to give your body some rest. You can stress your body out with too much exercise. So some days off are good. So start with slow changes and keep making more changes. A good multi-vitamin would help too. So good luck and you can always change up your activity from the walking to other things if you get bored with it.


Try this   Very good for Abs and cardio.   Cut out Soda.  each 12 oz can is 150 empty calories. Bread, noodles, starches,  as they are mostly converted to sugar. Ignore Halloween candy. You do not have to eliminate them. but cut them way back. Use them as a reward for doing good. Portion size is important use your fist to emulate portion size.  I am also 6'3" and started at 298 lbs and I am now running between 220 and 225. I want to get to 180. I spent my first 25 years at less than 160 lbs and that was just too skinny. My downfall was moving in with Grandma for a couple years. To actually have a meal that tasted good was a new experience. Mom was a terrible cook. 
Dawn Oday

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



There is a lot of good advice in Susan's weight loss section.

Quote from: Jessies_Girl on October 30, 2017, 03:40:05 PM
I've suffered a lot with body image issues for a lot of my life ...

You have suffered and so have I. Because of being overweight, my military career ended early, my co-workers did not respect me, and it was one factor in the breakdown of my marriage.

I have suffered enough, so I just took control of my life. Several years of diet and exercise and I am down 100+ pounds.

I live right by a large wooded area and I do like going on walks it's just been hard with depression.

The key word here is depression. When I became depressed, I ate comfort food and that killed my diet.

Whatever activity you do, do it with other people you know, so you can at least say good morning. Or better yet, say good morning to perfect strangers ( but in a public place with others around, so you feel safe). Social contacts of the proper kind, do a lot to relieve depression.