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Reasons for Detransitioning or not transitioning

Started by sneakersjay, November 06, 2017, 01:49:50 PM

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Quote from: rainification on February 11, 2018, 09:15:09 PM
Thank you so much. I'm planning on coming out to my mum and she keeps trying to tell me trans people can't be happy. I needed this...

I wasn't truly happy until I started transitioning, and didn't even know it. I think your mom has it backwards.
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



I'm currently in the "not transitioning" camp. I have only two reasons, the first being that I don't want to risk loosing what little family I have left just to make myself happy, the second is related to the first; if I transition and am not accepted I will have to leave where I live (or risk my aunt not being able to see her grandkids, assuming she stood by me, if only because of finances), causing the one person I care most about to loose their home. I can't do that, I would rather be miserable than make it so my aunt is unable to live in the home she has lived in almost her entire life.

I am however at the point where I am heavily considering transitioning, regardless of acceptance. I suppose I could learn to live with a grudging acceptance if I do.

(edited for spelling mistakes)
I'm not out, I'm not on E, unless things change I doubt I ever will be.

Allison S

Quote from: rainification on February 11, 2018, 09:15:09 PM
Thank you so much. I'm planning on coming out to my mum and she keeps trying to tell me trans people can't be happy. I needed this...
My sister told me that!! So weird but I think they're struggling to accept that being transgender is real. Nothing worth having is easy.. and I know my sister is troubled in her own way so I'm shocked she of all people would comment about happiness honsetly
Quote from: Roll on February 11, 2018, 10:43:06 PM
I wasn't truly happy until I started transitioning, and didn't even know it. I think your mom has it backwards.

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Hi, first of all I would like to excuse myself if I do not speak correctly or if some sentences seem odd to you, I am not English but I will try to do my best to be as fluid as possible using google translation.

What prevents me from transitioning is that first of all, gender dysphoria literally destroyed my inner be, I take it responsible for my poor condition.
I was 23 at the time (I am now 35), I had had a difficult begin in life, suffered agoraphobia, anxiety attacks with derealisation, violence when I was a child and absence of father among other. My brother was a schizophrenic and way latter he committed suicide, but at this time he was still alive and his disease was affecting me because I wanted him healed, but this would never happens. I was like you know, a Picasso painting, but thanks to my efforts I was about to win the battle against all this >-bleeped-<. I had a German Shepherd at the time which helped me going out and defeat my anxiety and I consequently met a girl which wanted to make her life with me, a pretty blond girl. But while I was seeing the end of the tunnel, dysphoria unveiled itself. It was like a curse, as if someone or something was plotting my destruction. At the beginning, I was not questioning much myself about it, I thought I had discovered the source of all my problems, I was simply in the wrong body and that explained everything. As the time passed, I was feminizing my appearance and she finally told me I was not a man. She left me soon after 3 years and a half and Dysphoria had all the space to develop itself, and that is what it did. It gently isolated me from others, even from my mom from who I was fleeing discussions. I began to buy girls clothes and to look at me in the mirror, more and more, and it became like a vicious circle. I was constantly trying to become more feminine. Is it that the way girls are ?
Whereas I had always seeked out for freedom I had become the subject of a mirror.

"Despite all my efforts to feminize myself, I still look as a man... It is so sad ! My hair line begins to recede. Should I take hormones ? I should take a decision fastly because it's going to be worst and worst..."

Then I began to convince myself I was trans. You know, I was like "I did not like playing football when I was a child" kind of arguments. But it did not work for I am too honest with myself for that.
After that, I began the yoyo of denial (bodybuilding, beard,...) but I never took a firm decision (I mean, irrevocable decision) about me transitioning or not.
My dysphoria, I call it the worm because I see it as something inside me trying to take control of my brain. Who's the real me ? The worm ? Or the guy I was before all this happened ? I don't know. How could this has been hidden from me for so long ?

I think for me transitioning would be an error, because it would trap myself into insatiable search for feminity which would lead me to many surgeries. And all this for what ? My body is altering as time goes, nothing can stop it.
I don't want transitioning because I would just like to have a normal life, because I am tired now and I don't want anymore fighting in my life.

I am not telling trans people doesn't exists, I know trans exists but I think that for me, it is not real gender dysphoria. I think real trans people does not need to convince themselves they are trans.
Regarding Walt Heyer, I have read many articles he wrote and it's clear the reason of him detransitioning was his son had denied him.


Not true. Walt Heyer was never trans. He had a split personality, lied to doctors and even in midst of his surgery wanted live as a man still and chase his two other identities. He's bitter, he was never trans or non binary.. he had a difficult mental illness and is taking it out on other people now
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015

Allison S

Quote from: questi0n on February 25, 2018, 08:52:12 AM
Hi, first of all I would like to excuse myself if I do not speak correctly or if some sentences seem odd to you, I am not English but I will try to do my best to be as fluid as possible using google translation.

What prevents me from transitioning is that first of all, gender dysphoria literally destroyed my inner be, I take it responsible for my poor condition.
I was 23 at the time (I am now 35), I had had a difficult begin in life, suffered agoraphobia, anxiety attacks with derealisation, violence when I was a child and absence of father among other. My brother was a schizophrenic and way latter he committed suicide, but at this time he was still alive and his disease was affecting me because I wanted him healed, but this would never happens. I was like you know, a Picasso painting, but thanks to my efforts I was about to win the battle against all this >-bleeped-<. I had a German Shepherd at the time which helped me going out and defeat my anxiety and I consequently met a girl which wanted to make her life with me, a pretty blond girl. But while I was seeing the end of the tunnel, dysphoria unveiled itself. It was like a curse, as if someone or something was plotting my destruction. At the beginning, I was not questioning much myself about it, I thought I had discovered the source of all my problems, I was simply in the wrong body and that explained everything. As the time passed, I was feminizing my appearance and she finally told me I was not a man. She left me soon after 3 years and a half and Dysphoria had all the space to develop itself, and that is what it did. It gently isolated me from others, even from my mom from who I was fleeing discussions. I began to buy girls clothes and to look at me in the mirror, more and more, and it became like a vicious circle. I was constantly trying to become more feminine. Is it that the way girls are ?
Whereas I had always seeked out for freedom I had become the subject of a mirror.

"Despite all my efforts to feminize myself, I still look as a man... It is so sad ! My hair line begins to recede. Should I take hormones ? I should take a decision fastly because it's going to be worst and worst..."

Then I began to convince myself I was trans. You know, I was like "I did not like playing football when I was a child" kind of arguments. But it did not work for I am too honest with myself for that.
After that, I began the yoyo of denial (bodybuilding, beard,...) but I never took a firm decision (I mean, irrevocable decision) about me transitioning or not.
My dysphoria, I call it the worm because I see it as something inside me trying to take control of my brain. Who's the real me ? The worm ? Or the guy I was before all this happened ? I don't know. How could this has been hidden from me for so long ?

I think for me transitioning would be an error, because it would trap myself into insatiable search for feminity which would lead me to many surgeries. And all this for what ? My body is altering as time goes, nothing can stop it.
I don't want transitioning because I would just like to have a normal life, because I am tired now and I don't want anymore fighting in my life.

I am not telling trans people doesn't exists, I know trans exists but I think that for me, it is not real gender dysphoria. I think real trans people does not need to convince themselves they are trans.
Regarding Walt Heyer, I have read many articles he wrote and it's clear the reason of him detransitioning was his son had denied him.
I deeply respect your decision. And I know how hard it is to decide not to transition as well as what sounds to me as sufferring?

If I can share about "feminizing" slippery slope. Yes, it is a reality for many (or most) and an issue. I know I struggle with patience on hrt because I want results.

Well my point is, I had an incident where my nose fixed itself. Yes, I know that sounds crazy and impossible. But not going into all the details, my nose instantly became more feminine and I can breath better.

I don't want to mislead anyone, but I do feel this is a miracle in all my life. Also, if you never had surgery (I'm assuming) how would you know know what it's like? This random incident that happened to me definitely isn't surgery. But the outcome is similar and I can see how affirming surgery can be. I mean I can't but I can.

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Some people have no money to transition or their gender identity is too fluid to transition.

I know a person who identifies as genderqueer and calls themselves a transgenderist. They clearly state that they are not transsexual. They identify with the transgender umbrella.

The person I'm talking about is from 1949 and turned 69 years old recently.
They are AMAB and dress as a woman with wigs, breast forms and make-up. Even nail polish and they go by a female name. They told me that they are not gender dysphoric though.
The person refers to themselves as a man living as a woman.
They live like that every day and started when they were 55.
They crossdressed privately since they were 30 years old and started dressing publicly when they were mid 50s. They are married to a woman and the person is bisexual.

She sleeps with men with consent of her wife ( she uses she and they pronouns ).
She is also director from a transgender support group.

She looks like a man in woman's clothes but is very happy to live as herself and that is what counts in my opinion.


I am interested in this discussion as I am a newly "minted" transgender. I am taking steps to become more feminine. One thing that my therapist said that I remember, is that it is a continuum, not black and white. It seems many detransitioners were under the mistaken belief they were 100% the other sex. I take this thread as a warning. Only go as far as you "have to".
Out of the closet to family 4-2019


Quote from: amandam on February 25, 2018, 11:55:49 AM
I am interested in this discussion as I am a newly "minted" transgender. I am taking steps to become more feminine. One thing that my therapist said that I remember, is that it is a continuum, not black and white. It seems many detransitioners were under the mistaken belief they were 100% the other sex. I take this thread as a warning. Only go as far as you "have to".

Most detransitioners detransition because they can't deal with the stigmatization that comes with being trans. Many detransitioners transition again many years later.
It's very rare for someone to detransition because they were mistaken about being trans.
SRS is not done on a whim. It's VERY serious business. You also need two letters and a year of HRT. It's not like you wake up with different body parts in a matter of days.

As long as you have not had SRS almost everything is reversible.

FFS doesn't require psych letters. It can also be sought by cis men.
Hormones only have fertility and breast growth as permanent effects, all the rest reverses.
BA is not that big of a deal either. Is a minor outpatient surgery.

Aside of SRS and orchiectomy nothing is irreversible in a transition.

You hear a lot of scaremongering on trans forums and what is remarkable is that it usually is people with a " transer than thou " mentality who try to scare the rest away from transition to make the rest sound less trans and to make themselves sound more trans.

I am non-op MtF, binary girl, straight and have decided to not undergo genital surgeries apart from an orchiectomy.
I'm on a low dose of HRT and only plan on FFS and BA, aside of an orchie. Even if SRS were free I would still not want it. And I consider myself transsexual very much, not just transgender.
People identify as how they see fit. There shouldn't be so much gatekeeping on someone's gender identity. A psychiatrist can guide you but can't give you the answers. They guide you to the answers within yourself.
Also remarkable is that it's usually older transitioners trying to gatekeep the younger ones under us. And then even more remarkable is that if asked, these older transitioners who try to gatekeep the younger ones, often wish they could have transitioned earlier themselves. Isn't that a contradiction? Me thinks so.

Apart from SRS and puberty blockers for trans kids, there shouldn't be so much gatekeeping on reversible procedures like HRT, FFS, BA.

A diabetic person doesn't have to pass a psychiatric exam either before getting access to insulin. So why should we? As far as I know being trans is also a hormonal disorder and not a mental one.
That's why modern countries have the informed consent model now.

The Ray Blanchard days are over.



I have two big reasons. First one is that I am married to a ciswoman. She knows about my identity but after we tapked I felt like something in me was dying. I couldn't bear to see her in pain and see our life be torn appart. So for now I have tried to look as femm as possible without going through any treatment. The other reason is my mom she once found out I slept with a man as a "CD" and the shock was so great it cut off her period and threw herself into the ground to cry. I feel like leaving my partner and living full-time as a woman would kill her, I really do.
Enter the Pleroma and see that nothingless is all
And you must destroy a world to be born
Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end
United in the shape of Abraxas


im not transition cause im studying and the cost of university is expensive... plus a have some doudts about the social stress that transition could mean

i dont want to think in detransition stuff... yes is a option that is there but not thanks .
fist i want be secure about transition if i do it, there is no way back


Quote from: Ely-chan on March 23, 2018, 03:34:32 PM
im not transition cause im studying and the cost of university is expensive... plus a have some doudts about the social stress that transition could mean

i dont want to think in detransition stuff... yes is a option that is there but not thanks .
fist i want be secure about transition if i do it, there is no way back

In the future, you can come here to the US were the treatment is affordable and there is community here. Also actually in Argentina you could also get treatment paid by the state.
Enter the Pleroma and see that nothingless is all
And you must destroy a world to be born
Alpha and Omega are the beginning and the end
United in the shape of Abraxas


Quote from: Lilith.lupe.tamayo on March 28, 2018, 12:48:22 PM
In the future, you can come here to the US were the treatment is affordable and there is community here. Also actually in Argentina you could also get treatment paid by the state.

O//////O sound awesome
i should think it about


Despite horrible gender dysphoria, I am not transitioning right now because it will destroy my marriage and relationships that I so very dear to me ~ it sucks because I am truly a woman trapped in a man's body


I always wondered why someone would choose to detransition, since that's all I've been wanting is to transition myself. 

Saying that, I've only considered delaying medical transitioning to go through a pregnancy (I've always wanted to carry a child), but got to the point where my fiancee and I were pushing a child farther and farther into the near future and I couldn't stand not being on HRT much longer.  I figured that, with the way our lives were leaning, I'd miss out on something very important to me, but transitioning was way more pressing, and, as long as a baby happens, I don't really care how.

The way I see it to, once I start HRT, there's no going back and I'll be on it the rest of my life - but, being a type 1 diabetic, I'm very used to 24/7 medications soooo....   :laugh:
Began questioning: Around 2011?
Chose to identify as a genderfluid transman: Around 2014ish
Came out completely: 2017
Began using new name: 2017
Starting HRT: 2018
Complete legal name change: 2018

Danielle M

I may consider detransition if I don't feel that I pass well enough after a few years.


Quote from: cartowheel on April 03, 2018, 06:59:59 PM
I always wondered why someone would choose to detransition, since that's all I've been wanting is to transition myself. 

Saying that, I've only considered delaying medical transitioning to go through a pregnancy (I've always wanted to carry a child), but got to the point where my fiancee and I were pushing a child farther and farther into the near future and I couldn't stand not being on HRT much longer.  I figured that, with the way our lives were leaning, I'd miss out on something very important to me, but transitioning was way more pressing, and, as long as a baby happens, I don't really care how.

The way I see it to, once I start HRT, there's no going back and I'll be on it the rest of my life - but, being a type 1 diabetic, I'm very used to 24/7 medications soooo....   :laugh:

Whats the saying?  be careful what you wish for, you might just get it lol.  Not to scare you but transition honestly is not for most people.  medically is generally not focused on transition too.  Just as a last ditch end result.  The goal is to treat the dysphoria, not transition.  If treating the dysphoria fails then making the transition becomes a option.

There is good reasons for this.  When john hopkins shut down it's gender reassignment clinic.  there was 2 reasons, 1) they estimated 70%-80% of youths outgrow transgenderism and it wears off.

2) SRS while most people were happy with the physical end results, they found it to be of no help to physiological problems it tried to address.

I want to transition myself.  But I won't.  While I could do so.  The costs not talking money here.  Would be to unbearable for me.


Quote from: Ashley0808 on April 04, 2018, 08:02:52 PM
Whats the saying?  be careful what you wish for, you might just get it lol.  Not to scare you but transition honestly is not for most people.  medically is generally not focused on transition too.  Just as a last ditch end result.  The goal is to treat the dysphoria, not transition.  If treating the dysphoria fails then making the transition becomes a option.

There is good reasons for this.  When john hopkins shut down it's gender reassignment clinic.  there was 2 reasons, 1) they estimated 70%-80% of youths outgrow transgenderism and it wears off.

2) SRS while most people were happy with the physical end results, they found it to be of no help to physiological problems it tried to address.

I want to transition myself.  But I won't.  While I could do so.  The costs not talking money here.  Would be to unbearable for me.
Closing down the John Hopkins program was based on false information and if you check, the program is back in operation under new management.

1. Yes children may have their gender flip and that's the reason treatment is normally limited to therapy and blockers. Estrogen and Testosterone are normally not started until the late teens when the gender should be stable. The lack of treatment for somebody who is transgender is inhuman. Until a child's gender can be determined, it's best to monitor them so any difficulty can be handled.

2. A properly monitor transition results in a less that 3% dissatisfaction number. While it's true not everybody passes, it's possible to reach a point where passing isn't important. This is a far better state of mind because nobody remains stealth forever so if your outed it's not the setback that breaking stealth would be.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Dena beat me to it--all the numbers I've seen for people who detransition are between 2-4%.

Some people transition again after detransitioning. I'd imagine that some may detransition due to social or external factors, rather than not being trans, too.


Quote from: Dena on April 04, 2018, 11:11:44 PM
Closing down the John Hopkins program was based on false information and if you check, the program is back in operation under new management.

1. Yes children may have their gender flip and that's the reason treatment is normally limited to therapy and blockers. Estrogen and Testosterone are normally not started until the late teens when the gender should be stable. The lack of treatment for somebody who is transgender is inhuman. Until a child's gender can be determined, it's best to monitor them so any difficulty can be handled.

2. A properly monitor transition results in a less that 3% dissatisfaction number. While it's true not everybody passes, it's possible to reach a point where passing isn't important. This is a far better state of mind because nobody remains stealth forever so if your outed it's not the setback that breaking stealth would be.

That is correct.  John Hopkins said the same thing when it closed down the first time.   Leaving out he said/she said arguments.  Hopkins official reasoning for the close down was when they followed up on the patients over the years.  They found that while people were satisfied with surgery.  It didn't resolve the physiological problems.

Real life example that is non lgbt is Jocelyn Wildenstein.  She was beautiful before her first cosmetic surgery and she didn't stop and made a real mess of her face.  When asked she says she doesn't believe she has a addiction to surgery and adamantly denies there being a problem.

You don't need to read anything about her, just looking at the pictures screams that she has problems with her mental health the surgery didn't fix a thing for her but she claims she is satisfied when asked.