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Faith's Progress

Started by Faith, November 10, 2017, 06:50:17 AM

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This happened the other night, I forgot about it and just remembered ... a dream ... glossing over the particulars, since I only have vague foggy recollections, the gist of it is:

I'm knelt down doing something, I don't know what, and two women walk up and stand beside me. One of them says, "Why do the men have you doing that, don't they know you're not a real woman?"

double-edged dream ... On one side, my first dream presenting. On the other side, total failure. Even in a dream I don't make it.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Time for another update. I'm not sure what to add, just minor wait and see things.
bullet points:

- HRT is slow going, no spiro yet and not likely for another 1 1/2 months at least. That limits changes since T is still in control of a lot.
- Body hair, due to above, not changed .. ARRGGHH .. I hate body hair more than having to shave my face. I'm a bit OCD about plucking (wife noticed :P )
- Libido is low, cuddle and make-out and hugs and emotional things is high.
- Spontaneous, umm, 'man stuff' ... gone, nothing, nada, I don't miss it. Shrinkage, too soon, needs more time.
- Weight, holding around 165-169. I did weigh in at 160 this morning, first time that low in a while. It should bounce back up by tonight.
- It may be wishful thinking but I do think my forearms are finally slimming out. I've had Popeye arms for years due to a construction job I held for about 15 years. Less muscle definition and the skin looks smoother.
- Nails, no weakening yet. I'm sure it will but I hope not.
- Head Hair, yep, got it. Never had issues growing that out. It's about as long now as I've ever had it. (I tended to let my hair grow a lot between cuts so friends and family are used to that in any case)

**BOOBS**, in case anyone missed it, are happening. After a shower last night, sitting on the edge of the bed, wife and I were discussing bellies. She pointed out my boobs. I tensed up and poked them .. NOPE, muscle. She goes, NOPE, you have boobs. :D Along the same note, they are like a sore thumb already. I think Lori has accidentally poked them several times already. How do you gesture with your hand and have your thumb land directly on a sore nipple? Well, she did it .. oww ..... happy pain.

Off on a nightly (mostly) walk & talk we talked over some stuff we'd already talked over. Got to keep the air clear in case anything changes in the ol' thought processes. We are still on the same page so that's good. I did get her to admit she still has a fear pop up now and again that I'll leave her. Not for another woman, for a GUY. Um, nope, No offense to you gals that are into guys, that's not me. I am firmly into the 'I like girls/women' camp. She has no fear that I'll run off with another woman. Well, that's good because there's no chance of that either.

She expressed that she's beginning to get excited waiting to see what the next change is ... WOOT ... Shared excitement over my progress, doesn't get much better than that. She still misses 'her man' that she's had for all these years but now looking forward to the 'better person' I am becoming. If by better person it's a woman, so be it. To be honest, I don't think I'll ever be 100% transitioned to a woman (who knows what may happen years from now). I tend to think I'll be a mash-up of male/female characteristics leaning towards feminine. I'm ok with that.

Family and Friends. For the most part are all supporting or accepting at the least. They may not understand but they aren't antagonistic or hateful. The two close friends are relegated to acquaintances since their religious beliefs prevent them from accepting. You cannot be friends with someone if you cannot accept who they are. Lori's family was the surprise. We haven't visited with them all yet but the ones we did are fine with it.

Well, I think that's enough for now. I suppose I should update more often to keep the posts shorter and, not to mention, not forgetting things.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.


Anne Blake

Hi Faith,

It is so good to hear a happy post about how life is going on, changes happening, chosen spousal unit happy......thank you for making my day!

Tia Anne


Hi Faith,
Happy to see things are going well for you.


Wow great progress faith and boobage as well YAY!!

Nice to see the shared excitement over the changes that are happening for you and I agree "it doesn't get mcuh better than that"

The family and friends stuff seem to be one of the things that just keeps evolving as you do, it all sounds very positive

Take care

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Hey Y'all

yes, overall things are going well. I don't recount the 'normal' body image/mirror/other things that bother me. You can only say them so many times. Best to concentrate on the pluses. My mood has been high so that's been easy. I'm sure a down day will come again, it does tend to catch me off-guard at times.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Just focus on the positive. Dwelling on the negative never helps. Note it, find ways to deal with it, but don't let it keep you down.
--Sarah P

There's a world out there, just waiting
If you only let go what's inside
Live every moment, give it your all, enjoy the ride
- Stan Bush, The Journey



I am happy for you Faith, you are doing good. Yes boobs are fun until you hit them than they hurt alot. Just dont walk in to any door frames.


sore boobs, yep definitely there but so far not as bad as I expected. Right now it's more surprise sore rather than actual pain when bumped. Time will tell how bad it'll get. I did notice that my left areola is now noticeably larger than the right one ... progress :). Odd that with slight gynecomastia that my right was bigger but it's the left one that's taking off more with the estradiol.

I tell my wife, I hope I get 'real' boob shape. I don't want old man saggy boobs, I'd rather have none then that. No chance of BA for me, too costly to get done for simply cosmetic reasons. My nose, well, that may get done just because I have severe deviated septum that my Dr keeps wanting to get fixed. So someday I may do a  2fer on my nose.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Lori was working so I took a walk by myself. I had just taken a shower and threw on my red day dress, in prep for changing to pj's later. I added my pink sun hat

Well, within a block I'm passing some guy carrying stuff, I kept my head down. He said hi, I barely managed a small wave w/o looking up. Halfway through the next block and get passed by 4-wheelers going slow, I never looked up.

couple blocks later I see ahead some guy doing something at the side of the road, that was it. I turned around and went home.

On the way home, I meet my dogs. They had dug under the fence ... again ... I got one to follow me home, the other took off.

I ended up nasty sweaty from fixing the fence and needed another shower.

All in all, a totally crappy evening.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Sorry to hear that your evening walk was not pleasant.

I find that I do better to keep my head up.  I don't initiate eye contact with men (I often do with women), but I don't avoid it if they speak to me.  I might say hi to a woman whose eye contact looked friendly;  I wouldn't to a man unless he spoke first.

Head-down, avoiding eye contact is conspicuously furtive behaviour.  It attracts attention, the kind that you don't want.  If you act like prey, you might get treated like prey.

Women have better posture than men, and tend to walk more erect than men anyway.  But women are also alert for danger, so they keep their eyes level.  If you do that, you will be seen as a more natural woman, something that you probably want when wearing a dress.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


     Faith I am sorry your evening went poorly I  would like to relate an experience I had recently that may help I am not at all passable about a week ago I went to an interview in my old home town and had to dress as male [ugg] as I am living an hours drive away I had to spend the day presenting male I noticed the difference in how people reacted to me when i passed a woman I  would smile as usual I was totally ignored every time and no conversation at all I have become used to smiles and chatting as a woman mens reactions changed as well I got the nod in passing I felt uncomfortable as I am sure you do I felt as everyone was watching me they were not I guess what I am saying is dress age and situation appropriate and own it good body language and few if any will notice this seems impossible but it is not I was in the closet 4 months ago now dressing male feels so wrong You will find your way

     Bobbisue :)
[ gotta be me everyone else is taken ]
started HRT june 16 2017              
Out to all my family Oct 21 2017 no rejections
Fulltime Dec 9 2017 ahead of schedule
First pass Dec 11 2017


Thanks for the comments. Overall my mood is still up, they are just down moments. I dress (as in outfit) all femme all the time, I am comfortable and hold myself well and am treated well. A few extra looks at times, to be expected. I am more comfortable thus more confident and it shows. In a dress, even though I like wearing it and am physically comfy, I am not so mentally comfortable when in the public eye .. and that shows as well. That's why  am working on it. Time will fix it.

out with the wife today doing some thrift shopping (every 3rd Sunday is our day out together .. a day long date). Anyways, we walk in to the store and start browsing, the gentleman running the counter comes over and asks if us 'ladies' knew about the store sales & pricing .. :D  Like I said, very comfortable when dressed but not in a dress.

Am I passing? no and I don't care as long as I am treated as if I am. The rest will come, I hope.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Faith, sorry for my recent absence. As you already know, I've been a little "lost". Thank you for helping me find my way again.

I've just caught myself up on your recent posts. Boobs.......Yay!!!!! If they are sore, something is happening. It's a good kind of sore. I'm sorry you had an unpleasant experience while out for your evening walk. Your self confidence is probably what let you down that evening. You proved that later when out shopping with Lori and you were both addressed as "ladies". With Lori, you were confident in who you are without caring about other people's perception. The result was that you were perceived the way you wanted to be. You are not so confident out in public wearing a dress, which draws undesired attention (the lack of confidence, not the dress). The important thing is that you recognise the problem and are working on it. With time you will become more and more confident in whichever way you chose to present and people will see what you want them to see.



AHHH .. boobs ..  I've always been thin chested, no muscle definition. Wearing a shirt, my lower ribs would hold the shirt out (my lower ribs curve out for prominent display). Later in life it was my belly. I've since lost the belly and today I noticed that my chest is holding my shirt out, I cannot see my lower ribs ........... progress.

My mood has been up for several weeks now. I've noticed that while things that have bothered me still do, they no longer kill my mood. I recover faster and continue my good mood.
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on April 18, 2018, 02:26:46 PM
AHHH .. boobs ..  I've always been thin chested, no muscle definition. Wearing a shirt, my lower ribs would hold the shirt out (my lower ribs curve out for prominent display). Later in life it was my belly. I've since lost the belly and today I noticed that my chest is holding my shirt out, I cannot see my lower ribs ........... progress.

My mood has been up for several weeks now. I've noticed that while things that have bothered me still do, they no longer kill my mood. I recover faster and continue my good mood.
Faith, I'm not sure what I can say. I have a big smile on my face and feeling very happy for you.

Oh yeah.......BOOBS!!!......just because you have some now. [emoji16]



time for a new update of nothing. Not much new going on. At least that means nothing bad either.

Today's Friday. Fridays are more casual. I wore a shirt I usually wear around the house. soft t-shirt material with a simple design. I got a 'oo, I love that top'. really? Of all the nice tops I wear my t-shirt gets the oo,ahh .. ? Strange people.

Can't do much on a Friday, wouldn't want to break anything that I have to fix before the weekend. That makes Fridays pretty long and boring.

Boobs are holding steady at mildly sore and achy .. maybe some miracle-grow ? Nah ... I don't want mountains, molehills are fine.

I had my GP resend the fax to PP giving the OK for spiro. I also had them send it to my house. I received my copy. I called PP and confirmed that they got it this time. They are reviewing it. Whether that means a prescription before my next appointment or not is anybody's guess.

Well, that sums it up. Unless you want to hear about me having to do manual labor with a shovel this weekend?
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.



Quote from: Faith on April 20, 2018, 11:21:16 AM
Well, that sums it up. Unless you want to hear about me having to do manual labor with a shovel this weekend?
WHAT!!!!!!!! You poor thing. What did you go and do that for? Manual labour is not any fun. I own some shovels. I try very hard not to use them. [emoji16]


Quote from: Faith on April 20, 2018, 11:21:16 AMUnless you want to hear about me having to do manual labor with a shovel this weekend?
Well, yeah, we do.  Gardening?  Barn-cleaning?  Foundation repairs?  Snow removal?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Pictures if possible.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Quote from: Jayne01 on April 20, 2018, 06:49:49 PM
WHAT!!!!!!!! You poor thing. What did you go and do that for? Manual labour is not any fun. I own some shovels. I try very hard not to use them. [emoji16]

The only thing I like to shovel is BS. I'm pretty good at it when I want to be.

Quote from: KathyLauren on April 20, 2018, 07:07:16 PM
Well, yeah, we do.  Gardening?  Barn-cleaning?  Foundation repairs?  Snow removal?  Inquiring minds want to know.  Pictures if possible.

Dog fence, if you must know. They get very perturbed when left alone and keep digging under the fence. When the fence was first put in they only butted it to the ground. Grass grew up and the dogs didn't know they could go under. It's very dry here (Fl, no snow) so the grass is gone. Plus the years have rusted it away and weakened it, it's only rabbit fencing after all.

do you still want pictures? of the fence with holes? or of me with a shovel?
I left the door open, only a few came through. such is my life.
