to expand on my 'what made you happy today' post.
This morning Lori and I mowed the yard. Sounds like nothing except our yard is in full Florida summer rainy season swamp mode. Sometimes I wonder where our yard went
This afternoon was a birthday party from one of my nieces fosterlings (turned 1). She has three and is either adopting or already adopted them, not sure which.
Anyway. I dress up for it, feminine as I can with shorts and top. Decent make-up but not overblown. I put some curl in the locks that fall down from the temples in front of the ear. Not really sideburn area but there-abouts.
I walk in forgetting that straight in from the door is a huge mirror. I glanced and looked away quickly but got stuck there for a few minutes. Yep it was creeping up on me, I could feel it. I didn't want to look, couldn't help myself. I wiggled my way around the end of the couch and sat down trying to hold it in. Lori noticed, I told her I'd be alright just needed a few minutes.
Well, it would have been but that coupled with the pandemonium from all the kids and then a storm rolled in (and I ate all the wrong food, bleh). Seems insignificant but I am sensitive to barometric pressure changes. Storms coming in adds about 20 lbs of weight to my head and inward pressure. It really depresses my mood. It was a bad combination.
Lori saw. I knew she was, not angry, frustrated? impatient? I don't know. Well, she gathered me up and we went to do our laundry. We do whites at the laundromat, our well water is not conducive to white clothes. I couldn't even drive. I was better by the time we got there and within a few minutes I was fine. All back to normal, whatever that is.
Waiting for the washer a gentleman came through with a load casually saying, "excuse me ladies" on his way by. Well, that induced a grin from both of us.
long story shorter, we head back to my nieces, me telling Lori that it's fine, I'm OK. On the way in I avoided the mirror and headed straight to the kitchen to ignore it and to chat a bit. Talked a bit to one of my other nieces about what I'm going through, a little 'get it out' self-therapy. We chat about hair a bit (they color theirs). If Lori would agree, I'd consider a dark violet highlight down those afore-mentioned temple curls. I think it'd look good.
It was getting a bit warm so I grabbed my purse for hair-tie to make a quick pony-tail. Needing to be sure the hair pulled back in the right place I had no choice but to look in the mirror and .... there she was ... I looked away and decided to look back. she was still there. Plain as can be standing right there in front of me. Not plain looking! I was looking good, if I do say so myself. Not perfect, no, I have a long way to go but she's in there and she wants to be on display. I looked for a few moments and she didn't go away.
Another almost break-down moment but this time a happy one.
today ended up being a very good day, I'm glad we went back.
Thanks for reading, if you managed to get through my ramblings,