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Penectomy update with Dr. Arnkoff

Started by Leslie601, September 20, 2017, 08:40:29 PM

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Big hug! I assume we're in agreement that these procedures feel like a kick in the crotch?  :)

Speedy healing!

Hugs, Devlyn


That would certainly be one way to describe it. Another might be shark attack!
All kidding aside though, I'm glad this resource exists so we all have an idea of various ways one could experience the surgeries. Some have breezed through it but my guess is it's probably painful to varying degrees for everybody.



Hello miss leslie i have a question regarding the pricing. I'm planning an orchi with dr. Arnkoff in a couple of month. Do you happen to know how much the orchi it self cost.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Sorry, I don't. I got my Orchi done by Dr. Greenwald in Tampa $3,500. I recommend him although He might require a letter.



Hello all, latest update.
It's been a little over three weeks since the surgery. Still in a lot of pain around the site of the new urethra location although I was finally able to get off the oxys and just stick with Advil. Biggest problem is still sitting down, must use a doughnut. The catheter came out yesterday without problem, we did that ourselves following a youtube video. What a relief to be rid of that thing! Most of the stitches have either broken or fallen out although the remainder are very annoying because while the area where they're gone doesn't hurt much the last holdouts try to pull as the skin stretches. Probably another week should see those last few finally break (I hope).

Doc. Arnkoff took me off Estradiol a week before the surgery and because I'd already had the orchi I had no hormones and the hot flashes and other symptoms hit me kind of hard, although I restarted Hormones yesterday. ( I think Doc was concerned about blood clots)

A big issue that has arisen has been constipation caused by the pain meds. And going was a real adventure because in the course of a little too much straining to get things out it pushes on the surgical site and great pain ensues. Ouch! Still a good bit of leakage of urine since removing the catheter probably because of the catheter which we hope will abate soon. We're using panty liners for now.

I dressed fully today for the first time and even managed heels all day and felt really the best so far. I wake up feeling good but by late afternoon I start getting really tired.

Check back in a week or so, Cheers to all!



Leslie, thank you so very much for posting your experience. Informative to say the least so please continue, there are those of us out here that truly do want hear more. I've considered what you are going through but not so sure now. My orchi was 17 days ago and I've kinda been rolling it around in my head ever since why I didn't at the same time have at least the scrotum removed. To late to worry over that now but I am following your posts with much interest. Congratulations on the new improved you.


Latest report, at 7 weeks now.

Still having at lot of sensitivity below and can't seem to find panties soft enough that I'm not really sore by day's end. Especially if I've done a lot of walking. Still can't wear tight fitting skinny jeans.

Other than that I'm semi back to normal and beginning to put a little weight back on. (Lost 20 pounds post surgery due to almost complete loss of appetite)

BMs are back to normal and for some reason I can't seem to get enough protein, always craving steak or hamburgers - very strange.

Rode bicycle and did ok so dragged out Harley and rode a few miles, seemed OK. Rode in a car for 5 hours and was sore as hell toward the end of that.

I can't say enough bad things about Oxy. I sure don't see why people crave it. Makes me feel like crap and I finally gave up on it because it made me so dizzy I couldn't drive. I sure never got any kind of buzz from it.

The post surgical pain could hit hard when I have my belt too tight so I'm guessing it'll be months before that resolves. The pain overall is about done. There are still some post-surgical bumps where the thing was and I really hope those go away because it sure affects the smoothness of the pubic area.

My SO says I'm a totally different person, more affectionate, WAY less angry (very calm, she says) I was able to go to the Veterans Administration Transgender group and managed OK in the hard chairs without the donut. Everybody was glad to have me back at group although I had everybody crying at one point. I have to say group is the situation where I am least self conscious.

More updates to come.



Thanks for the update, Leslie. I wish you were doing better on the back to normal part. I still have a hard knot on one side of my orchi site after two months. Not large, but very firm and it also affects the smoothness on me.

Hugs, Devlyn