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Planned Parenthood

Started by Benvolio, February 03, 2017, 09:05:59 AM

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Hey, everyone. I just got off the phone with the worst Planned Parenthood customer service representative. Until today, I've had good experiences with Planned Parenthood, so this was a bit of a surprise.

Anyway. So, I'm FTM. I'm about to start testosterone, but I haven't started it yet. I was on hormonal birth control until yesterday when my primary care provider said it would interact with testosterone so I should quit. So yesterday I stopped taking it. But before then, I took it regularly.

I've had my period, with constant nausea, for the past three weeks. That was what I was calling Planned Parenthood about. It had nothing to do with trans issues or testosterone.

So, I bring this all up with the customer service representative because, stupid me, I thought maybe she could help me and I wouldn't have to go and make an appointment. She asks if I'm on birth control, I explain I just quit because I'm starting testosterone soon, and she informs me: "we don't provide that kind of health care here".

Excuse me? I'm not asking you to prescribe my testosterone, I'm asking you to tell me why I've been bleeding for the last three weeks.

Again, she tells me, "I'm just saying, we don't provide that kind of health care here, so it might come up, and I just want you to know that".

Okay. I still have a uterus and until I get it taken out, I'm going to have to get screened for cervical cancer. Does this not matter? Is Planned Parenthood no longer accepting transgender patients? I don't know. But I'm really mad. I bite my tongue, set up an appointment, and now I'm getting seen at my regular Planned Parenthood clinic, unless they decide that since I'm now out as FTM that they don't want to provide "that kind of health care" to me.

I would complain to upper management, but I don't know how to reach them.


UGH That sucks. Unfortunately not all PPs are super rad when it comes to Trans care. My local-ish PP is amaaaazing so don't write them all off; do you know of another location you can visit?

GOod luck, bro!


Nope, this Planned Parenthood is the only one in my city. I'm sure the customer service representative I spoke with on the phone was located in another city, since their hotline is for the entire region.

My local Planned Parenthood is totally accepting, though - when I changed my name, they were sure to mark it down. For a long time I was in denial (even after the name change) so I was still using female pronouns, but the local Planned Parenthood was kind enough to ask every so often what pronouns I preferred. So that was nice.

If anyone was wondering about the bleeding thing, I'm fine. I think it was just because I took my birth control pills late a few times. Evidently you're supposed to take them at the same time each night.

My future testosterone doctor told me when we met Friday that I have to get off the birth control pill, otherwise it will interfere with testosterone. So now I'm bleeding even more because all the uterine tissue that's been stored up for the past couple months is shedding.

Once I'm on testosterone, the periods will stop after a few months, so I just have to wait I guess.

You know, I always hear the complaint "if all the male politicians got periods, things would be different!" Maybe we should elect a bunch of FTMs to office - then it would be a reality. Ha-ha.


Benvilio, welcome to Susan's. I'm sorry you had issues with Planned Parenthood. I hope in the future that you don't have such issues. In the meantime, please review the following rules and FAQ.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


At the one I visited it was very similar, the front desk was not very polite and couldn't answer any questions I had. However the Nurse Practitioner who prescribes Hormones was very nice,  called me back after every visit and has always been helpful. I have to call her extension every time though because the front desk will never answer any questions or even book an appointment.    I think they may get a lot of mean calls and have just been hardened to dealing with  customers, also they are the only game in town for some services so they don't have to be nice people will come anyway.