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Trump lawyers back Colorado baker who turned away same-sex couple

Started by AnneK, September 07, 2017, 08:51:45 PM

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Ugggh... why does America always insist on being 15to 20  years behind Canada and Europe on social issues?
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


Quote from: Deborah on October 05, 2017, 03:47:37 PM
Plus in the USA it's not the Muslims and the Hindus and others who are constantly either calling for our deaths or simply making up blatant lies to demonize is.  That would be the Christians.

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I'm going to have to disagree with this statement considering I converted to Islam and walked in Muslim circles for years; the majority of them think killing us is a service to our souls since it might help us attain unto Jannah.

You might be correct about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Daoists, etc. etc. but you are very much so incorrect about Islam and Muslims.

They might not scream it from the rooftops but this goes on in Mosques, and if we start importing them like Europe has been we'll end up like Europe and they'll be a lot more open about what they really think.

Historically speaking, once they start hitting 5-10% of the population they'll start exerting disproportionate amounts of social influence compared to their numbers. This has happened in near every country and its' far more extreme than any other religious/ethnic group.

If you think Christians are bad, just wait. Statistically speaking when viewed over the historical record they're pretty tame compared to many other religious and ideological groups.

Quote from: SailorMars1994 on October 05, 2017, 03:51:16 PM
Ugggh... why does America always insist on being 15to 20  years behind Canada and Europe on social issues?

To be fair, Canada has plenty of problems we don't have; and Europe is destroying itself so why would we want to be like Europe?

I'd prefer to be like Canada over Europe any day, but even then idk what with how yall treat Dr. Peterson so poorly up there.  ;D


Quote from: RobynD on October 05, 2017, 02:21:23 PM

This administration just decided that protecting trans people under Title 7 on the basis of sex discrimination is not ok. Make no mistake about what this government thinks about us. Fortunately state laws in many areas continue to protect us. But if they could rollback or nullify those on a federal basis, they would do it.

Exactly the point of the case the US Supreme Court has accepted for review.  The State of Colorado, in its wisdom, has enacted a law protecting LGBT folks from discrimination in public accommodations and services offered to the public.  The plaintiff (the baker, in this case) is asserting that he shouldn't have to comply with Colorado law because his religion leads him to oppose same-sex marriage.

If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the baker who claims the right to discriminate, the Court will have blown a massive hole in the state-by-state protections LGBT people have won by long years of patient action and political struggle.

If the anti-gay baker can use his religion to deny service to a gay customer, why can't he also assert his religion to claim exemption from compliance with the law prohibiting employment discrimination?  Good-bye to employment rights - even if there are state laws on the books in Colorado, California, Washington, etc. guaranteeing them!

Congress and the executive branch have made it clear they are NOT going to act to protect our rights.  Now we will find out whether the judiciary will.  A lot of the rights we have been accustomed to taking for granted now hinge on which way five Supreme Court justices line up.


Quote from: IzzyC on October 05, 2017, 03:56:45 PM
I'm going to have to disagree with this statement considering I converted to Islam and walked in Muslim circles for years; the majority of them think killing us is a service to our souls since it might help us attain unto Jannah.

You might be correct about Hindus, Jains, Buddhists, Daoists, etc. etc. but you are very much so incorrect about Islam and Muslims.

They might not scream it from the rooftops but this goes on in Mosques, and if we start importing them like Europe has been we'll end up like Europe and they'll be a lot more open about what they really think.

To be fair, Canada has plenty of problems we don't have; and Europe is destroying itself so why would we want to be like Europe?
Then I stand corrected.  However, in my part of this country there are so few Muslims as to render them irrelevant to the issue.  In other places that may be different.

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Love is not obedience, conformity, or submission. It is a counterfeit love that is contingent upon authority, punishment, or reward. True love is respect and admiration, compassion and kindness, freely given by a healthy, unafraid human being....  - Dan Barker

U.S. Army Retired


Quote from: Deborah on October 05, 2017, 04:06:38 PM
Then I stand corrected.  However, in my part of this country there are so few Muslims as to render them irrelevant to the issue.  In other places that may be different.

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I did edit the previous post a bit more but yes.

Fundamentalist Christians are dangerous. The Baptist denomination is a curse on Christendom, along with the Reformed and other conservative denominations.

But if everyone here thinks Christians are bad, holy moly you're all in for a treat when Muslims increase in demographic proportions.

If only we were majority Hindu or Buddhist, then everything would be awesome; but unfortunately all the less ridiculous religions/denominations don't proselytize. Non crappy groups don't actively seek converts because they don't think it largely matters.


Now some have managed to show their intolerance for others I think that is enough
