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My tip for passing/staying safe in public

Started by rainecloude, December 17, 2017, 11:37:02 PM

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Hi girls,

I just wanted to share something that really works for helping me pass/stay safe in public. LONG HAIR!  :D

Now I know that it takes ages to grow long hair and it isn't always an option for everyone (I have been growing my hair for a year and have a bob... I get the pain) however I would seriously suggest investing in clip in hair extensions or a wig. Hair extensions with a prayer to the hair spray gods can be used even at pixie cut lengths!

The reason why it is so important is because if you have long hair you almost immediately pass from the sides and the back. And if you're sitting on a bus or a train or you're waiting for something you can put your head to the side and let the hair cover some of your face.

I know this sounds a bit extreme but safety is your number 1 priority and this has really worked for me.  :angel:

Charlie Nicki

I've been considering extensions for a while, depending on how my hair looks when I go full time, I might do that.
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


I think safety first and foremost comes from not being in bad places at wrong times, especially alone. Don't go to a biker's club if you aren't sure you're welcome there. Don't walk alone through a bad part of the town at night. Stay on well-lit streets with plenty of public. Don't take shortcuts. Have your keys at hand when approaching your car...

Your safety shouldn't depend on whether you're read or not. Streets can be as unsafe to a cis-girl as to a crossdresser.

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