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In process Orchiectomy(with Dr. Arnkoff)diary.

Started by iamthatiam8, December 18, 2017, 12:20:17 PM

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Hey guys im now in the process of getting an orchiectomy with Dr.Arnkoff. As of january its $3300. I'm planning to go around january I'm just waiting for confirmation. I will be updating the process. If you have any question feel free to ask anything after all we are all in this together.

Ps. I apologize for any late response i seem to not be getting any reply notifications.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Congrats! Keep us informed!

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So I'm all booked. All i must do is wait untill the 13th of jan. I find myself not knowing how to feel, i guess I'm just tired, this condition has giving me the round around for so long that I'm just nomb. Hoping that this surgery will move me to a better future although it's hard to imagine a future with my penis but i doesnt seem like I'm losing my virginity anytime time soon so for that I'm glad. I have more time to sink into this condition alone seeing as to wether i should progress to the next step or not,' huh as if all this really mattered' i ask myself this all the time, 'should i give my disorder this much thought or money'? As if it mattered, its already to late it's part of me wether i like it or not all i can do is alliviate the symptoms. What a drag, only time will tell. All i know is I'm moving in the right direction which ever way that is. Soon i shall grasp her and ask her what this was all about.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Congratulations! I think you'll be very happy with the results. My orchiectomy thread blends Chris's experience with mine. Chris had a textbook procedure, I hit a few speed bumps. Everything worked out great in the end.  :)
Please keep us posted, very excited for you!

Hugs, Devlyn


Quote from: Devlyn Marie on December 25, 2017, 03:53:24 PM
Congratulations! I think you'll be very happy with the results. My orchiectomy thread blends Chris's experience with mine. Chris had a textbook procedure, I hit a few speed bumps. Everything worked out great in the end.  :)
Please keep us posted, very excited for you!

Hugs, Devlyn
thanks Devlyn. Do you mind telling me about your experience or perhaps link your post. I hope more profound chances happen to my body the 3 years that i have been on hormones have not done much, maybe because i have a high metabolism(need to gain some weight.) Im aslo hoping i can hide the thing well. Also hoping to have this as a steping stone. I've been transitioning for 6 years praying to have some peace now all i need is ffs.

I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Here you go. It's a long thread, but we cover everything from initial consult to post surgery thoughts.  :),224375.0.html

Hugs, Devlyn


13 days to go. I read that traveling after surgery is not recomended but i have seen alot of transgirls traveling a day or 2 after orchie. You guys had any issues.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Quote from: iamthatiam8 on January 01, 2018, 12:48:34 AM
13 days to go. I read that traveling after surgery is not recomended but i have seen alot of transgirls traveling a day or 2 after orchie. You guys had any issues.

I don't think you'll find a stock one size fits all answer to that question. Everybody is different, each surgeon is different. I had no issues at all, had surgery on Wed morning and made a 3 1/2 hour drive home on Thursday. No problems at all, no discomfort or bleeding though other drivers looking at me probably wondered why I had that silly grin on my face.

This was the fourth time I've had surgery for various reasons and this was by far the easiest recovery, even getting over the anesthetics was a complete non issue. Surgery on Wed morning and I went for two long walks Wed evening just because walking felt so good. From many posts I've read that is certainly not the case for everyone, post orchi recovery seems to run the gamut and I consider myself quite fortunate, and happy, and comfortable, and much less like the freak I felt like with the evil twins all my life. You'll have to wait till your surgery to see what your recovery will be but please post your results so others can judge the various recovery that might be expected. 


Quote from: Chris8080 on January 01, 2018, 08:59:23 AM
I don't think you'll find a stock one size fits all answer to that question. Everybody is different, each surgeon is different. I had no issues at all, had surgery on Wed morning and made a 3 1/2 hour drive home on Thursday. No problems at all, no discomfort or bleeding though other drivers looking at me probably wondered why I had that silly grin on my face.

This was the fourth time I've had surgery for various reasons and this was by far the easiest recovery, even getting over the anesthetics was a complete non issue. Surgery on Wed morning and I went for two long walks Wed evening just because walking felt so good. From many posts I've read that is certainly not the case for everyone, post orchi recovery seems to run the gamut and I consider myself quite fortunate, and happy, and comfortable, and much less like the freak I felt like with the evil twins all my life. You'll have to wait till your surgery to see what your recovery will be but please post your results so others can judge the various recovery that might be expected.
hi chris i hope i have a big silly smile to, i will continue to update it aswell write about what is going on in my mind.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Its strange i find myself having almost panic attacks as the days progress like I'm making a wrong choice and yet when i look at my reasons i want it done there is no doubt. Yeah having to take hormones for the rest if my life seems to be dawning on me even do i have been taking them for a long time knowing this. I guess my body is now coming full circle with me. On another note i found an old picture of me a single picture a couple years ago just smiling and i couldn't help myself but to cry for hours at the serious realization that i have been depressed for as long as i could remember, i mean i know i suffer from depression but looking at a 21 year old me looking exactly like the current me; just looking at this child scared, just starting to know herself unaware of the darkness she would still have to face and how strong she would become, it broke me it really did. My lovely child whom i have been grooming, it made me realize how serious it is for me to complete her. I cried for 4 hours its been 7 hours sence then and my eyes still hurt. But I'm happy I'm one step closer to her. Wait for me my darling I'll chase you to the end of the world even if i die trying.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Im ready to fly now haven't flown sense i was a kid. Everything is ready Dr. Arnkoff is so cool he gives me updates on the weather over in michigan its just cool how we can text directly to him. Having trouble thinking must be anxiety. I'll continue updating once my nerves calm down.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Woo made it,about to get my balls chop off. Living the skin do.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


I had my orchiectomy early this morning. And im so happy and in pain. Dr. Arnkoff is so aswome he has a new clinic with a beautiful design. He is a regular urologist who helps trans people, i relly recommend him his just aswome. I ok now for the surgery part; i won't lie even do i was numb in most area it hurt, hurt in a strange way sence your outside area is numb once they get inside to the spermatic cord >-bleeped-< gets real specially if you have a sensitive body. You will feel sometjing sence your awake but let not your body dwell on its own let your brain and heart guide you, get strong use your will remember why your there. Its a mental war your body its begging you to stop but yiu have to take control. Because of my sensitive body the minute they cut the first ball my body went into shut down mode, meaning i was passing out but i infuse it with my will and took it away and immediately became conscious. And even after that horror seen a couple minutes after the second ball was cut i started crying like crazy. It was like instinctively my body knew that a wrong had been fixed. Up untill that day i consider transexualism a mental disorder but as i saw my body crying it felt so real like i had hope that i could actually be happy one day it was such a  spiritual experience even do i was in pain. I did travel alone which i am used to(the doctors are there for you so communicate with them). But I'm happy i travel alone i don't think i would want my gamily seeing me on the table as my body twisted, turned and contracted from the pain. I go back tomorrow at 8 am. Lets see what else people in detroit are crazy drivers even with ice on the streets they somehow want you to drive at 50 mph which is infuriating. If you have any questions or want a picture let me know I'll continue to update a will start a new update thread in 3 months.
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.


Huh. Now i know how real this is. Wow.  The pain fir me doesn't feel like you got kicked it just feels like your balls got cut and the spermatic cord got cut and pulled wich is what happend. There is a bit of bleeding, doctors gave a some gauze pad( which is what i recommend you buy not the female pads). I think the incision is not vaginoplasty friendly sense theres two one on each side but i didn't care about it I'll worry about that in the future but definitely tell the surgeon what you want. What esle. Dr. Arnkoff recommended i stay in a holiday inn express which is expensive( like 169) but its like a block away from the clinic and offered to drive me to the center and back. Like a said the center is a regular clinic but he works on trans people when its closed, you sign a release form all commend things but its all illegitimate. I know how scary it could be trusting a stranger. Don't be concern if he uses male pronouns he really does understand the transexual issue and his nurse to but ofcourse i have no issue with male pronouns so let him know and i still look androgynous and use my "male voice" so that could have played into it. The antibiotic and painkillers was like $91 without insurance in the local walgreens. Car rental was like 37 plus 12 for a gps(which was a life saver my phone was being a bitch, it kept saying i was still in new mexico)
I have traveled through madness to find me.
                                               -Danny Alexander
No matter what darkness has covered over my light i am a descendent of an ape, what can possibly stop me.