The important thing is you have all the same basic rights as men when you are a woman.
You might have to listen to some guy saying women are more expensive, and I had to listen to the chick at the till in the local complaining about her husband and following it up with "all men are idiots/useless, though" loudly across the shop, and all the women present nodding and laughing in agreement. Then she'd look at me as if expecting me to agree as well because she knew I also had a male partner.
I wouldn't look too much into it. A bit of sexism in someone's opinion isn't the end of the world. If we want freedom to be what we want, we can't expect to take away other people's freedom to make daft sex-based jokes and statements. Being offended at more and more things hasn't done the West any favors lately.
Now I have to shrug and ignore the fact it's much more socially acceptable for a woman to make sweeping sexist judgements against men in this climate than it is the other way around. A woman could make a joke in a progressive boardroom meeting about useless men and nothing be said; a man doing it about women these days could get him fired.