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I’m feeling extremely depressed. (Vent)

Started by Angélique LaCava, January 08, 2018, 10:38:29 AM

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Angélique LaCava

I'm feeling extremely depressed because idk how long it's will be until I can get bottom surgery, I can't save money because of bills and food. I feel insecure anytime I'm Naked in front of my fiancé and since he's straight that doesn't help because I keep thinking he's going to miss vagina too much and end up cheating on me, I know he won't, but that's still an insecurity of mine.


Aww I'm sorry hunny. *hugs* Hang in there. I get that it's hard to feel like that, but really they love you because of who you are. I mean I have two straight guys with a crush on me, and I still look only like a boy. There's much more to sexuality than just looks. But I must say that is the shortest vent I've ever seen. If I need to vent, I make entire wall or just random stuff. If there's more you gotta let, just go for it.
If I've known you more than an hour, I prolly love you  :icon_redface:


I know exactly how you feel. I used to worry about the same thing with my boyfriend. But if you keep him satisfied the best ways you can it should be ok. He can do anal on you and you can do oral on him. That's what I do with my boyfriend and he's perfectly happy with those options.  If someone really cares about you sex is a bonus, not an absolute necessity.  Your fiancée knew from the start you have boy parts and I really doubt it bothers him to see them.  Actually my boyfriend has never seen mine but at this point it's my hangup, not his. Since I can't tuck the way I normally do when I have anal sex I tape everything beforehand so nothing can be seen. But I get a rash down there sometimes. My boyfriend told me I didn't have to do it and that it wouldn't bother him if he saw it, he would still love me. But I can't do it so I still tape for anal sex but that's my hangup, not his. I'm sure your fiancée loves you for you, not what is between your legs.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018