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HRT and erection discomfort

Started by tunak, July 26, 2010, 08:41:57 AM

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Im sorry but this post is going to be very descriptive. I will keep the terms scientific :)

Ive been on hrt for 6 months and its rare for me to get spontaneous erections. But when i do, erections are rly painful, it feels like the urethra or some part of the penis i cant pinpoint is being stretched /teared. The dark band that rans along the underside shaft seem to have darkened and shortened... is this normal... the pain? It hurts the most when i climax...


If you dont use it you lose it. Sounds like you are getting atrophy. I would sugest putting it to use more often. 

I have been on HRT for 9 months now. I have stayed relatively active in that way (I am married to the love of my life.....) and I have no atrophy and the equipment mostly works as intended.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Hey Tristan, that happened to me right around that time. Same thing, rarely happened but when it did, OMG!!!! It doesn't do that anymore, the erections or the pain. I'm not sure what ever caused it but it felt like it was this stretching pain and I wanted to scream!!


Uh oh :icon_blink:

So that will be me in about two months, I don't feel any pain yet but it's been a long time since any significant spontaneous erections.

Jillary Woolen Xσx

Hello ms. tristian!

I had the same problem. it started about the same time as it did for you,
and hasn't stopped.
I have been on HRT for about 16 months now and on the occasion that i should become "erect"
there's pain. like a stretching kind of pain. I've been told that "exercising" it will help with the pain
but I've tried as best as i can to rid of it and nothing has worked.
I've come to just let it be. I'm not all that bothered by it, as that function is and has been dead to me for some time lol

The darkening of your perineal raphe is a completely normal effect from the hormones
xσX                                                                Xσx



I have a penis pump, bought specificaly to prevent atrophy so when I have SRS I will have plenty of material to work with.
Use it a couple of times a week and all is well (that and occasional sex). Kinda wierd maintaining something I dont care for but like I said I want to be sure I have plenty of donor material.
So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.
If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.
If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself.
Sun Tsu 'The art of War'


Quote from: TristanV on July 26, 2010, 08:41:57 AM
Im sorry but this post is going to be very descriptive. I will keep the terms scientific :)

Ive been on hrt for 6 months and its rare for me to get spontaneous erections. But when i do, erections are rly painful, it feels like the urethra or some part of the penis i cant pinpoint is being stretched /teared. The dark band that rans along the underside shaft seem to have darkened and shortened... is this normal... the pain? It hurts the most when i climax...

Same, in about 6-8 months thats common, it goes away, but if it continues might ask a doctor.  Mine lasted maybe 2 weeks or so.


Use it or have problems is correct and my srs wil be a colon-vaginoplasty with double ops, double risks of infections and problems.
I never thought of using a pump as I just hated touching the thing once the estrogen stopped it working.


Quote from: lilacwoman on July 26, 2010, 03:26:22 PM
Use it or have problems is correct and my srs wil be a colon-vaginoplasty with double ops, double risks of infections and problems.
I never thought of using a pump as I just hated touching the thing once the estrogen stopped it working.

All i know is that if you dont have enough material for a full inversion, they can give you a skin graft from another section of your body, the colon option seems extreme imo.


As one who very rarely used it, it still functioned fine.  Yes there is some pain, by it is more from the erectile tissue needing to expand, than from the usable tissue.  That skin can atrophy after a time, but I doubt it is causing the pain.

I am at 27 months and I can still make it function, I just prefer not to.


My experience was a nocturnal emission dream that literally threw me out of bed from the pain. (It was a dream about someone trying to stab me in the groin!!).  I ended up with a very sore elbow that caught a night stand on my way to the floor.  it ended up being the last actual erection I can remember, but surprisingly,  my groin area WAS NOT sore the next morning.  While erectile function is non existent now (some of it is my age too), I have some power tools I no longer hold in my lap for balance, or I quickly lose my focus of attention on the tool.  Admitting that my best sex partner is a Black & Decker power sander seems a little too weird. In other words, the nerve sensitivity is as good or better than before, and the sensation can climax several times before I simply get too tired.

I am actually looking at a surgeon who does not use the penile inversion method of vaginoplasty, or the colon vaginoplasty.  I know two of his patients through a good friend and they tell me the penis becomes part of the labia minora structure in a way that requires fewer surgeries.  Both are super happy about the results.
I refuse to have a war of wits with a half armed opponent!!

Wiser now about Post Op reality!!

Tammy Hope

Quote from: cynthialee on July 26, 2010, 10:34:14 AM
I have a penis pump, bought specificaly to prevent atrophy so when I have SRS I will have plenty of material to work with.
Use it a couple of times a week and all is well (that and occasional sex). Kinda wierd maintaining something I dont care for but like I said I want to be sure I have plenty of donor material.


It's exactly what I had planned to do when I start (and for the same reason). Glad to hear a positive report from someone who's tried it.
Disclaimer: due to serious injury, most of my posts are made via Dragon Dictation which sometimes butchers grammar and mis-hears my words. I'm also too lazy to closely proof-read which means some of my comments will seem strange.


so if u use it often the skin will stretch ya? cuz i actually had a stretched wound where the scrotal sac meets the perineal band... scary!


Quote from: Izumi on July 26, 2010, 03:32:46 PM
All i know is that if you dont have enough material for a full inversion, they can give you a skin graft from another section of your body, the colon option seems extreme imo.
well there is another complication in that I had an undescended testicle and either due to it no being there or because my body knew it would never descend and theerfore woudl not need a left side scrotum I don't have enough scrotum skin for it to be basically it's the colon-job or nothing.
The first surgeon was quite unconcerned when he told me that due to lack of skin he could only give me a blind slit.  Suppose I'd told him that he was going to need an operation to remove 90% of his male genitals...would he be so unconcerned?


Yeah, I guess like 5 months after I started estrogen (had been on spiro long before that) I had horrendous pain when I could actually get erections, but could only get them with my ex.

I had a painful erection... once now I think with my current girlfriend, but we have a very active sex life so it stays healthy. She is 8 inches or more taller than me, so I actually wish I had more length to make some positions easier with her... as bizarre as that is.


Quote from: Vicky on July 26, 2010, 10:57:30 PM
I am actually looking at a surgeon who does not use the penile inversion method of vaginoplasty, or the colon vaginoplasty.  I know two of his patients through a good friend and they tell me the penis becomes part of the labia minora structure in a way that requires fewer surgeries.  Both are super happy about the results.

I'm the same, it is more common in Thailand it seems. The results look fab too. I'm going with Dr Chettewut who uses a scrotal skin graft for inside the vagina. Suporn does the same. Yup, the penis skin becomes part of the labia minora. Chet does it all in a one step procedure. If you don't have enough material they can take a graft from your belly or theigh, but I think I will be fine.

I've had the same problem with errections too. I get a pain near the base. This has been going on for about 3 months. I have been on HRT for 6 months now. It does not bother me too much, I don't really have spontaneous errections anymore. The only time I seem to get errections is sometimes it wants to join in when I am with the lady I am dating, I don't blame it but I'm not going to use it anymore, it just seems unimportant in sex now. 
I tried to orgasim recently out of curiousity, it has been about 5 months since my last, and just could not manage it. Plus it was uncomfortable using the thing. I don't seem to miss it. Shrug.  :)


[quote author=Nicky , I don't blame it but I'm not going to use it anymore, it just seems unimportant in sex now. 
I tried to orgasim recently out of curiousity, it has been about 5 months since my last, and just could not manage it. Plus it was uncomfortable using the thing. I don't seem to miss it. Shrug.  :)

I tried a few months back with same now it just gets washed mroning and night and rest of day its ignored and as I've always sat down to pee I don't need to touch it during toilet visits...
it was amusing to be on the surgeon's couch and have him pulling and stretching it to - it was like he was playing with a bit of deadened flesh and blood that wasn't connected to me and shouldn't be there.


Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. I am simply telling what I was told for my case.

When I told my doctor about the painful erections which started roughly 6 months on hormones, she said that it was a possible side effect of finasteride so I was taken off of that. The pain was a little better after being taken off of finasteride but it was still pretty painful so I saw a urologist. The urologist diagnosed me with peyronie's disease and instructed me to take 400 IU vitamin E twice daily. If the problem had persisted the urologist would have recommended a shot to help heal the erectile tissue or if that didn't help, surgery. For trans girls a cure for peyronie's disease would be srs since the erectile tissue would be taken out as medical waste.


While I still have erections, long time on HRT seems to have shrunk my urethra to the point that my erections can't stretch out straight and in stead curve severely as you might expect if the urethra became significantly shorter than the existing erectile tissue.  I think lots of tucking over a long time may have never let the tube stretch out and it shrank.
All a mute point in a few weeks.  Toni


I had something similar happen to me in the first six months of HRT: very painful erections. I told my endocrinologist, and she measured my prolactin levels, and simultaneously sent me for a MRI of my pituitary gland.

She's a smart lady. What I had was a benign (non-cancerous) tumor called a prolactinoma in my pituitary gland. This sort of tumor produces an excess of prolactin, and that prolactin was causing my painful erections (not quite sure why). The prolactin also causes the tumor to grow.

The tumor probably started when I began HRT. Apparently it's known to arise in women much more than men, and it usually is discovered in their thirties (which matches me exactly).

The good news is that it is usually easily treatable with a medication called cabergoline. The medicine drops the prolactin levels, which stops the growth of the tumor. And, within a month of starting the cabergoline, the painful erections stopped and never came back.

If you have one of these tumors (and I am not saying you do, just that it's a possibility to consider), it's good to catch it early. Mine is only 3  millimeters in diameter. When they get larger (a centimeter or more), they can cause your pituitary to press on your optic nerve, causing vision problems. Otherwise, it's a pretty easy tumor to have.

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