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Passing? Opinions or advice on what I should improve?

Started by Rafaelle, January 12, 2018, 07:25:58 PM

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Well, this is me right now, I am seriously considering Hrt, opinions, would I be able to pass with treatment or maybe makeup? I don't have a problem with mannerisms and voice :)

Third photo is an old one, but would like to look like the app made me :D Thanks in advance! ^_^


I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to pass. It's hard to say exactly what hrt effects will be for you, but with softening of the chin/jaw line (the general rounding effect) and other subtle changes, plus basic stuff 99% of people have to do like eyebrows, you would be in extremely good shape. Bottom line, you have an amazing starting point.
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



Wow, thank you very much,  this helps me a lot. I believe maybe if I gain some weight with treatment or maybe like that, it will help round up a bit my face.


The nice thing is you look pretty young already, so HRT effects will be more pronounced.. given time and testosterone influences though the masculinization effects will continue to worsen things.

Most people I find if you don't act like a cat with a long tail in a room full of rocking chairs, (don't act like you don't belong, super nervous, etc..) generally you do fine.   Act like you belong, improve your voice, and 'monkey see monkey do' act like females your age, copy their mannerisms, etc.


I have noticed that also, if I feel like I look too much like a man then I get stressed and lose my stature and my voice gets deeper. It's weird actually what effects nervousness has on some people.
I need to come out of the closet quickly because as you said I might become more masculine I need to start transitioning, it's about time.


 Brows, nose (ffs), longer hair or wig (to hide earls), chin should be rounded with hrt

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Brows are on the list as well as hair, I will grow it out, as for my nose, I don't think I will have a surgery but I will leave it on my list, Hrt, well depends on my genes, I hope it works well. Thanks for your help. 😄


I think you have a really good chance of passing with just HRT - you have beautiful eyes, great lips. Obviously, it's hard to tell what will happen with hrt but if it just serves to soften some of the harder "male" edges of your frame you will be fine.


Quote from: Roll on January 12, 2018, 08:16:00 PM
I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to pass. It's hard to say exactly what hrt effects will be for you, but with softening of the chin/jaw line (the general rounding effect) and other subtle changes, plus basic stuff 99% of people have to do like eyebrows, you would be in extremely good shape. Bottom line, you have an amazing starting point.

Roll, I agree and by the way, love your new avatar!!


Quote from: Rafaelle on January 12, 2018, 09:12:58 PM
Brows are on the list as well as hair, I will grow it out, as for my nose, I don't think I will have a surgery but I will leave it on my list, Hrt, well depends on my genes, I hope it works well. Thanks for your help. [emoji1]
And smile. Nothing improves your image better (and shows nice soft kissable lips) than a good smile.


Thank you all very much for the support and the advice! I hope you succeed in everything you want to succeed! As for my progress, I might surprise you with a photo one day haha :P . Once again, thanks, it means a lot to me.


I think you would definitely pass with hrt. Actually, with a wig, makeup and arching your eyebrows you could pretty much pass now. You kind of remind me of wynona Ryder when she was young. You have pretty lips that would look awesome with lipliner and color. You have pretty eyes which eyemakeup will enhance. You have nice cheekbones that shading and blush will enhance. Your skin looks good and it doesn't look like you have really heavy facial hair. With hrt, hair removal and eyebrow arching I think you would not only be passable but very pretty.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Your going to look amazing presenting as female, you shouldnt worry about a thing. Your very pritty
- Jo / Joanna

Pre-HRT Trans-Fem
16th Nov 17 - Came out to myself
7th Jan 18 - Came out to wife
31st Jan 18 - Referred to GIC / might be seen in 2020
Oct 18 - Fully out at one job, part out at another
Nov 18 - Out to close family


I will start slowly making changes, I've already have slimmer eyebrows and I might start putting a little bit of makeup for starters, as for facial hair, well I will probably have laser in the future. Though, I wouldn't like to put a wig on, I will leave my hair as is, and maybe color it white or maybe blue or mauve, I will let them grow anyways.


Quote from: Rafaelle on January 12, 2018, 07:25:58 PM
Well, this is me right now, I am seriously considering Hrt, opinions, would I be able to pass with treatment or maybe makeup? I don't have a problem with mannerisms and voice :)

Third photo is an old one, but would like to look like the app made me :D Thanks in advance! ^_^

Oh, you are going to easily pass, in my opinion. You have beautiful features!
"life it what happens to you while you're busy making other plans"
-John Lennon

Allison S

I think you'll find that you look even prettier than the face app pic after hrt. Of course it takes at least over a year but if it's something you want you should be fine.

Heck maybe even with some makeup you'll look great. Give it a try.. have fun with it!

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk



I've put some lipstick on yesterday night when I was alone, I felt awesome. Well I am preparing my Aunt's psychology for my coming out 🤣 she is taking it rather well, I don't think she will judge me, more like support me, though she will probably be too surprised. I believe that I am almost ready to transition, I will finally come out, I've already came out to my friends, next is my Aunt and then my sisters and mother. Though I am afraid a bit of my mother's reaction as well as my other sister.


I totally think you can pass with make up and HRT will help you have a feminine appearance now Hrt will help high light the features and make so subtle other ones learning make up and hair styles helps too and yes if you have mannerisms down than you should have know problem


I hope so, well I am really impatient waiting for my hair to grow, it's so annoying. Also make up does wonders sometimes, so I might as well worship it 🤣


Quote from: Rafaelle on January 14, 2018, 11:01:14 PM
I hope so, well I am really impatient waiting for my hair to grow, it's so annoying. Also make up does wonders sometimes, so I might as well worship it 🤣

Yes hair takes for ever to grow so ya practice make up you tube really helps