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What direction do you face sleeping?

Started by Kat, July 10, 2007, 02:15:49 PM

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So what way do you face when sleeping, or are you all over the place?

I face right
I face left
I face the cieling
I roll around, so no real set direction
I sleep upside down! I'm a vampire
On my belly


If I'm with someone and cuddling, I generally sleep on my side. Anything outside of that situation and I'm on my back.

Christy Lee

Whose that girll?

Started Therapy


What is sleep?

I've never slept well unless on heavy sedative, but when I do lay down I usually end up on my side. And I'm all over the place.

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It depends on the bed actually. Cause I prefer to lie on my side closest to the outer edge that faces the room. At least until my ear starts hurting/getting uncomfortable, then I switch sides.

But also if it's very noisy around me, then I'll lie on my right side cause I'm deaf on my left ear so that muffles out most surrounding sounds if I don't have ear plugs. And if I want to listen to music instead, then I prefer lying on my left side so I can hear it.

So, I picked the option "rolling around" even though I do have various reasons for picking one or the other side.

For shorter times I sometimes lie on my back, but still have my head to either side. Can't lie on my stomach, it hurts my neck too much.
Mar. 2009 - came out as ftm
Nov. 2009 - changed my name to John
Mar. 2010 - diagnosed with GID
Aug. 2010 - started T, then stopped after 1 year
Aug. 2013 - started T again, kept taking it since
Mar. 2014 - top surgery
Dec. 2014 - legal gender marker changed to male
Jul. 2018 - came out as cis woman and began detransition
Sep. 2018 - stopped taking T and changed my name to Laura
Oct. 2018 - got new ID-card

Medical Detransition plans: breast reconstruction surgery, change legal gender back to female.


I face the ceiling.  I preferred to sleep face down but no medication seemed to reduce the advance of my glaucoma when I did that.  BeforeI was diagnosed, I once woke up to feel my eyes bulging out.  Turning on to my back made them slip back into place.  I think that gravity and the pressure on the eyeballs from the pillow were not good for my eye pressure when facing down. 

Since sleeping on my back, my glaucoma has stabilised.  However, I have also had laser surgery, which muddies the cause and effect.  I haven't told my specialist what I think, as in my experience they dismiss the opinions of non-professionals.


I usually sleep on my right sleep in the arms of my Fiance.

Eryn T

90% of the time I face left
10% of the time I face right

but once I'm asleep, as my wife has told me, it seems that I flail around and often times end up in really unusual positions similar to how you might see a cat sleeping...
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