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Advice for pre-ops

Started by November Fox, January 20, 2018, 01:16:50 PM

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November Fox

Now that I'm out of top surgery I want to share some advice with those who are still waiting. Don't take this as me telling you what to do. Everybody is different so your situation will be different from mine. Also take into account I have severe anxiety from PTSD.

Very important that you arrange solid backup in advance. Make agreements with them about how long you will be staying with them, and keep in mind you need at least 2-3 weeks to recuperate (according to hospital info here). Also prepare them for the fact that there might be complications and that you might need an emergency ride back to the hospital. This happened to me and my family were mortified.

Think about ways in which surgery can be made easier for you. For me, taking pre-op sleeping meds was not a good idea. I was foggy and could not think clearly about what I needed. The second time around (correction surgery), I had no sleeping medication. I asked the surgeon to practice breathing with me. In through your nose (belly), out through the mouth. Slowly. You will be on a heart rate monitor, and you will be able to hear your own heart rate slow down, which will let you know that you're going to be okay.

If you have a problem with pain, anxiety, needles and/or your veins are hard to find, ask for them to put you on IV before going into the pre-op area. It helps if they stick your hand in warm water to localize the veins. Sometimes veins are easier to localize on the arms than on the hands. When going into the first surgery, they stabbed me repeatedly and I freaked out. Better not to have that experience.

Make sure your ride back is comfortable and with someone who understands your needs - specially if you have an anxiety disorder. Bring two or more pillows, one for your back just in case and one for your chest. Don't rely on others to do this for you. They might forget or think it's not that important (it happened to me).

Ask someone, if possible, to bring you fresh fruit or something else healthy while you are in the hospital, specially if you have complications. I've been here a week and the food makes me want to barf. Your body needs vitamins.

I might add more later :) If this can help somone I'll be glad.


Edit: Nvm. Found your other thread about the emergency.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


I'm hoping to be able to have my top surgery this year, and I'm hoping that more people will respond with advice to this thread.



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Thanks, this is actually helpful. I have my top surgery scheduled in July and I'm also having anxiety about it. Hopefully the rest of your recovery goes smoothly.


November Fox

I'm glad I could help. I was quite unprepared for the surgery, I think. In terms of knowing the routine they walk you through and also the impact it has.

Things literally changed for me from one day to the next, which is weird considering they're nothing more than lumps of tissue.

I feel as though I never even had them in the first place. Kinda nice considering the toll it took on me before surgery :) Good luck!