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Dilation, Depth and Intercourse

Started by Memento, May 03, 2018, 07:23:02 AM

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Quote from: Memento on August 09, 2018, 01:25:45 PM
Does anyone know how deep I should be at 4 months? And whether or not depth can be gained this far out?

You should be at your original depth.

I don't think you'll get an answer on whether it can be gained at 4 months because recovery is very different between individuals and there's not enough reports on this situation. Even if someone does/doesn't regain depth it doesn't mean you can/can't. I think you should just do your best and see what happens.


I've asked my surgeon what my original depth was and asked my therapist to set up an appointment so I don't kill myself if the news is bad.

Bought 3 big packs of Astroglide and plenty of food, so I'm going to dilate a total of 5 hours each day until I hear otherwise. Five 1 hour sessions on my days off, three 1.5 hour sessions on work days. I'll try to stay optimistic.

I sort of thought I'd blossom socially after surgery, but I barely have enough time to socialize with my family much less friends.

Thanks, everyone. I'll keep you posted.


I am one month out and I am glad I read this post because I don't remember my Doctor telling me to apply pressure when dilating. I will try that as I am still on the Orange dilator and I can get all but the last dot in. My schedule is 3 X 30 minutes/day right now. I tried the Purple dilator last week and got most of it in, but after about 5 minutes I started getting terrible pains and had to remove the purple. Now I am afraid of it, but I must try it again today I suppose. I have no problem with the little Orange dilator.

I also have a bad smell down there, but I just had a follow-up 4 days ago and Doctor said it would go away. I am not allowed to douche yet because the tissue is still healing they told me.

This dilating is something else isn't it? LOL  Hard to be a Woman, but I am loving it! Wishing you all the very best! Love, Violet ♥


From the look of things, I'm doing well as I'm working my way to the third dot and it's not even my fourth time dilating today. There's a lot of discharge way in the back so methinks it's not entirely closed yet, and it didn't even bleed. Phew. If I make it to 5.5 inches, I can live with that(not that I'll stop trying to go deeper). The biggest concern for me now is width, which is downright excruciating. And my learned fear of tearing myself open doesn't help me relax.

So now a few questions about pressure. So, when I reach the back it doesn't really hurt, but I get pretty limp, winded and a bit of a gotta-go feeling. Is that the stimulation of the prostate or colon or whatever makes anal(and neo-vaginal) sex work? I just want to be sure I'm not going to fistula it up.

Ha ha. I don't think there's anything in the world I hate more than dilating. Other than that, I feel like a normal chick any moment I'm not cramming plastic into body cavities. Certainly is a lot better than the alternative, I'm just a natural curmudgeon. Thank you very much and the same to you.

Edit: One last question, because this just happened and it doesn't seem worth starting another post. Does anyone have an issue when you're using the toilet and your vaginal muscles tighten while your legs are spread, so you bleed really bad? At least I think that's what's going on. It hadn't happened this month so I figured it was over, but I stood up just now and there was blood running down my leg.


I am reading thru the posts and I am sort of confused here...
Apologies if I misinterpret it wrongly thou.
What I understand is with the depth that is constructed, can it be lengthen further?
It seems that some are achieving deeper depth after than what is constructed post-op thru dilation?
I have been dilating religiously over the past few months since post-op but can never get past the constructed depth as told by my doc. Is it really possible?
Also from what I understand, the skin tends to close out if one does not dilate enough due to the natural healing properties of our bodies doesn't it? Can depth be recovered back once its lost?
Thanks for the advise.


OMG!  :o 4 pounds of pressure? I press pretty hard, but I think the muscle is stopping further insertion. Feels like I have bruised it. Very sore now, which makes dilating even more complicated. I have switched down to the smallest (Orange) dilator until next Wednesday when I see my Dr. , but I don't know if my choice is wise.

Should I suffer with the excruciating pain and use more force to try to go deeper? I can only get the first dot in me with Purple and then I feel something, the muscle I guess, stopping me and it hurts. I want to get that Purple one all the way inside of me so badly!
Quote from: Dena on May 03, 2018, 08:38:38 AM
I have all sorts of questions about your post. It's possible you and your surgeon aren't measuring depth the same way and you have more depth than you think. It's also possible that you don't have enough pressure on the dilator so your not reaching full depth. You should press with about 4 pounds or about 2 kilograms of force while dilating. I am also 6'2" with the old fashion PI surgery and once upon a time I weighted 140 pounds. I weighed 155 (150 when I left the hospital) at the time of surgery and still was able to reach around 6 inches of depth with 1.5 inches of diameter. My dilation routine was mostly 3 times a day for 20 minutes however due to exhaustion, for the first month it was mostly twice a day. I was fortunate and the limited dilation didn't harm the surgery but some of it was the result of returning to a proper dilation schedule after that month.


Quote from: Violet on August 19, 2018, 02:06:06 PM
OMG!  :o 4 pounds of pressure? I press pretty hard, but I think the muscle is stopping further insertion. Feels like I have bruised it. Very sore now, which makes dilating even more complicated. I have switched down to the smallest (Orange) dilator until next Wednesday when I see my Dr. , but I don't know if my choice is wise.

Should I suffer with the excruciating pain and use more force to try to go deeper? I can only get the first dot in me with Purple and then I feel something, the muscle I guess, stopping me and it hurts. I want to get that Purple one all the way inside of me so badly!

You may be dealing with swelling or granulation. Unfortunately we will have to wait for your doctor to take a look see and figure out what your up against. As long as you can get the small dilator in, you shouldn't lose depth. Unfortunately this is about all you can do for now unless you can see the doctor earlier.
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I do still have some swelling and granulation. Kinda feels like I am sunburned down there. Well, just 2 more days to my follow-up and I have a long list of questions! Will report back here with the answers. Thank You Dena! ♥
Quote from: Dena on August 19, 2018, 03:22:17 PM
You may be dealing with swelling or granulation. Unfortunately we will have to wait for your doctor to take a look see and figure out what your up against. As long as you can get the small dilator in, you shouldn't lose depth. Unfortunately this is about all you can do for now unless you can see the doctor earlier.