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Things you've accomplished in 2018 transition-wise?

Started by PurpleWolf, March 01, 2018, 09:49:24 AM

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I got my hair chopped off and came out to my friends. My friends are all incredibly supportive and wonderful, and I couldn't be more thankful for that.


Quote from: Van on July 30, 2018, 08:33:06 PM
I got my hair chopped off and came out to my friends. My friends are all incredibly supportive and wonderful, and I couldn't be more thankful for that.

Congratulations Van - what a great feeling isn't it!



Since the last time I posted in this thread, at my job I've come out to my entire extended work team, the Admin Director, and the HR Administrator. At my request the mandatory department wide staff meeting at the end of August will include a 1.5 hour Transgender 101 from one of the founders of the Transgender Resource Center of NM.

There's been a lot more electrolysis since my last post, and it feels like I'm in the homestretch with that. I've purged the bulk of old male clothing from my closet and donated it, and I'm finally thinking of myself as more & more female.  I've left my house dressed as I like, both with friends and alone, several times in the past couple of weeks. I've started getting more focused on building a work wardrobe for when I go full-time in a couple of months.

Found an inexpensive foundation shade that I believe matches my natural skintone. My joy over that cannot be overstated!

I decided that I cannot abide a full wig for long-term wear and then met with a local wigmaker from whom I've ordered my first custom topper. It should be ready in a couple of months. I'm still not quite sure how I'm going to pay it off when it's ready, but I did put a full deposit down on it.

I've had a couple of unexpected "male fails" with shop clerks in recent weeks.

I see my primary care doctor tomorrow and will ask about when I can schedule my orchie. I'll also talk with her about the letter I need to start the process of changing the gender marker on my birth certificate. I've researched next steps for changing my name. Oh, and I finally settled on the name I'll be using once I go full-time.

Wow, seeing it written out I now feel like there's been a lot accomplished!! Now if I could just find a bunch of cute shoes that I like, lol
"I will not have my life narrowed down. I will not bow down to somebody else's whim or to someone else's ignorance" - bell hooks

"The best mind-altering drug is the truth." - Lily Tomlin



So far in 2018 I got my three letters for gcs, found a great supportive pcp who actually understands hormones and just six days ago had gcs. Pretty good so far, but I still need to legally change my birth certificate since I was born in a state that requires a physicians letter to update it, with any luck I will manage it before the end of the year.
私は女の子 です!My Blog - Hikari's Transition Log,377.0.html


Got a NEW ID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
= was able to immediately sort out some bank stuff  :)!
!!!REBIRTH=legal name change on Feb 16th 2018!!!
This is where life begins for me. It's a miracle I finally got it done.

My body is the home of my soul; not the other way around.

I'm more than anything an individual; I'm too complex to be put in any box.

- A social butterfly not living in social isolation anymore  ;D -
(Highly approachable but difficult to grasp)

The past is overrated - why stick with it when you are able to recreate yourself every day


Well as of last Friday no more testicals. They are gone and I feel great. Went back to work today for half a day. Didn't have any issues and let others do any of the lifting
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



So far, this year:

I stopped taking anti-androgens after they were affecting my mood too severely
Successfully suppressed my T with Estradiol pills - last test showed 14 total, .15 free
Celebrated my hormoniversary in April
Moved from MA to WI to live with the love of my life
Found my inherent connection to womanhood instead of feeling like I'm "putting her on"
Became a blonde, which I LOVE and where I'll stay...and my hair has reached shoulder length!
I've developed a very lovely figure at 37-29-36.  My boobs feel really real and are a full A, which at 5'1 is great.  Still hoping to continue the growth because I'd like to be a full B and don't want to get a BA
Started writing for the news section of this site, which I am loving.  It's so great to be doing what I want to do and be recognized for my efforts
I've been letting go of habits, behaviors and defense mechanisms that I had previously thought were just "how I am."  Learning to communicate genuinely, stop holding my feelings and thoughts against myself, and actually love me as I am.
I got my REAL ID with my correct name and gender so I can fly and go to Canada!  Next is my passport, which I have everything for but have been stalling for no particular reason.  I think I just don't wanna rush through all of the firsts lol

Coming up:
My partner and I are celebrating our first anniversary in NYC in two weeks!!
I'll be getting onto her health insurance as a domestic partner next month, so I can start looking into consultations for FFS and GCS
I plan to restart electrolysis once we figure out the pre-authorization process with said insurance
Continue learning more of who I am and healing the wounds that were inflicted by life and by myself

- without makeup

- LOVING this figure

- feeling pretty

- GOD I love us!

Yeah, it's been a great year



Reached 1 year on HRT!
Top surgery :)
Got my name legally changed and my new passport. Next stop: Getting my license for the first time and its with my proper name :)
Another big thing has been my perception of my body since top surgery. I still don't love everything about my body (love handles, desire for more facial hair) but after top surgery I finally feel like I'm in the right body. And I love every second of it.

Allison S

Sometimes I wonder if I have undiagnosed bipolar

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk



Really realizing, that I am much grumpier, easier to 'anger' or at least easier to get upset while my T is in the normal Male range and that I am significantly much happier / have a better disposition while my T is down and my Estrogen levels are in the normal female range.

Must talk to my therapist about this development this week. I need back on my E!!!!



2018 was my second year on HRT. I have lost about 45 lbs this year and now hover around 200 after being as high as 298. I have not reported depression in over a year. I attend two support groups which is fabulous because it affirms I am not in this by myself anymore. We go out to dinner on a regular basis in all our glory. My family is supportive and while I don't always dress around the house I do get out in public two or three times a week. I love getting compliments even though I am 6'3" and 67 years old as of next month. My service providers are now lifetime friends whom I never would have met otherwise. I am happy most the time. I can't say that used to be the case. I have survived four hospital visits this year. Anger is a thing of the past. I have become compassionate and caring, and while sometimes I tell the truth when maybe I shouldn't, I am learning to do a better assessment of when to do so. I look forward to many more years of contentment as the person I was meant to be. Just living the dream/
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

If you have a a business or service that supports our community please submit for our Links Page.

First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17


Susan H

The state I was born in (Florida) had always refused to change anyone's birth certificate for any reason. They have recently changed the law and/or policy. Today, some twenty nine years after I had my name legally changed, I got my birth certificate in the mail. It has my name on it and my correct gender.


Bought a lot of clothes,  found out I look super great in tank tops
Bought a lot of make-up, enough to get my girlfriend a bit jealous
Told trusted friends
Told HR and management
Sort of came out at work. At least enough that anyone paying attention knows something is up
Got to passing often enough that friends I'm with don't notice anyone staring
Started HRT
Figuring out timeline on document changes


A giant step made this year. I finally started HRT! I applied my first patch today.

Hailey Anne

There has been lots of changes and amazing moments for me this year! My HRT results have really pleased me this year. I've just gotten my name legally changed in August and got my SRS surgery date confirmed for this december with Dr. Brassard! :) <3

Northern Star Girl

Even though I have been living in my new small town and running my business as a full-time woman when I relocated  here in December 2016, it was only about 6 months ago in March 2018 that I came out and revealed my secret to my friends, business clients and my several romantic interests... and essentially to my entire small town. It was like a big heavy weight was lifted off of my shoulders allowing me to live more freely and be more open with all of those that I come across.

I have had overwhelming acceptance with only a couple of bad encounters, and when those bad encounters happened all of my friends came to my rescue and set the very few perpetrators straight and told them off.

I have also become more comfortable in the dating scene with both men and women of interest.  Very exciting and sometime frightening as well...  all new territory for me.

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Check out my Personal Blog Threads below
to read more details about me and my life.

             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
  Aspiringperson is now Alaskan Danielle    
           I am the HUNTED PREY : Danielle's Chronicles    
                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Quote from: Alaskan Danielle on October 01, 2018, 04:11:17 PM
Even though I have been living in my new small town and running my business as a full-time woman when I relocated  here in December 2016, it was only about 6 months ago in March 2018 that I came out ... to my entire small town. It was like a big heavy weight was lifted off of my shoulders allowing me to live more freely and be more open with all of those that I come across.

This is such an interesting idea, Danielle. In my head, I have told myself that if I totally passed, I wouldn't tell anyone. I kept the real me well-hidden for a very long time. I was pretty sure I could keep the fake me hidden forever. But you felt a weight was lifted when you shared the secret.

I had "The Talk" with a co-worker last week, and I shared that I wouldn't likely meet with customers dressed as me. Her response: You sound like a woman, you move like a woman, you look like a woman, how would they know any different? I had the momentary thought, "What if...?" And, I reinforced that idea that if no one knew, I would not want to tell. (Unfortunately, I do believe she is quite innocent in her perspective...)

As usual, Danielle, you are VERY interesting, and provide LOTS to think about...



This is what I have accomplished...

At first when I was a child and adolescent I didn't know I was transgender. But I did knew that my behavior, expression and interest where normal feelings to me, I didn't think gender was involved. I was myself.

But society told me I wasn't supposed to behave, act and feel that way.

Then came a long life of living in the unknown, uncertainty and not to happy with myself. Until finally I realized it and found the answer to myself.

I came out to the world in 2 months time: I am female. I am a transwoman.

Then I started transitioning. I wanted that woman inside of me to come to the outside. I was constantly thinking... Female... Woman... Transwoman... I need to get out of this male body. I did. I really think I did do that... I'm amazed how beautiful the woman that was inside of me is now outside and can freely express herself.

You know what?

I am back at the time of being a child and adolescent again. In my feelings I don't see a gender, I see myself the way I am meant to be.

I am... Myself.

And I'm one amazing beautiful transwoman, or as I like to say: woman of trans experience.
I am a K. MacPhee girl, re-born on October 4 2017 in Raleigh/Durham NC. USA
I was AMAB on May 6 1963 in Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

OUT and proud - 2014
HRT - 2015
Legal - 2016
GRS - 2017

Full Time - 01/01/2015:
first day (01) of new life (01), '15 = opposite of 51 (my age at the time)



!!!REBIRTH=legal name change on Feb 16th 2018!!!
This is where life begins for me. It's a miracle I finally got it done.

My body is the home of my soul; not the other way around.

I'm more than anything an individual; I'm too complex to be put in any box.

- A social butterfly not living in social isolation anymore  ;D -
(Highly approachable but difficult to grasp)

The past is overrated - why stick with it when you are able to recreate yourself every day


Quote from: ds1987 on August 31, 2018, 02:55:35 PM
So far, this year:

I stopped taking anti-androgens after they were affecting my mood too severely
Successfully suppressed my T with Estradiol pills - last test showed 14 total, .15 free
Celebrated my hormoniversary in April
Moved from MA to WI to live with the love of my life
Found my inherent connection to womanhood instead of feeling like I'm "putting her on"
Became a blonde, which I LOVE and where I'll stay...and my hair has reached shoulder length!
I've developed a very lovely figure at 37-29-36.  My boobs feel really real and are a full A, which at 5'1 is great.  Still hoping to continue the growth because I'd like to be a full B and don't want to get a BA
Started writing for the news section of this site, which I am loving.  It's so great to be doing what I want to do and be recognized for my efforts
I've been letting go of habits, behaviors and defense mechanisms that I had previously thought were just "how I am."  Learning to communicate genuinely, stop holding my feelings and thoughts against myself, and actually love me as I am.
I got my REAL ID with my correct name and gender so I can fly and go to Canada!  Next is my passport, which I have everything for but have been stalling for no particular reason.  I think I just don't wanna rush through all of the firsts lol

Coming up:
My partner and I are celebrating our first anniversary in NYC in two weeks!!
I'll be getting onto her health insurance as a domestic partner next month, so I can start looking into consultations for FFS and GCS
I plan to restart electrolysis once we figure out the pre-authorization process with said insurance
Continue learning more of who I am and healing the wounds that were inflicted by life and by myself

- without makeup

- LOVING this figure

- feeling pretty

- GOD I love us!

Yeah, it's been a great year

You two sure do make for a lovely couple.
I wish you lots of happiness.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 