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9 days post op fat injection and glottoplasty, this is what I sound like

Started by nongcandy8558, March 16, 2018, 08:15:07 PM

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Hello everyone, Im back to update my progress

now its been 8 months from the CTA, please compare the voice clip from this post to the previous one so you get the picture of my problem.,231015.0.html

the doctor diagnose that I have a bow vocal cord due to an uneven tension of the CTA, the scar tissue is pulling my right vocal cord leaving a gap so my voice is very breathy and therapy can't fix that

Now i'm 8 days post op from fat injection, in addition to that I did glottoplasty as well because the CTA I did failed meaning I can go to my male voice easily, the doctor said it's because the suture got loose so I can go to my male voice easily but the good thing is I can also go to my female voice much easily than before the CTA

So now I'm 8 days post op from fat injection+glottoplasty, my voice is all over the place meaning I can still go to my low voice although its more harder and i can also go to my feminine voice, so now im confuse as to what voice I should stick to because when I speak it all came out some sentence are low some sentence are high

now i post a voice clip of the rainbow passage with 3 version of my voice
the first one is me going to my lowest, as I speak it gets lower and lower
the second one is me speaking higher
the third one is me speaking highest

which voice should I stick to as a standard because now its all over the place and I just want one voice
I still dont feel that its female voice, I dont know why, does it sound ambigous

here is my voice clip

thank you


I already hear a more clear sound, way less breathyness. That is a good sign! Can I ask who your surgeon is? Most surgeons are very strict about speaking so soon after a glottoplasty because sutures can pull apart prematurely if the site hasn't fully healed. I don't know what your instructions were, so I'm not trying to scare you- just would hate for you to have a complication on a surgery that to me seems to be a big improvement thus far.


FFS: Dr Noorman van der Dussen, August 2018 (Belgium)
SRS: Dr Suporn, January 2019 (Thailand)
VFS: Dr Thomas, May 2019 (USA)