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Stevi's Saga

Started by Stevi, March 19, 2018, 04:20:15 PM

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Donna and Moni,

Thank you both for your support.  Having a virtual shoulder to cry on and a sympathetic ear to listen is helpful.

It is really hard to know what is going on in her mind.  I don't know if she is struggling all alone or if she has looked for support somewhere and maybe found bad resources.  She lives up near DC and we live down North Carolina way so we don't have any overlap in our circles of friends to find a helpful third party.  We feel so helpless in these circumstances of not knowing what is going on and no way to find out.

My wife has a therapist appointment tomorrow afternoon.  Additionally, she is a writer and can fill up pages with words in no time at all while she pours her heart out on to those pages.  Her therapist was a creative writing teacher and says he loves to read what she writes.  I, on the other hand, struggle to get the words out.

I thought things were going to be alright at the time I came out to our daughter so I felt I could get along until my next therapist appointment in the first week of April.  But this whole situation went so sour, so fast, it has taken me by surprise.  Having all of you girls here to listen and commiserate with has been a great help to me.

Thanks, again.


It is a cold gray day here.  The weather is forecast to deteriorate throughout the day. Life doesn't look to be going any differently.  At least my wife and I are working through all of this in tandem.  Not at odds with each other.  a lot of turmoil though.  One minute it is "I'm done with that brat!"  The next it is compassion, realizing that maybe all she needs is time to process and hoping she will come around.  When I came out to her, I told her I would give her time to process this new information.  Implicit in that was having confidence that she is actually processing and incorporating it into her relationship with me and her mother.  Right now I know no such thing.

In about a week, I have my 68th birthday.  I wonder how she will deal with it.  We have decided to wait and see before making any more moves in my transition.  I am being impatient, I suppose.  I have been progressing much more slowly than I would have liked for the past six years.   As I have made each step in my understanding of myself I have stopped and waited for my wife to catch up.  Sometimes I found myself knowing what I wanted and needed many steps ahead of me but I waited for my work her way step by step.

Three weeks ago, we had finally reached the point where we had confidence in an agreed upon goal we thought would work for us.  Together, this time, we were ready to make the next step with our daughter and wait for her to catch up.  What if she doesn't ever want to catch up to us?  How much longer must I deny myself what I want?

We will give her the time til my birthday has come and gone.  If she indicates she stills cares about me, us, then  we will continue to exercise patience.  Otherwise, WE will proceed to get on with OUR life together.  Then end of our life is too close for us to pissing around trying to be considerate of someone who doesn't really care.  If she ever does come back into the fold, she will have to take US as she finds us.

I am going to, seriously now, begin the name and ID change stuff that I can do.  I have a PA birth certificate and they require actual surgical intervention before they will change my gender marker.  I am in NC and, as far as I know now they will not put an F on my driver's license with out SRS but hey do need to put my legal name on it.  I am sure I can get the other important things changed.  Starting place is the county courthouse and a legal name change.

Between now and my birthday I need to get a coming out letter prepared for my family members.  All of my siblings were raised in a fundamentals religious environment and most of them are still entrenched there.  After what has happen with our daughter, the most promising of the bunch, I expect I will be without any family in a month's time.  If it comes to that, "to hell with them all."

As I told my wife this morning, "It looks like it is just US,  WE will have to be enough."

Moving on, at least trying,


I can only imagine how scared and upset you are Stevi. We never really know what will result from the telling of our secret. I hope you will find a way to stay positive. Negativity is such an easy thing when things go badly but is a dead end. I can't tell you what to do with your daughter. I  have thought about what I think I would do. I think I would give someone close to me some time to sort things out. If there are no signs of communication though, I would reach out again. I would express that my love to them is unconditional. I have never asked anyone to understand what I had to do in transitioning. It is something that isn't that important when all is said and done. I did ask for their trust that I am who they love still and that if I had any choice in doing it, I would probably have opted out. As a parent myself, I was terrified of hurting my kids. I came out because I could no longer do the lie. But they are adults and they have to choose. For some they go away for religion or embarrassment or who knows what. I guess we hope they see past all that unimportant stuff and focus on the important thing, being there for the family that has loved them. Like I said this is my view. For me nothing trumps family. Hugs Stevi, keep talking Sweetie.
I wrote this before reading your last post. It sounds like you have a very good plan. Good luck. You deserve to be happy, all trans folk do. At some point we have to live for ourselves, however that looks. Others must make their choices!
If I ever offend you, let me know. It's not what I am about.
"Never let the dark kill your light!"  (SailorMars)

HRT June 11, 2015. (new birthday) - FFS in late June 2016. (Dr. _____=Ugh!) - Full time June 18, 2016 (Yeah! finally) - GCS June 27, 2017. (McGinn=Yeah!) - Under Eye repair from FFS 8/17/17 - Nose surgery-November 20, 2017 (Dr. Papel=Yeah) - Hair Transplant on June 21, 2018 (Dr. Cooley-yeah) - Breast Augmentation on July 10, 2018 (Dr. Basner in Baltimore) - Removed bad scarring from FFS surgery near ears and hairline in August, 2018 (Dr. Papel) -Sept. 2018, starting a skin regiment on face with Retin A  April 2019 -repairing neck scar from FFS



MonkMoni,   (edit Moni, I really didn't mean to misspell your name here.  I know you have been a very good sport about the teasing.  My fat fingers betrayed me on the small Fire I was using at the time.)

Thank you so very much for expression compassion and support.  As you noted in your PS, I have already done much as you suggested.  Knowing that someone I really respect and who gets the circumstances  thinks much as I do helps me have some confidence that I am doing the right thing.  Whether or not it works out well in the end, believing I did it the best I could will be of some consolation.



Stevi. I really hope it works out for you all family wise. It can be so hard and troubling. Just after my wife and I married we had to kick my son out of the house. We drove him three hours away to his cousins and didn't talk for almost 2 years. In that time we all changed and luckily for the good. My wife and I moved to the same city he was in. He came out to us about all his issues and now she is my daughter. We are forging ahead in a while new world as I guess I'm his mom now!!
Given time all things are possible and we can all hope it heads to the brighter side for you.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



We are at our therapist's office and right now my wife and I are waiting for her to be called in.  She was especially quiet during the drive in.  I have asked her if she is angry with me about the present situation.  She said she was not but then added the qualifier "Not yet." That is disconcerting.  I would prefer a more positive qualifier but I guess I often do the same thing in an effort to not convey a sense of false hope.

After her session, we are going meet someone we met by chance back in December while on our "family cruise" with our daughter. This person has become a good friend and a great help to my wife in dealing with our transgender trials.  This friend is  MTF and just a few years older than us..  She is the only other trans person my wife knows personally.  She is fully transistioned and a confident, open,down to earth person. She is really funny and enjoying life.  She has been a immense help to my wife's outlook on all of this.  My wife has gotten first hand knowledge that someone can actually be trans and happy.  I hope she can console us both some but more than that, I want us to laugh.




Knowing what going on in other people's mind is an impossibility.  Especially, when they cannot confide.  This trans state I find myself in means I know all too well how hard it is to be open with others.  Our daughter had been seeing  a therapist herself to a very long time.  As we were preparing to come out to her, she informed us that she was no longer seeing the therapists.  Lousy timing for this but I could not fix that.  Incidentally, other that telling us she was in therapy, she told us nothing more.  I was at a lose as to whether I should inquire or not.

I hope you all don't mind my ramblings too much but it is therapeutic for me.



Can't catch a break.  As I posted my last I touched something on the screen and opened a screen with a collection of photos  from our "family cruise" our daughter posted on her Facebook page a while back.  The Fates can be so cruel.



Always reminders popping up. Be strong and firm. You have people here all the time. Vent and rage to your heart content. We all need to be able to talk and unload.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



sorry your in this position


Donna and Stephanie,

Thanks for your kind and consoling thoughts.  I know I have people here and I appreciate that so much. 

We just got back home.  We have to travel about three hours to our therapists' offices in Wilmington, NC. That is were I had to go to get an gender specialized therapist. That was three hours yesterday to get down to Wilmington with her session late in the afternoon followed by a dinner with our new trans friend and another very accepting and in-the-know cis-women we have befriended in Wilmington. We had a very good time all together without a lot of delving into the present darkness in our lives.  We did fill them in on things but we did not wallow.  We wanted joviality and our friends helped us out immensely.  We stayed in Wilmington over night and had the three hour drive back today.

My wife's session seems to have gone well.   Her therapist told her that we needed to give our daughter more time to process.  We had already decided that for ourselves.  Still, we are peering into a frightening unknown with almost zero hope the outcome will be favorable.  On a positive note, my wife's and my relationship seems to be solid.   I have been concerned that her anger would turn toward me in all of this.  As time is moving on, I have less and less concern in that regard.




In the wee hours of this morning, I found myself lying awake in bed, thinking.  I was rolling around the oft' expressed idea of the trans person having "died".  My wife had used it soon after I came out to her some six years ago.  Our daughter used the "my Daddy died".  Don't get me wrong, I get it.  But as I have come through the trials of getting to my current state and looking to what I am hoping to be when I finally arrive, I see it more as a resurrection of sorts.  In many respects I think I was as good as dead or on life support, at the very least.  With transistioning I am beginning to want to live.

Another misconception my wife has expressed of late is "I don't see where you have changed.  You just look different.  You still have the same interests and do the same things."  First, I know I have changed in some ways so the observation is not entirely correct.  My wife has been watching in slow-motion with my progression spread over some six, probably more, years as I have been discovering myself and allowing her to keep pace.   It is true that my interests, likes and dislikes have not changed.  But, I, unlike others who may have, did not engage in super macho behaviors and activities to fit in or impress others in a testosterone driven environment.  I, largely, hung around the fringes of the male social groups because that was where I was supposed to be, not particularly where I wanted to be.  So I had no need to shed a male persona.  It wasn't all that noticeable to begin with.  In my case , I think it was more like fitting or forcing a square peg into a round hole.  You can make the peg fit if you remove the parts that make it what it is, that is square.  Who wants parts of themselves removed in order to fit into life?  Or, you jam the peg into the hole, deforming and stressing peg.  Who wants to live deformed and stressed?  No, the solution is to slip the square peg into the square hole that matches in size.  I don't think I should be expected to change a whole bunch. I did not contort myself to fit into life.  I just wasn't living in a hole that I felt comfortable being in.  I am becoming comfortable in my life.  Square peg - square hole.

Too much philosophy?



I was a bit, really a lot, angry and hurt and disappointed with our daughters reaction. without properly filtering my word and inflection, in my discussions with my wife, I gave her a sense that I am, now, full speed ahead and no longer willing to be patient with anyone, in particular her.  That has given her some angst.  In the present circumstance we both need to keep in the forefront of our mind that all three of us are in delicate emotional states.

I some sense am am inpatient.  I have been progressing slowly so as to keep my wife on board with all of this.  About a month ago, we , as I understood it, had decided that she could get to where I believe I need to go.  She had her usual cautionary addendum, "As far as I can tell, won't really know till we do or don't get there."  I have learned that the best commitments I can get.  I do the same to her.  Transgender self-realization if fraught with changing limits and needs.  My wife's accusation is "You keep changing the rules!"  I really try hard to give the impression of "I will ... " or "I will not...."   But, still , she often takes them in an absolute sense and gets scared or angry when I begin to talk or do things that violates one of those "absolute" statements I did not really utter.

Then there is the present circumstance.  I committed to our daughter that I would wait for her to come up to speed before I made anymore steps forward.  I did not want to put her in an awkward position of having to defend herself or me to others of our family until she is strong enough and informed enough to do it.  I still don't want her to have a hard time of any kind because of my doings.  But, what if she never resolves this all favorably to us?  How long do I wait?  Well, back on topic, the other night I spoke out of frustration and began to speaking in words and tones that began to sound like absolutes.  I was talking with my wife about what to do next.  How long do I wait for our daughter to come back into communion with us?  What signs do I look for?  When do I stop waiting, patiently, and confront her about what she has or hasn't decided?  How do I decide if minor progress is enough so I can be confident she will get there quickly enough that i can continue to wait?  None of this has a simple answer.  I was going all kinds of directions at once.  I started talking of time periods and deadlines.

My wife, emotionally delicate, began to apply this impatience on my part to her.  She began to wonder if I was just going to give up on her and just do what I want as quickly as I possibly can get it done.  We talked this over some this morning.  I think I assured her that was not what was going to happen.  We did talk about the next steps.  The next step is one she needs to take.  Since our daughter knows what the situation and she wants to do whatever it is she is doing without our input, our plan was, still, is to come out to my wife's best friend and confidant.  Agian, as with our daughter, we have reasons to believe it will be OK.  Also, as with our daughter, my wife's confidant thinks highly of me.  It makes me smile from the irony when her friend refers to me as S in one of here daily emails to my wife.  S does not really refer to my given name.  It is short for Super-Man.  :)  While this is my truth to tell, this relationship between my wife and her friend is maybe the most important non-spousal one in either of their lives.  Certainly in my wife's.  My wife has dumped a lot on her friend over the past years that has its roots in my problems and how it has affected my wife's world.  My wife just hasn't told her what the root cause really is.  My wife needs to do this coming out in her time and on her terms.  She has already told me that it must be face to face and needs to be very private.  Either the two of them or the three of us where they can say what they need to say and express what they need to express without a public display.

Well that is her next move.  Meanwhile, I can begin to do all the gender marker and name change stuff.  That all requires action on my part.  That is good.  It is largely in my control.  Having a sense of control of something and something to do will help keep me out of trouble elsewhere.  Meanwhile, I have put what I need to say to my immediate family onto the back burner to simmer.  MY parents and my wife's parents are all gone.  I have two brothers, one older and one younger than I.  Five sisters, one older and four younger.  With a fundamentalist type religious background, I hold out little hope for any of them sticking by me.  But, I do need to do what I can to get the best outcome I can.

My "keep out of trouble" project (Am I really keeping out of trouble with this?) has begun.  I checked on my gender marker status on my Pennsylvania birth certificate.  Last time I looked I understood I needed SRS to have the marker changed.  No more!  All i need is a letter from my physician that states I have transitioned.  And the doctor defines what transition is.  There is a bit of a hurdle to get over, though.  My endo physician was an out of network provider who moved away from the area and left the group she was associated with in February.  The physician taking over her cases  had just gone out on maternity leave and is not yet back.  So, I have lost contact with one doctor and have not yet established a relationship with the other.  I have an in-network primary care physician who is aware of my transgender status.  She may be OK with handling the letter I need if I do all the necessary homework and turn it into her when I ask.  She may not and I wouldn't really blame her.  I don't even have my next appointment for a visit to my new physician for my endo needs.  I don't want to delay the birth certificate change if I can avoid it.  It may be possible to track down my former endo physician to get the letter from her.  All of this is predicated on the assumption that any of these three physicians believes that six months on HRT qualifies as "transition".

At the same time, I have to shepherd a name change through the system so it converges with my birth certificate change of gender.  I want hose done so I can do the driver's license and passport changes at the same time.

I think that should go a long way toward keeping the mind occupied.  Hope it doesn't take me 'round the bend.

By the way,  In doing my form searches for this "project" I ran across a couple of services for name change help.  One was  They purport to help with a whole bunch of stuff related to name changes.  I had to fill out the whole application before I found out what their fee is.  $49 if memory serves.  That aggravated me a bit.  Anyway, has anyone use this or a similar service?  Was it helpful enough to justify the cost?

Heard enough yet?  I just scrolled up and saw how long this ramblin' got.  Sorry 'bout that but I did not know I had that many words in me.




Something I was going to put in the prior reply but forgot when I moved on to other things.  Aren't you glad?

I my talk with my wife this morning, I told her of this metaphor I have in my mind that I use to guide my steps in my journey.  I envision us as a mountain climbers moving toward a summit.  I am in the lead and, tethered to me with a rope, is my wife , downslope from me.  I am selecting the pathway, she is hoping, trusting that I choose the best pathway.  I can go no faster than she can follow.  If she cannot overcome an obstacle, I can help her by pulling on the rope, my strength added to hers.  If she looses her footing, I pray the rope is strong enough to withstand the greatest stress upon it and I am firmly grounded enough to not loose my footing as well.

I thought it was a pretty good metaphor.  She thought she should be walking along side me.  I told her it was my metaphor.



Hi, I read your first post (and some of the last ones) but not the entire thread so sorry if I'm missing something here...

As for your daughter: I could console you with this: Just because you've had a rocky relationship with your younger daughter, doesn't mean this is going to be the same. Whatever is the reason that made her not wanting to keep contact is totally different to your other daughter who has very much been in your life so far. I've watched some interesting vids on kids of transgender parents and how they're coping with it. In one an adult daughter reconnected with her dad in her teens - only to discover her dad was actually transgender which came as a total shock. She ended up really needing some space and cut all contact for some years... After that she's come around and is developing a new relationship with her 'dad'. The vid is not available anymore, unfortunately. I think every case is unique - in her case she found it really hard to come to terms with all that, especially after getting her 'dad back' in her teens.

Just saying that... even if she needs some time - a lot of time, even a few years - there's still a chance she'll be fine with it in the end  :). Just don't compare her possible reaction to that of your younger daughter. There must be issues in your relationship with her that she's not able to overcome. Personality differences, unsolved grudges... This is totally different. You already have a good relationship with your older daughter. So her being shocked by the news doesn't mean she will cut all contact with you for 20 years to come like the other daughter did.

I'm just trying to say that... try not to think in 'what ifs' you know what I mean? It is very unlikely she will cut contact with you because of this, even if she's having a hard time understanding. In this case, she actually might need some time & space to come to terms with everything. I'm pretty sure she will be back in your lives after some time!

This is hurting you immensely - but from her point of view this might have come as a total shock, especially as you are her parent and she may have not been aware of any of this for all her life. To you this is all clear - to her, not so much.

Just try to avoid pressuring her and putting her in her sister's shoes! Both your daughters are two completely different people. The issues you've had with your younger daughter are irrelevant here. This is between you and your older daughter. A little bump in the road - but one I'm sure you're able to overcome!
!!!REBIRTH=legal name change on Feb 16th 2018!!!
This is where life begins for me. It's a miracle I finally got it done.

My body is the home of my soul; not the other way around.

I'm more than anything an individual; I'm too complex to be put in any box.

- A social butterfly not living in social isolation anymore  ;D -
(Highly approachable but difficult to grasp)

The past is overrated - why stick with it when you are able to recreate yourself every day



Thank you for taking the time.  Your words are encouraging.   I know my two girls are different.  My fear was loosing them both.  Maybe this one does not understand that I fear she is doing much the same thing, albeit for other causes, as her sister did to us and her as well.  In her mind she may not have intended to turn away in the end and expected and still expects to work it out.  Her way of handling it surprised us and to us and seemed to be a fulfillment of our greatest fear.

I have resolved to let her go for a while yet. Watch what happens.  Pray and hope for the best. I due course though, I have to proceed.  Either with her blessings or without her blessings.  I am playing it by ear and I hope I err on the side of patience and forgiveness.



There is hope.

My wife was doing her Facebook thing and was pleasantly surprised by something posted by one of my sisters.  My sister had linked to without any comment.  The content has to indicate that at least this sister is likely to be understanding of my need to transition.  There is still the "Not In My Back Yard" syndrome possibility but this is promising.  There is hope. :icon_dance:



Quote from: Stevi on March 24, 2018, 12:39:12 PM
There is hope.

My wife was doing her Facebook thing and was pleasantly surprised by something posted by one of my sisters. 

There is always hope,  ;)! That's great news!!!

Quote from: Stevi on March 23, 2018, 04:48:32 PM
I have resolved to let her go for a while yet. Watch what happens.  Pray and hope for the best. I due course though, I have to proceed.  Either with her blessings or without her blessings.  I am playing it by ear and I hope I err on the side of patience and forgiveness.
Yes, you must proceed. This is your life, after all, and this is the right thing for you. There is a chance she will be able to see the positive change in you and how good that makes you feel, and be happy for you  :D! Sometimes people just need time to process things. That doesn't mean she's 'cutting contact' or plans to do so - to her it might just mean she needs some space to reflect on things, before coming back to your lives. The girl on the vid I was talking about said similar. That it wasn't about her wanting to sever contact with her father - it was more about her, and her need to preserve her emotional well-being by just staying away for some time. She said it didn't mean she ever stopped loving her parent. She just wasn't emotionally ready to confront that situation at that time of her life. 
!!!REBIRTH=legal name change on Feb 16th 2018!!!
This is where life begins for me. It's a miracle I finally got it done.

My body is the home of my soul; not the other way around.

I'm more than anything an individual; I'm too complex to be put in any box.

- A social butterfly not living in social isolation anymore  ;D -
(Highly approachable but difficult to grasp)

The past is overrated - why stick with it when you are able to recreate yourself every day


Been trying to do what I can to make progress without upsetting things too greatly in my wifes life while we bide our time for our daughter to come around.

I have become serious now about the name and gender marker changes.  I have searched around the internet to find the forms I need.  I have contacted the county clerk of courts to be sure of what I need for the name change.  There is some preliminary stuff I need to do before I can petition for a name change.  I need to get a report from both the FBI and the SBI.  Those two applications need a finger print card submitted along with them.  So that is my Monday morning project.  I will visit either the very local town's police station or the county police station to get my finger prints taken.  That is the bio-metric marker that those agencies use to search their databases for my criminal records.  I am sure they won't find much.  I have never run afoul of the law and I can't recall ever having my prints taken before.  My hope is to have those two applications in the mail by end of business on Monday.

After those two applications are on their way, I'll start on the other forms for the name change.  Most of it is boilerplate but I need two county residents to sign affidavits as to my character.  I am not a gregarious person so I have not made many friends around these parts.  An added complication is that the forms have the matter involved, that is, name change, on the forms.  That complicates things a bit.  It will mean that I may have to out myself to whomever I go to with these forms.  I am not ready to to do that yet, but I may have no choice.  Might have to go to more than two people before I get two who are "willing to participate" in my transition.  Not everyone in this North Carolina town is all that tolerant.  I have some options so i'll have to figure it out.



Hope you get your paperwork processed. We need fingerprints as well but the letters can come from our doctor. It's one of my future plans.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍
