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Having srs with dr.Burin (PAI)

Started by SakuraReina, May 22, 2018, 07:33:24 AM

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Dear everyone,
I'm to undergo sexual reassignment surgery with dr. Burin from Preecha Aesthetic Institute in the upcoming June, 8th. And as the surgery date is coming closer, I started to search reviews about his work on the internet. Unfortunately, I can barely find any review about him but just little, and the reviews were written in the period of 2008-2013.
Otherwise, I find more reviews about his colleagues in PAI, dr. Sutin. Could anyone here suggest to me, which one is the best between those two?And for those undergoing the srs with dr.Burin within the year 2016-2017, please kindly share the result of the surgery.
I look forward to hearing from you guys. Thank you so much



I am scheduled for surgery on 6th of July, but no surgeon assigned yet. But I will definitely let you know how it goes.

Please also share how your surgery goes.

But what I´ve understood about PAI, is that Dr.Sutin has been there for a longer time, was trained by Dr.Preecha and I guess Dr.Burin is also trained by Dr.Preecha. I would assume, that there is also other surgeon able to do this surgery.


I can't remember where I read it, but someone said Dr Surin was better.

There's photo's of both their work online if you search.

I think most SRS surgeons in Thailand were trained by Dr Preecha, so I'm not sure that makes much difference.


I think also the technique you chose, makes a difference. I´m getting the standard inversion. For PAI, Preecha has trained them.


Actually Dr Burin is the longest standing srs surgeon. In the past he handled mostly the Asian  clients. His work is excellent and with really good results. I had Dr Burin perform my FFS while Dr Sutin did my srs. Dr Sutin is equally as good as both are Preecha students.. The results depend on on swelling and each of us will be different. I had minimal swelling. My sponsored ladies,5 of 6 had no swelling and great results. The one with swelling will have a free fix.
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Quote from: Mendi on May 22, 2018, 09:16:15 AM

I am scheduled for surgery on 6th of July, but no surgeon assigned yet. But I will definitely let you know how it goes.

Please also share how your surgery goes.

But what I´ve understood about PAI, is that Dr.Sutin has been there for a longer time, was trained by Dr.Preecha and I guess Dr.Burin is also trained by Dr.Preecha. I would assume, that there is also other surgeon able to do this surgery.

Yeah sure 😊. And thanks anyway for the information. I came up with options of other surgeons, but as the time is coming closer to undergo the surgery (because one thing and another, I have to undergo the surgery in this upcoming June. Otherwise I have to wait until next year), I think I'd just do it with Burin.


Quote from: AnonyMs on May 22, 2018, 09:46:07 AM
I can't remember where I read it, but someone said Dr Surin was better.

There's photo's of both their work online if you search.

I think most SRS surgeons in Thailand were trained by Dr Preecha, so I'm not sure that makes much difference.

I see. I found more positive reviews about dr.Sutin too, thus I tried to switch the doctor. But the representative of PAI said to me on email that due to the PAI's protocol, I have to undergo the surgery with dr. Burin because I had the consultation with him. They also tried to convince me that dr.Burin is a good surgeon too, and sent me two pictures of his work. I'm convinced anyway.


I would think and trust, that both are good. I mean these clinics rely on their reputation. And without their reputation, there is no business.

I wonder who will be my surgeon, as I´m coming from Europe and I haven´t had any consulation beforehand with either of the surgeons. I sent an email yesterday, asking if the surgeon for me has been already decided or not.


Quote from: Mendi on May 22, 2018, 10:03:59 AM
I think also the technique you chose, makes a difference. I´m getting the standard inversion. For PAI, Preecha has trained them.

Yeah, I choose to use the penile skin inversion with scrotal grafts instead of the sigmoid colon. But my choice comes with a consequence of having my skin from other body parts (groin) be taken because that stuff down there is quite small (I hope the skin grafts doesn't leave an ugly scar)


Quote from: warlockmaker on May 23, 2018, 08:51:17 AM
Actually Dr Burin is the longest standing srs surgeon. In the past he handled mostly the Asian  clients. His work is excellent and with really good results. I had Dr Burin perform my FFS while Dr Sutin did my srs. Dr Sutin is equally as good as both are Preecha students.. The results depend on on swelling and each of us will be different. I had minimal swelling. My sponsored ladies,5 of 6 had no swelling and great results. The one with swelling will have a free fix.

Thank you so much for the information ❤. Anyway, about the free fix, did they mention it from the very beginning or it's just right after they figured out that there was swelling?


Quote from: Mendi on May 24, 2018, 02:49:59 AM
I would think and trust, that both are good. I mean these clinics rely on their reputation. And without their reputation, there is no business.

I wonder who will be my surgeon, as I´m coming from Europe and I haven´t had any consulation beforehand with either of the surgeons. I sent an email yesterday, asking if the surgeon for me has been already decided or not.

As to what I've read so far, European  patients are usually handled by dr.Sutin. But there's also a chance that dr.Burin does your surgery, since he's not only does the surgery to Asians anymore.
Maybe they're still checking on the doctors' availability. I did experience of waiting for one or two days to receive a reply from PAI, especially when it comes to specific questions


I suggest you discuss what they will correct if swelling causes distortion. I am actually going for a cosmetic revision which could not be done until you can go without dilation for a couple of weeks.It costs extra but I have seen the great improvement.. I am lengthining the labia minora to the vagina entrance.
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


@warlormaker I've finally had my surgery with dr.Burin on Thursday, and it wasn't hurt as I expected before. On Friday, he checked on me and said that there was no bleeding, and today he removed the bandage down there. I can say that it felt weird, some pain did occur, but not too bad. He also showed me the result through the reflection in the mirror, but it's swollen down there. He said that it took few months to fully recover.
The only problem I face after surgery (if it is considered as a problem), I dunno when I feel like peeing. The catheter is still attached to my body, and I have to clamp it using binder clip. I just cannot really feel the water stream or something


@monamtb thank you so much for the information. i finally underwent the srs with dr.Burin using the penile skin inversion with scrotal graft and groin graft :). As to what I expected from the surgery, I was confused when he asked me such a question on my first consultation with him in May. But I just made it clear on my second consultation (the day before the surgery) that I want an natural-looked vagina, and he did it well. A minor thing to notice is that I got fever after surgery


A little swelling is normal. A slight fever is normal. Dont worry about peeing, after the cathader is removed you will naturally do it. Now comes the recovery and just be diligent about cleansing and dilation. Do not walk fast or far for a couple of weeks. The biggest problem is if the stitching tears from too much exercise, and dilation will be miserable for the first 3 weeks if that happens.
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Good to hear from you Sakura, and that everything went well!

Hope you keep us (me) updated, as my surgery will already be over in less than 4 weeks. Would love to hear more from your experiences there.


@warlockmaker thanks for the advice! I'll keep it in mind. Anyway, I've been experiencing coughing after the surgery up till now. Will it affect the stitch?


@Mendi thank you 😊. I've been taught by the nurse how to clean my neo vagina using the mixing of saline and betadine solution today, and it went well without any pain. As for the balloon-shaped pipette used to clean the neo vagina, I used to think that the bulging part is inserted into the vagina, while it actually the tip of it, hehehe.  I hope your surgery is going well. Just some tips, don't worry about the post-op pain. It's not that painful tbh ;)


Hello SakuraReina,

Welcome to Susan's Place!  And congratu,lations for completing GCS surgery.  Sorry I didn't spot your posts sooner.  I'd like to welcome you to the neighborhood, and include guidelines and pointers to help with initial navigation:

Things that you should read

When you get a chance it would be great if you introduce yourself in the Introductions Forum.

Really great to see you here,

Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


Just got information, that I will have Dr. Sutin.

Also surgery moved to 7th of July, in order to do a proper consultation, as I have a long flight and might be a bit tired. If I haven´t slept properly, it will mess up my labs for good.