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My hatred for my church

Started by hardlife, May 31, 2018, 02:43:20 PM

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Tatiana 79

I woke up this morning still Disturbed with this topic. I'm sure about 99% of churches want nothing to do with us.
We really have strayed very far from the original teachings of Christ that would have accepted everyone unconditionally.  I wish Christ could tour these  churches and discuss their policy with the  minister, pastor or the leaders. I'm positive Christ would be horrified that most of his word and real meaning has been lost through the centuries.
Has not history proved to us that religion has always been used as a guis to promote War,invasion ,discrimination and profit. I would imagine the parishioners weren't very thrilled in those days either because how you know what to believe.
The church has mainly been run by men subject to the all there imperfections compounded overtime  resulting in the incorrect situation that we have now.
I don't see how any church could argue against us this totally contradicts the true meaning of Christ.

. I just try to keep focused on the big picture, and try to live true to what Christ taught us in the New Testament. I personally feel the Creator everyday being engulfed in nature makes it completely clear.


Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Tatiana 79 on June 01, 2018, 06:05:12 AM
I woke up this morning still Disturbed with this topic. I'm sure about 99% of churches want nothing to do with us.
We really have strayed very far from the original teachings of Christ that would have accepted everyone unconditionally.  I wish Christ could tour these  churches and discuss their policy with the  minister, pastor or the leaders. I'm positive Christ would be horrified that most of his word and real meaning has been lost through the centuries.
Has not history proved to us that religion has always been used as a guis to promote War,invasion ,discrimination and profit. I would imagine the parishioners weren't very thrilled in those days either because how you know what to believe.
The church has mainly been run by men subject to the all there imperfections compounded overtime  resulting in the incorrect situation that we have now.
I don't see how any church could argue against us this totally contradicts the true meaning of Christ.

. I just try to keep focused on the big picture, and try to live true to what Christ taught us in the New Testament. I personally feel the Creator everyday being engulfed in nature makes it completely clear.
Actually the churches in my area so far mostly the Baptist ones don't seem to care that I am transgender I go in dresses or Capri pants I just try to look normal not trashy or anything and I think they really appreciate now of course I do get guys that will just stare at me so I just kinda smile and think to myself yup I look that damn good but then again I'm comfortable in any setting generally and don't really care what anyone thinks of me because if they don't like me then don't be around me

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,

Tatiana 79

Hello Arianna
I'm very glad for you being able to go to church as your true self and get acceptance and not discrimination.
I really do love your confidence and attitude with this.
This seems to be one of the brighter posts on this thread
And gives me hope for the future that this trend will continue.

All the best to you my friend love Tatiana


I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.

Susan Baum

Hardlife, I was saddened when I read your posts - and by some of the replies, too.

While I am sure He would embrace you and me and those in this community, just what would Jesus say to those who twist His and God's words to spew hatred and their own agendas? What His response to the money changers? Tell me what the Roman church has done to embrace "Love thy neighbor?" I trust the Lord will deal with the heretics on their Judgment day.

I still attend the same Anglican/Episcopal church (think Roman Catholic without the Pope or hierarchy) I was baptized in and have attended all my life. I am not only welcomed in my church, I was encouraged by the clergy to do more, be more active in leadership roles and reach out to others within our spectrum. All I have ever received from the congregation is love and support and I want to pass the love around.

Take heart. God is Love and not all congregations or clergy spew hate; there are many that would welcome you with open arms.

Aging is inevitable - growing up is optional.


I read this thread, and I cry.  So far I have NEVER set foot in my church as the real me.  I would receive at best a mixed greeting.  Some would be quiet and accepting.  A few would make an abominable scene.  Believe it or not, the one who made the strongest statement of how abominable that greeting would be is someone I have a social relationship with.  I have worked with her and the church leadership and we are able to go forward in a seemingly civil manner.  This hurts.  Trying to reach actual healing is a long path.  When the situation is as awful as Hardlife described healing is going to take even more time and effort.

The first step is to do as stated -- put some distance in the relationship and let things cool down.  That process is a two way street and one side is to work past the hate.  That may not heal the situation, but it will help to heal you.

There are even traditional Christians who care -- they are just utterly clueless about anything about Trans* people.  I am trying to figure out how to work my limited connections and bring some education.  What they really do not understand is that by rejecting us they are shooting everything they say they care about in the foot.  There are other churches that are already accepting and I suggest finding one.  Eventually I may have to that as well.  My pastor has actually said there are different churches for different people -- after he realized what he had said he tried to walk it back.  Umm, words are like bullets, once they have been shot they keep flying even if one sees the mistake...

Arianna Valentine

Quote from: Tatiana 79 on June 01, 2018, 07:56:20 AM
Hello Arianna
I'm very glad for you being able to go to church as your true self and get acceptance and not discrimination.
I really do love your confidence and attitude with this.
This seems to be one of the brighter posts on this thread
And gives me hope for the future that this trend will continue.

All the best to you my friend love Tatiana
Thank you I am sure once you start to be happy you will be exactly them same just remember it's your life to live so live it how you want to and that applies to everyone as well.

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If you can't accept yourself,  how can you expect others to accept you?

curious about me:,


What counts is YOUR relationship with God. Your Mom's is for her to take care of.

There are really only two rules:

1. Love God
2. Love others.
I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam.
-- Popeye

A wise person can learn more from fools than a fool can learn from a wise person.


Hello Susan and Arianna

I am glad and relieved to see you both get a good reception and no discrimination at your church. I am Catholic but have many acquaintances who attend other churches (mainly Anglican).

I live in hope that parishioners within my church (if not the Hierarchy) may gradually change their biased and unpleasant anti-trans views.





I remember Steve! Unfortunately, I haven't been through exactly the same thing as you. By the time I started coming out as bi/pan to people, I'd already left the church and my family, and I didn't come to terms with my trans-ness for a couple more years after that, so I've never had to deal with that sort of religious rejection myself.

I will say two things that might (maybe?) help: first, there are some churches out there that are accepting of transgender people. Certain demoninations are better about that than others, and there are also some liberal and LGBT churches around, even in really conservative areas (I know a trans guy that used to go to one in Alabama, so you can probably find those anywhere). If you want to stick with Christianity, there's still a place out there somehwere for you.

The other thing is just that it gets better. Lots of people end up feeling disillusioned with Christianity for all kinds of reasons, and the first couple of years are where you resent it the most. For a while, it may be hard to let go of that resentment, but after being out of it for a while, that anger does start to fade, and you stop caring so much anymore. It's a little like going through a rough breakup. You feel angry and betrayed, like this person you loved and trusted so much has suddenly turned on you and doesn't love you anymore, and that's hard to deal with, but over time that wound heals, and you can start to let go of the past.


Quote from: hardlife on May 31, 2018, 02:43:20 PM
I would rather live in a heaven where a section is set for those who live as transsexual and live happy for the rest of my life.

Isaiah 56:4-5

4For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant;
5Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.


It's not Christianity that is the problem. It's the church that interprets it that is the problem.

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Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



A quick note from my family Bible scholar - she has a degree in theology..

The Bible makes not 1 single statement for or against trans people, so therefore any church that discriminates against you is therefore "judging" you - something the Bible is quite clear on..

This is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor.


Quote from: DawnOday on October 11, 2018, 02:10:54 PM
It's not Christianity that is the problem. It's the church that interprets it that is the problem.

I got blasted out of the water for this perspective a few weeks ago:,240981.msg2176392.html
~VA (pronounced Vee- Aye, the abbreviation for the State of Virginia where I live)


The problem as I see it is the "church" you speak of doesn't truly understand God's love for us. They believe it's their job to judge others and force what they believe to be God's will on others. Jesus never acted that way. He simply loved and accepted ALL who came to him. A lot of churches don't accept LBGT people or make them feel welcome. They don't realize that by judging others they are committing a sin.

Many will use the bible to justify their actions. They use these versus to say that the bible tells them to help those who stumble or to bring those who sin back into God's will.

I was raised in a Pentecostal church. I left when I was 20 and returned when I was 33. I served as a deacon and the pastor and I were like brothers. I'm not going to go into all the details, but I will say God used me for various things and I experienced and was witness to things that can only be explained as miraculous.

Throughout my life, starting when I was very young, I liked to wear women's clothing. I went through phases. I would dress for awhile then purge my pretty things. I struggled with feeling like i wanted to be a woman and what was taught in church. BUT God used me anyway. He knew my heart, he knew my mind, he knew my secrets, but he chose to use me to minister to people.

It has only been recently that I came to this realization. I struggled with being transgender AND being a Christian. I now believe that God loves and accepts me the way I am. In fact, I believe he created me this way. Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's so I can reach people like me who struggle with the way the church treats people. Maybe he made me this way because most cisgender people just don't understand our struggle. They generally don't accept that our issues are legitimate. All I know is that I can live this life secluded and afraid of I can come here and tell my story and try to help others who struggle with the pain and depression that many of us have dealt with all or most of our lives.

It all comes down this: You have to make a choice. You have to understand that other people can't determine what your relationship with God will be. You have to decide not to get angry at God because of the way other Christians have been taught. You just pray that God opens their eyes and hearts and gives them the ability to love others the way he loves us.

I know their others on this site that do not believe in God or any religion. I do not condemn you or judge you for your beliefs. I truly wish you all the best in life and hope your decisions bring joy and peace.

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