I love to watch cooking shows & read cooking magazines. I recall a tip from many, many years ago, not sure why it stuck with me, about cutting biscuits the right way to ensure a proper rise. My mom used a drinking glass as did all my other relatives. The tip is to ditch the drinking glass, use a biscuit cutter. It produces edges that encourage the release of steam to provide the lift. Evidently using a glass and a twisting motion compresses the dough.
Curious if my memory was right I did a quick search. Wouldn't you know, one of the first results is an article from King Arthur Flour extolling the virtues of a "proper" biscuit cutter! Alternatively the article suggested using a sharp knife could produce like results.
If you are already using a biscuit cutter then I don't know, unless you are patting it down too aggressively or not starting out with it tall enough to produce a nicely risen biscuit.