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Started by Coffeedrew, July 02, 2018, 07:58:09 PM

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This is probably the right forum for this question here goes.I have always wondered about my self since I was young. I felt like the wrong gender these feelings only got worse with age.I told my parents at 19 and they took it okay but I dropped it until I was 26.I came out as a male wanting to be  female(I have always felt feminine compared to guys) I developed like a man and everything seems like it works fine.I have always been chunky and no matter how hard I have tried.I could never get in shape and have always had like man boobs.I have never been aggressive and I  have gotten builled when I was younger.I never fit into contact sports like football. Also all my life I had learning disabilitys.I eventually learned how to read and write with special education. At a round 25 my dad told me that when I was younger, I had a bad circumcision surgery.He said my mom pulled me from it because something about pain.I am not really sure what happened.I have always had this tugging curiosity,since I found out.I have not came out to my real mom yet, so I have been unable to ask her the story.It seemed like a enormous task to ask my doctor about it.I am posting this to kind of get a opinion/ idea if anyone else experienced something like this.I guess I should be honest and saying it would be a relief to find out a medical reason for feeling this way.My endocrinologist appointment is next month and I want to see if possiblely it is medically connected in anyway.Thanks for reading even if you don't post. :)


I read and I'll post.  :)

In my experience, talking to doctors is the easiest of all. Mine had me showing the berries and twig to half the college students in Boston, who seemed to be mostly bright-eyed girls in their twenties.  Normally I'd be arrested for that!  :laugh:

Anyhoo, your doctor is there to help you, the past is the past, and  your future is directly thataway.  :)

Hugs, Devlyn


Your advice is simple but is true.Thanks, I need a hug right now and a good laugh.  :)


It's worth asking your doctor if they have been your primary since a young age.
Just don't be disappointed if they have no information. Some doctors who are there to help us trans people are less than helpful about these types of questions.

I asked my endo about my unusual features to which he replied, "what does it matter? It won't change anything right?". My last primary doctor was more helpful. He said my external features would indicate grade 2 PAIS. I had been wondering about DES exposure in utero but he seems to think PAIS is most likely. Nobody has had any answers to my bone structure except to say that those bones get their shapes early in pregnancy. Most of the doctors I did ask about it just either said "huh?!" or "it's likely just normal variation." I had one PA ask if I would mine if a couple other PAs working that day could look at my 3D CT image. "Huh?" Seems to be the best answer doctors have. Lol. At least most any younger doctor or Physicians Assistant have been very open and friendly. Several noted that they were taught about prenatal dimorphism in med school so at least the medical community understands that we are all valid. I mentioned the MAIS/PAIS when going to see my urologist that did my orchi. He agreed it was likely that. So two doctors agree that would be the diagnosis but both say there is no reason to have a gene sequence test to verify since there is no treatment for it specifically aside from HRT. So I have a likely answer but nothing definitive.
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!


Allison S

You basically described half the mtf here if not more... Lol at least I had similar experiences growing up.

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I actually found out through my gender therapist that my primary care doctor is part of a organization that is religious.I was glad I reached out to her first otherwise I would have a big headache right now.I found out through my dad  that my mom had chlamydia around 5-6 months of pregnancy with me.I have not came out to her yet and have not had a chance to ask her. Not really sure I want to know digging stuff up from the past.I am glad I am not alone and it's great to hear from others like me.We should start a # movement lol.