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Thread of a blue flower hoping to bloom

Started by Stacy, July 05, 2018, 07:41:09 PM

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Quote from: Purplewisp on April 03, 2019, 01:21:33 PM
I've started to read about voice training and check some results, it's amazing! I really don't know how it would sound for me, but I've not a so low voice, so I may achieve good results I guess. I'll try to stick with the free stuff for now. The idea to have such a voice at will...anywhere, when I want, wow...This would be really felt real compared to other things. It's huge when you have near of nothing. You are bringing me the first buds and the first summer rays of the season! Thanks!

I just went to my first voice training lesson. It was very empowering. Like you, I have a naturally higher pitch voice, and there are lots of online resources.  I felt like I had a good foundation before the lesson just from my own self-learning. I need to work on bringing my resonance to my face by relaxing my jaw and slow down, particularly lengthening vowels.

I just talk to myself in my car in my girl voice :)


Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



First I have to say that I renamed my name from Purplewisp to Stacy so it's still me! And I feel the need to share more. So that's it.

Quote from: Rae321 on April 02, 2019, 01:39:51 PM
Im sorry you cant embrace your inner woman more. I would like to say 'you should move some place thats more open' but we should all know thats not always an option and often its impossible so know that from however far away it is from here to there im rooting for you and i see you ( like namaste see you). <3
I thank you for this. When I came here, I had the feeling that everyone was transitioning. I felt alone and isolated. No one has been rude with me, but I felt that I was not worthy of the same attention, since I was not doing the whole thing. How could I complaint or express sadness while some are going through rough times during transition? Like if they need support much more than me. I felt having no courage, or far from the stunning one that a lot of people here are expressing. I was afraid of being judged for not transitioning, be rejected or seen as not deserving much time and attention.

In my teen years I got bullied so much that I left school and life in general (I finished school later). And it was even not about being trans. They never needed a "big" reason to push someone in hell to the very limits. I lived out of this world for many years, isolated. I've been on antidepressants since then, for anxiety and depression, and always seen people as scary somehow, because they are often mean and unpredictable. I can hardly stand judgement, I'm too sensitive, I cannot block them of affecting me. I can imagine things just by seeing eyes of others, not being paranoid but ready to get something bad. It took a lot of years to be able to be more myself and less like others want me to be and feel more confident, and be less affected by what they can think about me. So I'm not a good candidate for transition and I also don't live in a good place for this. I don't know how far I will be able to be myself. But I still hope to be seen as valid here, transitioning or not. I hope I don't offend anyone by not going in the whole thing. I try to live like I can, I'm still happy for the minimum I can get, and I'm also happy to be here. And felt understood.

While I'm still envying cis females, I enjoy every bits of feeling female as much as I can. And I'm even more happy if I can inspire others to do the same, to feel and live it. I've never denied to be a girl, but it was so natural I guess, that I was doing things without really thinking about it. I think I was 8 or 9 when I tried to put my sister's clothes on and I remember clearly that I was not feeling anything special about the thought of doing it, at the exception that it was without her permission. I was not aware of myself. I was like doing things blindly. I looked at myself and I don't remember a weird or bad feeling, I just remember that I liked it, that it was beautiful and a feeling of "they (girls) are lucky to have the right to put on beautiful things like those". Then a more general feeling "they are lucky to be beautiful". Even as a kid, I knew my thoughts and doing were not "normal", but I've not changed my kid's mind anyway and I had no idea of what was going on. I just knew that it was to be keep secret. I felt girls to be sacred, gifted by nature to be as they are, and privileged by everyone for their status. Being so young, even if they were without breasts, any makeup, out of any sexual context and out of any "woman" context, I was envying them already. I was not aware if I was the only one to be like that or not.

Later at 13 my best friend asked me why sometimes I was acting like a girl. I was surprised, "I do this? I don't know, I'm just me, I never really noticed". He thought I was gay, but there was no chance. I was already loving girls deeply. One time we had to play an actor role. And I got to do the girl, it has fallen on me. Boys would feel embarrassed if it was them, no boy wanted such a role, except me. It was my first intensive experience to feel female, the acting wanted me to be treated as a girl with all the setup so everything was in place. Scenes were around a new love awakening, getting closer with very light touch and no real kissing. I felt extremely good, it was very powerful, and without any sexual response. After all the play was with boys. The main power was coming from inside, and outside for them treating me like a girl. I felt like if for the first time, I was real entirely. Like suddenly having a third lung, that I was even not aware to exist. It was powerfully emotional, and I felt it all around, like bathing in a colorful cloud of femininity. For the first time in a little time window of my life, I was near as fully me, and seen somehow the same by others. Tasting harmony that would change my life. But another thing was wonderful. They said, in a serious way and being impressed: "you're really good doing girl roles. It's looking so natural on you. How you do that? It's almost if you are a girl for real" In that instant I don't realized it, neither they realized it too, but humankind at this second exposed me as a trans girl and not only accepted it but seen it as a wonderful thing. The statement for me today is simple, it can be understood like that : "You're a girl, and you're beautiful" Even if it was not their words, they had no idea how deep their original words touched me, I was surprised of the power myself. I felt so good that I managed to play a girl role again, I provoked it two other times, rejecting boy roles and eventually people got suspicious. Why this obstinacy to be a girl? The answer was so obvious, isn't it? Like flowers growing at the return of the summer. So obvious that a young kid would guess it, by deduction, having no society filters. Their hearts are so pure and their minds so clean and simple. Like my last holidays in Montreal in downtown, where a little girl with her dad decided to choose me on sidewalk from all other people, run for me and hug me tight with a big smile, just like that, like if life was sending to me a message. Internet was barely there, and the elementary school content was not covering the trans topic, neither at high school (end of 90s). So people thought I was gay, without any more thinking. I had no idea myself of what was to be trans, so I was not seeing myself female in a conscious way, I was just seeing me to be very weird. But I knew what I want, where I felt so good. Life offered me a preview, a clear gift. "See yourself. And remember how you felt. You will understand later." One funny thing, the sister of my best friend was obviously having a crush for me, and was totally in my girl role, helping, following, offering anything I may need, even wanting to play herself at my side. I don't know how far she cared about me being a girl, but it may be a wink of life about what is possible.

I ended hanging with boys less and less, seeking more female friends. People say girls are complex and complicated, but I felt them simpler in many ways, and felt always better with them, it was easier to be myself, and I was feeling good instead of being with boys. I was very shy, very emotional, having no interest in boy things at all. Sports, cars, mechanic, wrestling and competition, all this bored me deeply. Their way to treat girls also disgusted me, more and more through teen years. As any teen, I wanted to be accepted and "normal", so I pushed myself to be boyish and guess what, now I had a real feeling to be an actor. It was completely fake, and I knew I could not do it forever. Girls took my female essence to be simply personality traits that they liked very much, they liked that I defend them, that I give them power and put them high, empowering their own femininity. They were seeing me as a very special boy, a sum of very positive things. Some boys said I had a harem, and asked me how I do to be surrounded of girls. I said "it's not a harem, they are my friends, and being with them is a privilege, not a right. I don't treat them like >-bleeped-< or sexual objects, and they don't treat me like that either." But for most of boys, a friendship with a girl was impossible or a pretext to have more. I was not getting "all" the girls, in fact my shyness made things very difficult. But I got precious female friends and some new appeared with time, and I dropped those treating me like a toy pretty fast. I felt what girls felt, being used. And I've been even more protective for them after.

One friendship evolved after 2 years in true love. I had severe anxiety and depression issues and I left school at this time, I was 17, and she got too overwhelmed by all this so she ran away. Passing to college, I lost several of my female friends, or they changed, and my isolation was not doing me any good to keep them. Then I met one very special girl that changed my life in huge ways. But I've told this story already. My body destroyed everything. But the changes she has made to me are still very in effect, very powerful, woke up and propelled my femininity completely like a spectacular firework. so I cannot just say she was just a love like some others. I'm far from asexual, but penetration has for me no interest. I see it as a male thing, added that only a few percentage of women can have pleasure like this. So even for sex, I'm not male. The body can deny it in appearance but that's the limit, because I'm female everywhere else. Antidepressants shut downed a large part of myself, joy, sadness, ambition, creativity and my femininity wanting to live. I'm 11 months free of them, the longer time ever (I started when I was 17) and I'll probably never swallow one again, and leaving them unlocked everything. Not being a cis female is a pain but I've never got so many creative ways to feel female, never found a such powerful light that keep me alive even if the rest of my life has no sense.

Rae321 you said I was poetic, in fact I started to write fiction like I explained in this thread, and it involve some kind of poetry too in form of gifts between characters. So being in it, I tend to care for what I write here when it's supposed to be beautiful, like when I told my dream. I'm in female/female romance for the fourth part of the big story I write, I've never written such things, it feels extremely good and makes me happy. I mean, I never liked myself, but I love what I write, so it's like loving myself in a way, and it's very new to me. Imagine, how it's powerful to have finally found a way to like or even love yourself when it seemed impossible. I may not have the life I want but I can make another reality alive by writing, and this is magic. Creating characters is an impressive experience, like seeing our own children be born and developing a rich personality the more the time pass. And this new love later, was mine. But in this story, it blooms and grows without the body barrier, as it should have happened. I honor her by doing this and keeping her anonymous, and live it like a mourning.

Also about beautiful things, reality is made already of enough vulgarity, ugliness, so I'm creating a pure world and make everything beautiful. I've chosen to be myself as I've chosen the "beautiful side". When I hear cis females talk roughly and swearing for nothing, I feel sad. I'm not snob, but sometimes it's really trashy, very exaggerated especially in the small area I live in. They have the chance to be cis females, and I don't understand why they do not embrace beauty, what is so funny about being vulgar. I mean, no one choose its body, but we can choose what we say, how we say it, how we live partly. I try to put beauty in what I do, I see it in a way to express femaleness. I'm not saying girls should all be like that, or that they are less girls for not doing that, but I see their light to diminish. If I would have a girlfriend, I would love her to be natural, not needing make up, and loving her also in sweatpants, for sure. I always loved girls at being natural. It's not what I'm talking about. Beauty I'm talking is more from inside, trying to be pure, nice, beautiful. Choosing the words, avoiding some. I just say that it adds light, something I love, it beautifies, and I consider it to be a really beautiful side of being female. But well it's personal I guess. I try to do it myself. I feel more myself when doing it, I'm tired of ugly things we see and hear everywhere. This world doesn't have to be ugly.

The girly world I'm creating by writing is like opening my heart and sending to universe my inner self. It's not transitioning, but it's exposing myself securely. I cherish those moments and I thank the girl that changed my life by sending to her vibes of happiness and wishes for her to be rewarded and life to make her happy, because her gift has no price, she revealed so much in me that I was not seeing or being conscious of, I own her my female life that would have been sleeping probably for a very long time otherwise. I try to honor this angel by trying to love me like she loved me, whatever my physical appearance may show. Her wish was me to be happy. I regret to have lived female in a barely minimal way, but even if it was so light, I realized I always needed it. I've never really lived without it. Of course I seem to live it still lightly from a trans perspective for someone that has transitioned, but I express it in my ways, like my writing project, things I was not doing at all before. And I'll make those books, I'll push this light to the rest of the world one day. And who know, it could bring potential friends or even love. I'm so in desperate need of this that I could cry talking about it more than a minute. But my writing is not for this, it would just be a side effect that I would take and enjoy completely. I got a first appointment for psychological help, next week. I'll have to reveal myself. I can't hide if I want help. You guess it, I hope it will be a woman.


I hope it is too,  but more than that I hope they help.  I know my counselor has helped me a lot and i will always be grateful that i finally sought her out.  Good luck with your appointment.  <3



I still need to read through all the follow-up posts, but I wanted to say thank you for sharing your dream. I came across this thread shortly after I discovered I was transgender, and reading it gave me a lot of hope and encouraged me to get involved on the forum.



Quote from: Rae321 on April 14, 2019, 11:21:55 AM
I hope it is too,  but more than that I hope they help.  I know my counselor has helped me a lot and i will always be grateful that i finally sought her out.  Good luck with your appointment.  <3
Thank you. I wish to be lucky as you. I had several kind of support in the past but it was not for this. It was for anxiety, my days were a nightmare. And I got bad and good counselors. From government and from schools since I was a student when I decided to get a specialization. 2 women in 2 different schools were far better than government staff, maybe because working with young people attract the most mothering counselors. I don't know. Those women were like best friends, very kind, understanding fast, mid protective and mid realist but without lecturing me or giving me orders or being harsh. Others were the inverse of those things, detached, not feeling much for me or tried to get me in their personal way of thinking, often a kind of philosophy that doesn't work for me. Thursday is a dispatch, a one-time shot to evaluate all my needs so this person will not be my definitive counselor. It's the first time that I will talk to someone else than my brother and a friend about my true nature. I'm really not at ease to do it, and physically eye in the eye. The dispatcher is a guy, a social worker, so it will be even more hard and weird. But he has heard this surely more than one time. My brother's girlfriend guessed that I'm a trans girl lately but we never talked about it but my brother informed me that she guessed, and she said to me that best therapists are private, that it would be the best to go deep in my life because I've a lot of scars and issues, and that the money worth it very much since it changes life completely once you really know and understand yourself. Unfortunately I've still not the money for this. I don't know what to think. Government counselors seem to think that all what matter is you to being "functional", so to work and keep your job. It's only a feeling I have. While private counselors care more about you, being happy, than just to be a working cog in the society big machine. This would explain why government counselors are more practical, go faster, seek a precise goal that is more a minimal happiness to being able to work than helping you to be totally in harmony with yourself and others. I hope I'm wrong because for now I can only afford government's counselors. I just remember that I've been told "we cannot solve all issues. You will have to choose." by one of them. And I felt it very cold. I'm in Canada. I think in the US you pay for any counselor you need? Here it's a free service from government but I figure that since everyone pay them with taxes, they need to be more practical and go fast. But like I said it's just a feeling. I was not lucky for some.

Quote from: AllazandraTelsar on April 14, 2019, 06:04:49 PM

I still need to read through all the follow-up posts, but I wanted to say thank you for sharing your dream. I came across this thread shortly after I discovered I was transgender, and reading it gave me a lot of hope and encouraged me to get involved on the forum.

You're welcome Allazandra! I'm really happy if my dream help to wake up your true self and give you hope. The sharing was also for this. I wish you a dream tailored for you, it's extremely powerful and rejuvenating. And I also wish you eventually a reality in which you will be in harmony with yourself. I smile at you and giving you a warm welcome on the forums!


I didn't say this before. So.. Stacey, I like it! I shall address you as such (insert curt maidenly nod of the head here). :D


Thank you Rae. I like yours too :) Mine is in my life from some time and with significant memories bound to it. I don't know why I've not used it from the start. I was afraid of something, I don't know what. It took a lot of time to decide to do an introduction too. I guess I can all put on my shyness. I was hiding and hesitant even with my name.

Your name sounds familiar. But it's maybe that I feel yourself familiar too.


I had my appointment, in which my general need is "learn how to be happy enough by living in this world and not ending alone the rest of my life". The interview was supposed to be with a guy, finally it was a girl! I never said before "I'm a trans girl" face to face to someone, and only 3 people know. It was hard to do this for the first time but much easier with a girl, and after I felt it was not so hard as I thought. Then she offered me to talk to me in female form in case of needing to use 3rd person "she" and "her" and even using my female name. I refused because it would be powerful enough to make me cry all along. And I needed to be able to talk... But I felt the respect, the possibilities, and that I was there, at this step of saying it aloud at least to a professional, and felt I should have been there since long ago. We covered my life, my issues, and she will analyze everything and offer me something in one week. I have no power on what kind of service I will get, it's a public and free service. I don't work anymore, I resigned in February, I was choking on stress and pressure, and having so little time to live in which I was feeling tired and empty (no energy but also an empty life). I think emptiness hurts less now that I've freedom. Because I have the time to do things I like so there is happy moments that were not there before. I can live with some money aside for a while before to decide how I want to live with what work. It's probably the last time I can enjoy total freedom. My anxiety and depression are more than just being trans, and with urgent needs, so I don't know how far I'll have the chance to go in the trans direction for this service. Maybe they will offer to me more than one. I often think about getting female clothes these days. With the internet it's all packed and hidden, and I live alone. I think I'm more afraid of being frustrated and sad that the risk to get caught. I just can't get out of my head that it could feel really good. And a more happy experience than what I think. I just keep repeating "I have to do it one day". Something seems to block me. Maybe it will feel too good? I'm so stuck in my head. I think I'm too much imagining bad comments I would get, even if I'll be alone to know. Like if I cannot let it go without thinking to people. Maybe related to my social phobia. Maybe it would go away by trying. I feared people all my life, it shaped my life and decisions. And now it still do even if they are not concerned directly. It should be a natural need to try clothes and I feel it like a challenge. Since I'm here I think I feel things more natural, I feel a good influence, so maybe I'll convince myself eventually.


Stacy, have you thought of just getting something a little androgynous but still on the feminine side? Maybe a cowl neck sweater and a bracelet, or a button up blouse that could be mistaken for a feminine men's shirt? Maybe even throw in a thin necklace that looks middle of the road.  There's some cheaper stuff on amazon that won't last and isn't really well made but might let you feel it out the clothing question a little more in private and see how that feels for you without having to commit to an entire cross dress outfit that might seem shocking. I'm still working out the social aspects of it but putting on a skirt and blouse and a little makeup and jewelry and then letting my woman out around the house just doing some chores or cooking dinner really helps me feel better. I try to not look in the mirror too much when i do it because I still look very much like a man and it unnerves me (not to mention I'm not very good at this so I look kind of silly in my results) but it helps me recognize what about it feels right and guides me toward a sense of self care and self love that I've been denying myself all these years.


Quote from: Stacy on April 18, 2019, 12:46:32 PM
I had my appointment, in which my general need is "learn how to be happy enough by living in this world and not ending alone the rest of my life". The interview was supposed to be with a guy, finally it was a girl! I never said before "I'm a trans girl" face to face to someone, and only 3 people know. It was hard to do this for the first time but much easier with a girl, and after I felt it was not so hard as I thought. Then she offered me to talk to me in female form in case of needing to use 3rd person "she" and "her" and even using my female name. I refused because it would be powerful enough to make me cry all along. And I needed to be able to talk... But I felt the respect, the possibilities, and that I was there, at this step of saying it aloud at least to a professional, and felt I should have been there since long ago. We covered my life, my issues, and she will analyze everything and offer me something in one week. I have no power on what kind of service I will get, it's a public and free service. I don't work anymore, I resigned in February, I was choking on stress and pressure, and having so little time to live in which I was feeling tired and empty (no energy but also an empty life). I think emptiness hurts less now that I've freedom. Because I have the time to do things I like so there is happy moments that were not there before. I can live with some money aside for a while before to decide how I want to live with what work. It's probably the last time I can enjoy total freedom. My anxiety and depression are more than just being trans, and with urgent needs, so I don't know how far I'll have the chance to go in the trans direction for this service. Maybe they will offer to me more than one. I often think about getting female clothes these days. With the internet it's all packed and hidden, and I live alone. I think I'm more afraid of being frustrated and sad that the risk to get caught. I just can't get out of my head that it could feel really good. And a more happy experience than what I think. I just keep repeating "I have to do it one day". Something seems to block me. Maybe it will feel too good? I'm so stuck in my head. I think I'm too much imagining bad comments I would get, even if I'll be alone to know. Like if I cannot let it go without thinking to people. Maybe related to my social phobia. Maybe it would go away by trying. I feared people all my life, it shaped my life and decisions. And now it still do even if they are not concerned directly. It should be a natural need to try clothes and I feel it like a challenge. Since I'm here I think I feel things more natural, I feel a good influence, so maybe I'll convince myself eventually.

You've made a huge step and shown great bravery in the face of adversity!  My hope for you is to find what I have, that finally being on my authentic path has given me strength I never would have imagined, and made connections with people to help support me.

I've found this book helpful in building resiliency to challenge what I thought were insurmountable fears.  It might be something you could talk to your counselor about?  I don't think I would recommend trying to do it all on your own, as I found some of it quite triggering, but also very helpful with guidance:

The Queer and Transgender Resilience Workbook: Skills for Navigating Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression (New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook)

I'm proud of you!

<3 Jael
Trans-cendental Musings Blog and Art:



Thank you Jeal. I will check for the book. But I've a long way to go as I said. I've social phobia even for being my basic self, and since forever, that is still giving me a hard time so that's why I prefer to target more modest advancement. When I see all what I would need to do, I tend to just give up because it's too big. I know that you wish everything at maximum for me, but there is more under the water as we can see at the surface, and as I said at this point I just ask for a better life, whatever it is, I'll be already happy if I feel progress in anything. Of course I would like to be my totally self, but I even need more to find my way about how to live basically, approach people, find some kind of equilibrium, keeping a job, just being happy finally, simply, just be able to live without crying, without feeling so empty. I've no gender dysphoria and it's a big advantage, because I think it would be all too much on my shoulders. I know I'm lucky for this, I know a lot of people here suffer with this. The book you mentioned seems also to say how to live in an imperfect world, even for anyone eyes, trans or not, which could be useful for someone like me having anxiety poisoning, since it's still learning to live with people when you have trouble to, trans or not. For now, being totally myself is just a little thing I add, while I'm figuring out under this on a more basic day to day how to simply live and be happy. I've no real social network, I'm alone all the time at the exception of my brother and a friend, both are far away. I've another from past work but I don't see her often and she has no idea of all my issues. I hated my last 2 years life, I just cannot continue like this. I avoid all those topics because it's not really the place here for that. Anxiety is even at home, but at least I can go outside, there was a time 10 years ago when it was even not possible for a while. I got a teenage trauma of intense bullying and violence for years, where human craziness marked my memories of nightmares forever, and there are still days at home when even if I am free and out of physical and mental danger, I feel anguish and intense fear like in my bed yesterday, and tonight, for no apparent reason. Heart pounding, trouble breathing, irrational thoughts, fear of going crazy. Anxiety is my worse enemy, I fear people while I need them at the same time, I fear public humiliation, first contacts, being not good enough, I can't stand verbal violence at me even if I'm much more affirmative than never, and the bare control of anxiety is the source of 99% of the mess I'm in since at some point it's hard to hide and people don't understand. People at work loved me, I loved them, they said I was an exemplary but stress was unbearable, I was losing control of my sleep and my health, I was near going to hospital so I stopped it. They were all sad to see me going, they sent me flowers which made me cry. It was a kind of family. I got many therapies during all those years, it helped somehow but not this much right away, I needed time to experiment and know myself, but I'm more in control than I was. But for therapy this time I wanted to change the target, to work on finding happiness, and being trans goes with it. So sorry for coming with all that but since it's my thread and that I want people to understand, I think I got to talk more about what else is hidden. I just don't want to be see as a failure, or not being valid because I've not what others have to go further, for now. I want that people see the real picture. I just cannot see how I could be female in public while I'm barely feeling fine and at ease just being my biological self. I don't say it's impossible, but there is more work than it appears, behind.

It can sound weird or even shocking for some people here, but my femaleness that woke up a lot in the last year is not just choking about not being totally myself. Of course I would like to, of course I would like to exchange this body, of course I would like to be cis female. No it's not what is shocking. What may shock is that despite all this, this female energy inside, being less restrained and more accepted is something sweet, it's a powerful light, it's a way to enjoy my life that I've never too much explored before. It's a part of me that is just beautiful, it's warm, it inspires me, it puts sun in my pointless life. Because of this I developed love for writing, I restarted playing piano, it gives breath to my creative side I was not aware to exist or not seeing before. I don't say I'm happy, I cry often, sometimes I skip a day, but this femaleness is not primary a weight, not right now. It's like a part of me that enrich my life. That's also why I try to encourage others to embrace it, see it for the beauty it is. If I would ask too much of it, I would suffer. Or if I could not just accept a part of it and and it whole, I would suffer too. But I can kind of dose it right now. I'm lucky to be able to do it, I know that it's not possible for everyone. It sounds so tiny but it was almost totally invisible and forgotten before. I kept it alive barely, almost mechanically. I was not thinking about it, I was getting nothing of all the light it brings. I've been into so much trouble and things that I even forgot how love has shown to me, very long ago, how I was female, how good it was. But it ended badly. I cried for weeks, staying in my bed in intense anguish, I had to stop it in a way or another. It's because partly of medication, and partly because the pain to lose this love was too unbearable, I guess I locked it with all the light with it, to stop feeling, stop thinking. I was female at this time, and even if it was purely psychic, I've never felt it so complete. While not physical, it's easy to just being ourselves, and I pleasantly lost totally myself in it at this time. Two girls completing each other, it was so perfect, she was a teacher, a muse, a protector, it was a constant bath of light. Girls usually seek protection, but I seek the same, so I could not give it. But this time, I was receiving it. I suppose it was not possible to just live normally after that. I'm reconnecting to it, I need it to be a gentle light, I could not stand the star it was, and not now that I've no one to nourish it and love it like it was. Just saying, anxiety and my troubles were there too, paradise crossed hell but it was still paradise, and a pale hell being loved and protected so much while being 100% myself during 2 years. It was also easier because I had no responsibilities at this time, I was considered as unable to work. But what is important is that I became that girl. I still cannot believe I needed so much time to wake up to reconnect to it. So the Pandora box is opened. Memories are coming with the light, the femaleness, and in a flood of feelings and pain I'm hanging to this light, hoping that eventually only this female light will remain, and grow, and I will take anything, big or small from it. Anything I can live with like a gift. And I need this light right now. I could never curse this, I would like my body to be it, but being not doesn't remove my femaleness, I mean light can grow as long I'm alive, and it will always be within me. I just need to not ignore it and let it continue to enlighten me.

Sorry it was quite a digression from what I thought first to be a simple reply. I cry since a hour, I wonder if I will be cured of this loss one day. I can't regret this gift, but I can't take that I will never see her again. Don't feel bad Jeal, I'm sorry I just got carried away. I'll search for the book. It's a french place here, so it is not there in local libraries, but I'll look on the internet.

I don't forget you Rae, your suggestion is good. I think I'm still not completely accepting myself since I was just talking about being at home, and that I hesitate. But yes starting with light stuff is surely better. Better for others but it's surely also effective for being alone, at the first times. But I like to imagine myself laying on the bed in a simple setup reading a book and feeling me. You know I don't ask a lot. I would probably cry again but being happy this time. I would extend this time, move my legs, I wonder if I would be able to really read at all. Well the first time. I would have prefered with windows open, but my apartment have windows barely above ground. I would have loved living this while bathing in the sun. It's not impossible, there are apartments higher, maybe one day, they cost a bit more, I'm not far from broke for now. I would like to do it in nature too. Find a completely isolated spot, I already feel good in nature, it would be magic.

Thank you both for being there. Before I come here, there was no way to be seen as me from others, but here it's amazingly simple. We see each other as we are, there is no hiding, nothing complicated, no fear, no effort, just freedom. Talking about books, I wish I could find one to control dreams, and create more like the one I had. You know just to live the cis female form, it will always be what I want. I would go to bed early if it would work. I know, it doesn't replace life outside. But hate me or not, I would prefer often this blue pill. But on the other side, we all wonder what would be our life if we were cis females, and sometimes I think to all my issues, and I fear that I would not be able to pass through teen years alive as cis female. From what I know, they have much more social pressure, I mean my anxiety is horrible, maybe I'm born this way because I would have died otherwise as being cis. It's late and I'm drained so I'm going for now. I spoke so much about all this that I'll maybe have a nice dream. See you later.


I just wanted to say, I'm really sorry for the drama I put on and with all the off topic things. Also sorry if I shocked someone. I really value your help, your advice and the chance I have to be here. I will not miss to put any new success here and any of positive stuff that may pass. I'll concentrate on the good as I've always done in this thread. Summer is coming and I expect a lot of good to come. I may seem hesitant but I'm also very stubborn, I don't give up easily. I've done too much to stop now so don't worry for me. I'll certainly be voluble again when new good things will happen, to share the joy and hope.

So again, sorry for the darkside. As I said, I have happy moments, I still have hope, I may be looking going slow but I'm still going forward and I really enjoy the sharing and feedback. I would not assume myself if i would delete something, so please just look elsewhere for what you don't like.


Sometimes there's sunshine,  and sometimes there's rain.  Im happy to share both,  but i hope you get some sunshine this summer! 😁


Thank you Rae, I hope too. It's coming, finally, colors and life will appear again.

Today I'm in mood for more confessions.

I've seen from a long time this girl in me pass like a discreet small pink kite in the giant sky. I was not seeing it much, nor holding it. I knew it was there, I was seeing this like something weird, but at the same time something feeling so good could not be bad. I just kept it along, watching without touching. I've never watched myself, to see all the signs. I took this actor roles when we were playing, for bisexuality for feeling good even with no sexual response. I've envied girls all my life, protected them all the time, cursed boys for their ways to be and for feeling in a cage, forced in their societal model because I've the same body. I've never been like them. I just thought I was different.

Female charm was hitting my envy and if the girl had no good intentions while trying to charm me, her magic was cancelled. I was infuriated when they tried to control me with sexual ways. First because of their powers being used, theirs, that will never be mine and on top of that they were misused, and second because I was affirming myself to not be like those boys saying "yes" to anything upon sexual stimulation. Girls seeing me like those boys was like to say that I was 100% like them and I wanted to be recognized different at least for the good things. On the other side, with innoncence or pure intentions and no sexual approach, envy was transforming into joy to bathe in their female light. The only girls I hated were those misusing their powers, to deceive and control. The girls I desired the most, sexually and with love, were often those having no idea of their power but radiating one like a neutron star. For the one first time,I prefered far the non physical contact, when there is no sexual moves, when being near without touching but looking, warm and bright eyes, smiling, the magic with the scent and the smooth and slow moves, now I was charmed for real. Some girls were beautiful, but having no charm. It is something linked to love with only 2 compatible beings? Or a female inner power? Maybe both. I don't know, but it's worth exploring for both a cis girl and a trans girl. To never think we know everything, to try to go always further.

I had those conversations while I was angry, saying girls have everything, that 80% of clothing stores are for them, that boy clothes suck so much, that I can't find a way to find decent ones, that they must always throw a male image that I hate, that they are so limited in communication and creativity and colors. My friends were saying "relax, what's the point? You would like to wear female clothes?". The question was killing the speech, I had nothing else to add. It seems I was frustrated alone seeing the truth all around, but I guess all this was true only for me. No one else was caring for this.

I had very long hair for a while at this time, the feel of them laying around my head on a pillow, or them falling to the mid of my back and on my shoulders, was a powerful feeling of well-being. I was always comparing their sight as a physical extension of my soul. I was not really guessing that my soul was female. Nevertheless my feelings were this female power. I was still not seeing me all in one. I saw it like a part of me. But she was not another being, I was her. Having the chance to have long hair, I dared to try female styles, while I was alone and isolated from any windows. I was not liking this face, ruining them somehow. But using mirors and seeing them from the back and the sides, I felt the good again, the warm in my heart, I was seeing me from a total new way. And it was even more special because they were my own hair. The only hair on my body that I don't hate. I was feeling that I could have had that female life, I would have taken it gladly, excited with a jubilating enthusiasm. I had no idea what was going on really, just that it was good to imagine me as a girl and having another life. Living in femininity was so good and powerful, so intense. I also felt "you don't have the right. It's forbidden to you. You are not a girl, you can't" but for those minutes I just not cared.

I had a girlfriend, and during daily chats I said "You are lucky. Girls have everything. I would like to reincarnate in female. Being a male is losing in every way." She said raising her voice "Hey no! We must always be perfect, the makeup, the hair, the clothes, it's never over it's so much work! You are perfect as a boy." I decided to do an experiment with her. I decided to show her, her true female nature and power by cuting all the stylish moves. I said "the next morning, you will brush your hair just to detangle them and make them look natural. Then you will avoid any makeup, you will wear simple clothes, nothing fancy." This morning I explained to her how her natural beauty was stunning far enough to not need anything to beautify it. I've shown to her, her natural traits, her body, her cuteness, from feet to the head, all the reasons why I loved each centimeter. I explained that I was in love with her at her simple way to be, that I was stunned by her female natural charm, that she was already naturally perfect. That the girl she is, is first from inside, then this body in its simplest form. I wanted her to breath and feel it. I wanted her to feel how much she was affecting me. I was envying her, but at the same time I was happy for giving this gift to her: "Look at you, you are a treasure. Your body in this sun is a miracle. Your scent is marvelous, your spell on me is bound to you as the girl you are, not to what you wear or put on your skin" My eyes were genuine, if I could not be a girl, I would at least open her eyes to make her see her chance and power. To take them, make them her own. My mind was not so clear, but I know that it was going this way even not fully conscious: "I can't be like that. I'll never be a girl. So please don't be blind to your own miracle. Be at peace, you don't have to worry about your body and your heart, they are perfect." It was not possible to say. "Be a girl for us both, live it at maximum on your side, and I'll be happy to just be a boy while your light and your love are flooding me entirely." I also stated "never feel forced to pass hours to please me. While at home, just let you be, I love you deeply and you already have my heart." She felt the pressure of "being perfect", so those confessions have made her feel much more light. I had to convince her, but when it has been done, she started to slow down trying to be perfect. She loved the freedom I gave to her, the pressure I removed. I said "I'm sorry you felt this weight before, but now let it down, my mermaid already has all what she needs to seduce me, you do it all the time while doing common things at home. Your magic is 24/24, I desire you all the time. You are the most beautiful thing I see before to sleep and when I open my eyes in the morning."

I believe in natural beauty, but I'm not the kind to ignore clothes. I just want to precise it, I'm not hypocritical, I've even probably a kind of fetishism for some. I also asked my girlfriend sometimes to wear things for me. But it was gifts, I've never asked or forced an everyday setup, my asking were special demands. I love a lot of female clothes, and I know at the same time that some can be seen as male domination, something forced to wear for their pleasure. I protect girls but I'm not a feminist. I simply say, first recognize your natural beauty because it's where all begin. Second, don't force yourself to wear things that is not you or give you pain or make you uncomfortable especially if it's for others. For example, high heels hurt you? Or you don't like those? Don't wear any. I mean, it must be decided and done for ourselves, because anyway others may have different thoughts, there is no point trying to please everyone. And if some female clothes seems sexual or made to please males, just care about why you want them for yourself. Don't avoid clothes because of their symbol, don't let anything block you to do what you want for yourself. And now...I'll have to push myself to follow my own advices. Even as a boy I avoided some boyish clothes being afraid of judgement. But I still believe in what I said. And me too one day I'll have to dress the girl this time, at least try it or it will haunt me forever and just look like those dreams that cannot become real.

Late teen I watched japanese animes, starting by Sailor Moon. The girls were transforming before to fight. For those not familiar with it, it's kind of a long dance, emphasing female beauty and grace in artistic positions with a big mix of colors and light, where clothes are changed in a second in a nice music background that give it even more power. While outside laying on a bench, I've done this a lot of times: I got the same music, I closed my eyes and I impersonated in my mind those girls transforming, dancing and taking poses, replacing them with me, and their feelings be mine. While no people could ever guess a fragment of what was going on in my head, I was eyes closed smiling and the sun was warming my skin, adding a physical magical effect to what was happening. Those moves were making me feel so good, I thought I loved girls deeply in a way that no one could understand, that I was not understanding myself. I knew it was weird, but no one has to know, no one could understand anyway. It would stay my secret.

When I was with girls, aside the sexual appeal, I felt being much closer to "feeling natural" than with boys. Their presence was good, charm was mixed with peace. I was not envying boys for having girlfriends only for the common reasons, but I think I was envying them also for living so close to a girl's essence. Of course they were blind to it, and not caring about it, which was probably frustrating for me even more. For me being in a girl's bedroom was feeling like "it could be me, my room, my life". It was not a pain, it was a smooth thought, girly stuff always been for me soft and beautiful, doing good, being primary good. I know, everything is neutral in nature, but I do feel femaleness like an eternal peace, a warm blessing.

I was always romantic, I wanted girls to feel wonderful, satiated, flooded of respect and genuine love. Because that's when they shine the most, are the most happy, and they are then even more magnificient than ever before. I wanted to worship them, like the female spark in me that I wanted for them to explode, expend, bright so much for them, making them even more girly and beautiful. Their joy to be and feel girly even more because of me, was also my joy and my victory. That's why I have hope today, I think I could be happy living with a girl, lending her my female will and light indirectly, to create this tree of light and eat its fruit together day after day.

I've not wanted to be a trans girl. I rejected all this, I wanted to be cis female, that was my only wish. Anything else was too far from it, for me. Deciding to see me as trans would state forever that I'll never be a cis female. I know I will never be, but I've not wanted to set it on me with an official title. I still maintain what I said, my femaleness is not a curse but a wonderland. But some days, I see girls and the wonderland appears behind bars of a steel cage, where I will never belong. I've decided to slowly accept more the trans title, because I think I'm beginning to accept that being cis female is a dead-end. And it's only with more time with trans people that I started to feel possibilities. Reachable or not, I see new things that could change my life. After all it's obvious that living as a trans girl is the nearest way possible to be a cis girl. It's also because I stopped antidepressants, that were erasing most of my need to be female, most of everything in me in fact. It happened at the same time. So now this pink kite in the sky is still on a deserted beach out of public eyes, but now I have it in my hand, I recognize it to be mine, and I feel the good to see it fly and feel its physical presence when the wind blow through it. I will keep the rope in my hand, I'll never let it go and I'll try to make it fly and run with it.


I bought hair dye recently, and I think the cashier, a guy, not realized that it was hair dye and just seen the woman with pink flowers on the box, and said to me "It is not for you?". I said yes. He said "it was a joke". I said "hair dye doesn't have any gender you know, and this, is not a joke". He was embarrassed and started to try to save himself, and this is the only part I enjoyed. I've not transitioned and this kind of stupid "jokes" always remind me that it's one of the worst place to be "different". But I'm native from here and I'm not ready to move in a more "humanized" place.

Anyway summer is starting soon and I'm enjoying nature already. It was warm enough to remove my jacket and tie it at my waist, then I just thought that it may be the nearest of a skirt that I could wear in public here. I enjoyed to fake it and I realized how people don't care for a jacket but would fire for a skirt when physically, it's not so far. A bit like people to see swimwear completely different from underwear when the physical comparison is almost the same. Humans may be the most intelligent being but are also the most complicated and self restrained. People seem peaceful but it's as long as you don't break their rules. Rules that are far from threatening anyone, rules that oppress people in their personal way to be. They admit that everyone have the right to be him/herself but words are not much when it's the time to apply it in action.

But I feel good, it was more a note than a complaint.  I also got my first sunburn, it doesn't hurt but it's impressive for the first days of May! I think I'll need sunscreen +375 fps for July to see how it's going. Now at the opposite of what we say for Game of thrones: Summer is coming!

Jeal: I found the book you wanted me to read. I started it :)

Alice V

QuoteIt was warm enough to remove my jacket and tie it at my waist, then I just thought that it may be the nearest of a skirt that I could wear in public here.
I have pretty same thoughts when tie my hoodie at waist ^_^ It is something, at least.

"Don't try and blame me for your sins,
For the sun has burn me black.
Your hollow lives, this world in which we live -
I hurl it back."©Bruce Dickinson

My place