For who don't know what is a doxxing, is a practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information.
So, those past days is being pretty rough for me. 2 days ago, an "Friend" who know about my transition start to get mad with me for no reason, and revealed my dead name online
Some people who deslikes me simply for being trans saw that, and researched my name everywhere, even getting my ID and NIN, and doxxed me live on Twitch and YouTube, showing some personal information and of course, my older pictures from 2010 and before
They even have threatened me, if i report the videos, they will show even more infos, if i do nothing, the infos will stay online for anyone see
I'm really bad with that, and with so much fear if they find out my parents who didn't know about my transition
I wish i could erase my past before the transition, but it back to destroy my new life