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oh please no... holding on by a thread

Started by Veronica A, September 11, 2018, 07:13:20 PM

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Veronica J

This weekend was good, first time I felt the confidence to be my self in public at home and not worry.. after coming out to HR. it was liberating.

Today I am sad beyond belief. See on this past Sunday I went to get out of bed and I was lying flat on my back and put my left foot on the floor and went to stand. Unbelievable pain shot threw my leg, I burst into tears. I thought I may have simply pulled a muscle in my leg. And last night pain woke me up, it wasn't as saw as that day, more like the hurt muscle was complaining. My leg looks a bit swollen (not a lot and it feels like a muscle pain.. ) soo scared of DVT, going to get it checked. I pray that I don't need to stop HRT.. it doesn't hurt all the time, if at all when I walk.. it twinges every now and then.. and the old shoes prob don't help either.

It's terrifying me, is this the end again before I even really got started again for my last shot at it?

Oh God I hope its not, I am trying so hard to not burst into tears at work. I just want to roll into a ball and cry. I did some research and there are MTF who have had HRT and DVT treatment at the same time. And they didn't have to stop HRT for DVT treatment. I may ask to go on E patches.. I hope and pray its just a hurt muscle. If I had to stop HRT it would kill me, it would totally destroy me and the progress I have made. and the future would be very bleak..


Veronica, stop panicking. That doesn't help you at all.

It is probably a pulled muscle and you will not know until you get checked.

So.  A BIG HUG. Get yourself together and go and see the Doctor.

Then we can think what to do.

Let us know what is going on and we are here for you.


Veronica J

Quote from: Cindy on September 11, 2018, 07:17:08 PM
Veronica, stop panicking. That doesn't help you at all.

It is probably a pulled muscle and you will not know until you get checked.

So.  A BIG HUG. Get yourself together and go and see the Doctor.

Then we can think what to do.

Let us know what is going on and we are here for you.

bit hard not too..... i already have factor v .....
also my docs not available till friday morning... soo waiting till then,,


Quote from: Veronica A on September 11, 2018, 07:21:36 PM
Quote from: Cindy on September 11, 2018, 07:17:08 PM
Veronica, stop panicking. That doesn't help you at all.

It is probably a pulled muscle and you will not know until you get checked.

So.  A BIG HUG. Get yourself together and go and see the Doctor.

Then we can think what to do.

Let us know what is going on and we are here for you.

bit hard not too..... i already have factor v .....
also my docs not available till friday morning... soo waiting till then,,

If you suspect a DVT or if the area is tender or swollen or painful go the the ER and get checked. IF it is a DVT you need treatment ASAP, if it isn't then it is not a problem.

I would not wait until Friday

Allison S

I'm so sorry. That sounds awful [emoji20] please get to help as soon as possible. It's not only good for your health but also for you to stay on hrt, possibly

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk


Veronica J

thanks, er takes hours unless your dieing.. then you sit.. been there and done that.

going to see my doc at the next available and go from there.. i am sure its just minor muscle strain.

thats like a little later today..


so hard to keep myself together...


I had a really bad pain in my leg some years ago and went to emergency. Apart from anything, I don't trust GP's. They never seem to know what they are doing compared to hospital staff. Too many bad experiences. I don't mind waiting all night, its not like I'd be getting any sleep anyway. And the GP would just refer to you a hospital anyway.

Luckily it turned out to be just a muscle pain.

With factor v I hope you're seeing an endo rather than a GP for HRT?

Veronica J

Quote from: AnonyMs on September 12, 2018, 03:17:04 AM
I had a really bad pain in my leg some years ago and went to emergency. Apart from anything, I don't trust GP's. They never seem to know what they are doing compared to hospital staff. Too many bad experiences. I don't mind waiting all night, its not like I'd be getting any sleep anyway. And the GP would just refer to you a hospital anyway.

Luckily it turned out to be just a muscle pain.

With factor v I hope you're seeing an endo rather than a GP for HRT?

Here our ER, if your are not near deaths door and you walk in.. you sit and wait for hours, (once i waited over 24hours with my sick boy whos temp hovered around 40~41 degrees C ie 104~105F ) as naturally all ambulance patients get priority. its quicker to go to a doc and then the lab, then ER and if they call the ambo you get priority service :) also takes the load of the hospitals.

the place i go to caters for Trans people (which is where i went), all the specialists (Shrink, Doc, Endo, Blood collection agency) are all under one roof at Northside clinic. I only see one doc and endo, not some random.. i had the worse experience doing that some months ago Sydney Olympic Park (i live in Melbourne). like the doc asked me" what medications are you on" and i told him spiro and E. he asked me way take it? (with disdain in his voice) i was mortified, and hurt in the deepest way and left asap (had to see him because of a work place injury (fractured my toe).

anyway had my leg checked, scanned and all good I just pulled my leg muscle, few..

Yes my doc and endo work closely together. My E levels are around 250 and t around 70, based on the scale used by the lab (normal male range is 150). i am solidly in the female range and my development has been nothing but amazing, all the changes.. even for 1 year. with each Test my T levels have been steadily falling (yuppie), one of the things i noticed is a marked reduction in hair growth on my face (takes 48hours before i even get a 5oclock shadow) and private areas :) it takes longer to grow and is slower. hair colour on arms has started changing, skin has def become softer and way easier to damage and bruise (then before i started HRT).

thanks for all the concern, it really helped calm my mind.


I'm in Sydney. I've waited maybe 8 or 10 hours before. Not much fun.

I had a surgeon ask why I was taking estrogen and was about to start on at me. I told him to stick to his own speciality and he shut up and left. There's no need to put up with it.

I guess you're using a bioidentical estrogen for safety?


My son-in-law presented to an ER in Melbourne (Box Hill) with a possible DVT, as a priority case, he was seen very quickly. But then, it was fairly clear even without a scan that he had one.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor.

Veronica J

Quote from: AnonyMs on September 12, 2018, 04:40:59 PM
I'm in Sydney. I've waited maybe 8 or 10 hours before. Not much fun.

I had a surgeon ask why I was taking estrogen and was about to start on at me. I told him to stick to his own speciality and he shut up and left. There's no need to put up with it.

I guess you're using a bioidentical estrogen for safety?

Yes, and oh wow the results.. and feeling at peace inside.. what a difference.

I will remember that, but it hurt something fierce all the same.

Veronica J

Quote from: PurplePelican on September 12, 2018, 04:58:03 PM
My son-in-law presented to an ER in Melbourne (Box Hill) with a possible DVT, as a priority case, he was seen very quickly. But then, it was fairly clear even without a scan that he had one.

thats good, but temps of 41 is so close to convulsing (gen happens around 42 deg) and panadol wasnt doing bugger all. death can easily occur from those high temps.

also with muscle pain, i am too used muscle pain. see i grew up with scoliosis, scheuermann's disease (caught early and well lots of work). that year i grew 1 foot in height, most painful year ever.... so i have become very tolerant of the pain and gen just don't feel it (people can see and feel the muscles all knotted and looks painful, i don't feel a thing). and when i do, i know stuff is bad and have it checked... cause one time i didn't and pulled my back muscles at work. which in turn shifted a vertebrae in my lower back.  the only reason i got it checked is i drove home after work and simply couldn't get out of the car.. legs command to move nothing, could still feel my feet tho...when i got a MRI, the specialist came out and poked my toes. i was like why r u doing that? He responded because i am amazed you can feel it considering the distance the vertebrae has shifted. apparently most who have vertebrae shift that far are paralysed to some degree.

lots of chiro, two weeks later back popped back into place and all good since that day. tho i take extreme care when lifting or doing heavy work..

Maid Marion

Good to hear you are alright.  I have a very high pain threshold.  I broke my ankle and didn't have it set until a couple days later, after seeing my GP and getting a referral. :o

Veronica J

Quote from: Maid Marion on September 12, 2018, 06:50:55 PM
Good to hear you are alright.  I have a very high pain threshold.  I broke my ankle and didn't have it set until a couple days later, after seeing my GP and getting a referral. :o
