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Night shift ageing and hrt

Started by Chloe_freebird, September 23, 2018, 05:25:31 PM

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Hi all I've been working night shift for around 12 years and prity much straight out of school .
I've been doing alot of reading about how night shift ages you rapidly after long term working
But for me I've always been clocked slightly younger than I am though my hair was loosing pigments and receeding but that was hereditary (fixed now) and all health check ups are always fine including 20/20 vision.
Since starting hrt over past 2 and half months I've noticed that my ageing has reversed further getting clocked around age 22 (I'm turning 30 in 2 weeks)  and my skin is almost glowing  though not a terrorable amount of femanisation yet though I am on low dose and seeing my endo soon
Sory for long message but I'm wondering If there are others out there with similar experiences as from everywhere I read on internet seems that it's the opisit to my experiences and not alot of of info on effects of hrt and night shift

Regards Chloe

Started hrt 3/7/2018!
Came out to team at work 15/8/18


Allison S

I never worked night shift but I've always been up very early in the morning. I also wake up in the middle of the night countless times until I'm just wide awake. That's almost every night for me.
Still, I try to get sleep somehow when I feel tired. I kinda think what's important is that the body is well rested.
I've also had people tell me that I look younger than my age which is 28. Once I had someone think I'm 18, which was a bit of a stretch from the usual guess other people make...

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Hi Chloe,
                Listen to your body. If you have trouble bouncing back from long hours or feel chronically tired - it may well be bad for you. If you feel naturally bouyant and bounce back easily from a shift swing then you are probably doing no harm

PS You look exquisite too!

Kind regards, Kirsten[emoji126]

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As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


The main reason that working nights ages someone is due to the lack of sleep. Many people will flip to a daytime schedule on their days off and not get enough deep REM sleep.

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Not so sure about the night shift. Been years since I did that. I can say that HRT has taken at least ten years off my the age people clock me at though. :) A nice side effect.
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Thank you all for your responses
Yes sometimes it's hard to bounce back from the hours but not too much eg the first 20 mins of working is alittle tiresome but suddenly awakening  as for day mode eg weekends  I found sleep for around 4 hours after work then go to normal 8 hour sleeping pattern at night.
From what I have read hrt does seem to rejuvanate age which definitely is a nice side effect


Started hrt 3/7/2018!
Came out to team at work 15/8/18


Allison S

Oh I think you're good then. Sounds like you do get plenty of sleep in a given day? But if working night shifts bothers you and you're able to request a change at your job, then that's something you should look in to. If it's what you want

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you're very lucky. I've done nights for the last 18 years or so and when I compare myself to people my age, I look much much worse.
I have deeper wrinkles, sallow skin and eye bags on purple eye bags.

so I'm happy for you, and in my case it's the opposite


MissKatie I'm sory to hear that do you work long hours or many days a week? I try to get a 30 min rest mid shift to get through the night it really helps alot

I wish I could change the hours but unfortunately I have a massive morgage thats about it get worse as I'm trying to but my ex partner out of our house...

Started hrt 3/7/2018!
Came out to team at work 15/8/18



I've worked night shift for many years, most of my career, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I work from 2:30 to 11 pm, I wake up whenever, and I generally don't hate nights. I've worked midnight shift (10:30 pm to 7 am) before and it was exhausting at first. after a week, I got used to it. That shift sucked the life out of me because I had kids at the time.
Be your own master, not the slave to illusion;
The lord of your own life, not the servant to falsities;
Only then will you realize your true potential and shake off the burdens of your fears and doubts.



Quote from: Chloe_freebird on September 26, 2018, 12:12:36 PM
MissKatie I'm sory to hear that do you work long hours or many days a week? I try to get a 30 min rest mid shift to get through the night it really helps alot

I wish I could change the hours but unfortunately I have a massive morgage thats about it get worse as I'm trying to but my ex partner out of our house...

12 hours a night usually five nights a week, sometimes different. tonight is my eighth night in a row.

it's a killer :/

I get what you're saying about big bills. my rent is sky high and it's crippling to exist but then I sm not on HRT yet :)